
317; Pure, to Secure Delivery of, in Boston, xliii, 62; Pure for Babies in Rochester, xxxix, 262; Sterilized, Value of, Strauss, xxxix, 96; Watered, Geisler, xl, 119; Goats, xlvi, 432; Inspection in Leipsig, Warner, xlvi, 140; in Paris and Berlin, xlvii, 527.

Milk, To Stop the Secretion of, xxv, 89.

Milk Baths as a Remedy, xxxvi, 251.

Milk Food, Detoil, xii, 313; xiii, 61, 430; xv, 526; xxi, 380.
Milk Jelly, xii, 381.

Milk Should Be Boiled Before Being Fed to Infants, Nocard, xxi, 380.

Milk With Lime Water, E. N. Chapman, vii, 155.

Milk of Magnesia, v, 190.

Milk Poisoning, Douglass, xxxviii, 128.

Milk Pollution, Huff, xxxviii, 405.

Milk Sugar, Leeds, xi, 325.

Milk Beer, v, 153.

Milk Vendor, Conviction of, iv, 138.

Millermaine, xi, 327.

Milling, Influence of on Health, Campbell, xi, 780.

"Millions for Tribute," etc., St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, xi, 41. Miller, J. F., School Hygiene, v, 208; Expert Testimony, vi, 59. Miller, J. C., Relation of the Physician to Sanitation, xix, 107. Milner, U. R., Common Sense View of Public and International Hygiene, xix, 207.

Mills, H. R., Local Health Administration, xliv, 31.

Mills, W. A., Tomato Poisoning, xxiv, 400.
Milwaukee Health Report, vi, 237; vii, 473.

Mine, The, Boyian, xxxix, 348.

Mineral Springs of America, Bell, xxxv, 451; Geographical Dis-
tribution of, A. C. Peale, xxxv, 257; xxxvi, 236.—Mineral
Springs of Alabama, xxxvi, 102; of Connecticut, xxxvii, 223;
of Georgia, xxx, 337, of North Carolina, 521; xxxi, 47; and
Pine Forests, of South Carolina, xxx, 415; of Rhode Island,
xxxvii, 104; of Virginia, xxxi, 51, 151, 289; of New York,
XXXV, 12, 118; of Maine, xxxv, 234; of New Hampshire,
xxxv, 326; of Vermont, xxxv, 425; of Florida, xxxv, 528; of
Louisiana, xxxviii, 307; of Mississippi, xxxviii, 219; of
Michigan, xxxix, 113, Minnesota, 321, Wisconsin, 205: Bell.
Mineral Waters, xxx, 129, Classification of, Bell, 261.
Mineral Waters, Artificial vs. Natural, x, 364.

Mineral Waters, Natural History of, Maurin, xxxiii, 203.
Mineral Waters, Therapeutic Value of, xvii, 129.

Mineral Wool, xxxix, 434.

Mines, Accidents in, xix, 106.

Minneapolis, Sanitary Conference, xi, 28; Diphtheria in, xxxv, 276; A. P. H. Association Meeting, xliii, 516.

Mining Mortality, vi, 161.

Minnesota for Health, iii, 224; Climate and Mineral Waters, Bell,

xxxix, 321.

Minnesota, Medical Practice in, xii, 82.

Minor, James Moore, Obituary of, vii, 224.
Minutes Worth Saving, xvi, 455.

Mirth and Jollity, xv, 74.

Miserable, How to Be, xlvi, 531.

Misquotations, xxxv, 478.

Missing Link, The, Allen, xxiv, 475.

Missions and Missionaries in China, xlv, 192; Protestant, Foreign, in the Nineteenth Century, xlvi, 382. Mississippi Mineral Springs, Bell, xxxviii, 219.

Mississippi River, Unsanitary Effects of Overflow of, Day, xix, 195; as a Sewer, Hertzell, xxxv, 411.

Mississippi Valley Sanitary Council, x, 311, 344; xi, 191, 250, 518.

Mississippi Valley Medical Association, xxxvii, 192; xxxix, 288;

xlvii, 192.

Mistakes of Small Towns, Bashore, xl, 324.

Mistaken This Time, xlv, 427.

Mitchell, J. M., Legislative Control of Dangerous Electoral Currents, xxiii, 48.

Mitchell, Henry, Review of Sanitary Progress, xliii, 518.

Mitchell, John, Plumbing and Sanitation, xxxiv, 35.

Mitchell, S. Weir, Institute of Hygiene, Univ. of Penn., xxviii, 289; Tribute to Dr. Jacobi's Poem, xliv, 540.

Mitra, A., Cholera and Kashmir, xxx, 424.

Mivart, St. G., Diphtheria and Unsanitary Conditions, xxxix, 412.
Mobile, Sanitation for, xxxix, 265.

Mode of Inflicting the Death Penalty, Packard, vi, 360.
Model Health Ordinances, ix, 129.

Model Tenement House, v, 253.

Modern Boards of Health, Prof. Brewer, vii, 241; viii, 491.

Modern Education, Prof. Mahaffy, xxxix, 564.

Modern Medicine: Its Status in Modern Society, H. O. Hitch

cock, i, 191.

Modern Sewerage Systems, xxxiv, 419.

Modern Surgery, Triumphs of, xli, 556.

Modern Treatment of Tuberculosis, Review of, Brooks, xliv, 525. Modest or Immodest, x, 147.

Moffett's "Bridge Builder," xlvi, 568.

Moisture, Regulation of in Rooms, Brackett, xi, 714; Atmospheric and Artificial Heating, Wilson, xliii, 399.

Molasses, xlvi, 66.

Molière, Thermo-Electric Baths, vi, 191.

Money, Burdens of Industrial Classes, Bell, xi, 641.
Money, How to Save, xxvii, 117.

Monjaras, Hygienic Instruction in School, xxxiv, 200; Sanitaria

to Prevent Chloris, xxxv, 521.

Money Value of Lives, vi, 169.

Monocular Diplopia, xxviii, 148.

Montclair Sanitary Association, iii, 144, 183.

Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, xxxiv, 494.

Montizambert, F., Utility of Quarantine, as Now Conducted in

Canada, xxix, 414.

Monument to Claude Bernard, viii, 428.

Monument to Dr. Horace Wells, iii, 336.

Monopolies and Corruption, ix, 589.

Montgomery, L. H., State Medicine, xxxv, 37.

Montizambert, F., Quarantine Regulations of Canada, xix, 432; Presidential Address, A. P. H. Association, xxvii, 481.

Monro, A. C., Public Health Administration in England and Scotland, xli, 385.

Monroe, Judge, Illegality of State Laws for Support of Quarantine, xi, 101.

Montford, C. J., Inventions to Prevent Fires, xi, 601.

Montreal, Public Health in, La Berge, xxxiv, 206.

Moore, E. M., Progress of Sanitary Legislation, xxiv, 481. Moore, H. B., Influence of High Altitudes Upon Hereditary Tuberculosis, xxvii, 442.

Moore, G. T., Algæ as a Cause of Contamination of Drinking Water, xliv, 900.

Moore, W. P., Potassium Permanganate as an Antidote to Mor

phine, xxxii, 326.

Moore, V. A., Diphtheria Epidemic, xlv, 500.

Moore, J. W., Seasonal Prevalence of Pneumonia, xix, 228.

Moral Culture, E. O. Haven, vi, 455.

Moral and Social Science in Schools, vi, 288.

Moral Standard, The True, xxxvii, 564.

Morbid Effects of Alcohol, W. H. Dickinson, i, 224.

Morbid Impulse, ii, 201, 282.

Morbus Sabaticus, xxxvi, 94.

More About Garden City as a City of Health, v, 273.
More About Long Island Rapid Transit, vi, 323.
More About the Town Pump, vii, 426.

More Than He Expected, xlvi, 523.

Morgan, J. A., Personal Identity, v, 21, School Hygiene, 155, Experts on Legal Proceedings, 268.

Morphinomaniacs, xxv, 271.

Morning Repose or Roosters? xxxiv, 442.

Morris, John, Scarlatina, i, 500; iv, 541; Vaccination, ii, 308, Burns and Scalds, 409; Pure Water, vi, 170; Poisoning by Illuminating Gas, ix, 185; Milk Supply in Large Cities, xi, 737; Proper Disposal of the Dead, xvi, 50; xviii, 611. Morris, Moreau, Defective Drainage, i, 49, 97, 208, 303, 535; Biometry, iii, 178; Danger of Lead Pipes, iii, 61; Duty of the Health Department, v, 162; Home Sanitation, xxxiv, 385; More About the Public Rain Baths, xxxvii, 3; Public Baths Essential to Public Health, xxxvii, 197.

Morris, Robert T., Peroxide of Hydrogen, xxvi, 508; Sanitary Condition of New York City.

Morristown, Unsanitary Conditions of, xiii, 467.

Morrow, Prince A., Source of Leprosy, xii, 127.

Morse, A. B., Dwellings for Working Men in Glasgow, xxxv, 311. Morse, W. F., Disposal of Waste and Garbage, xxvii, 505; xxxi, 512; xxxiv, 137, 223, 297; Utilization of City Refuse, xlii, 221; Disinfection and Sterilization, xlii, 343; Refuse Disposal, xliii, 482.

Mort, ii, 34.

Mortality Among Seamen and Soldiers in the French Colonies, xxii, 466; in the Navy, Vincent, xxxviii, 348.

Mortality Statistics, Class, xix, 544.

Mortality, Comparative, London and Paris, xvi, 282.

Mortality of the Jews, xx, 563.

Mortality of Liquor Dealers, Wallace, xix, 312.

Mortality Rates at Different Ages, in France, xxix, 165.

Mortality of White and Colored Races, Relative, Upshur, xiii, 514. Mortality in India, Caused by Wild Beasts, xx, 335. Mortality in Relation to Occupation, xxviii, 162. Mortality Statistics Abroad, xii, 89, 181, 371, 471, 557; xiii, 82... 559; xiv, 91...567; xv, 93...468; xvi, 91...566; xviii, 92 ..570; xxii, 174...465; in England and Other Foreign Countries, xxiii, 83, 169; for the Year 1892, xxx, 369; for

the First Quarter, 1893, xxxi, 75; xxxv, 371; and in Succeeding Volumes.

Mortality, What Do the Doctors Know About? xliv, 471.

Mortality Statistics of Diphtheria Since the Serum Treatment,
Monod, xxxvi, 156.

Mortality Statistics of Emigrants in Transit, xii, 558.

Mortality Due to Accidents, xxiii, 374.

Mortality, Army and Navy, Corbally, xii, 355; in the Navy, 1892, xxx, 228; Vincent, xxxviii, 348; in the Army, xliv, 82.

Mortality of Brakemen, ix, 562.

Mortality of Children, Firks, xvii, 64.

Mortality Due to the Hurricane in Porto Rico, in 1899, xlvii, 281. Mortality of Inebriates, Crothers, x, 220.

Mortality of Infants Under One Year of Age, Ratio of, xix, 305; in Relation with Dwellings of the Poor, White, xxiii, 506. Mortality of the Insured, iii, 90, 103.

Mortality of Plumbers, xl, 438.

Mortality and Morbidity Reports and Reviews, iii, 141...416,

and Monthly in Succeeding Volumes; At Home and Abroad for 1866, xviii, 379; In the Spanish Army, vii, 36; in New York City, x, 153, 235; Tracy, xxiii, 63; from Zymotic Diseases, xi, 61; in the United States, Census Report 1880, xi, 351; Census Report 1890, xxiii, 82; Census Report 1900, xlvii, 461; Among the Negroes, Le Hardy, xxxvii, 492; Effect of Hard Times on, xxxvii, 244; on West Coast of Africa, xxxvii, 556; Forecasts of the Century's Work Upon Mortality, Kober, xlvii, 119.

Mortality from Suicide, xxxix, 175.

Mortality from Tuberculosis in German Cities, Chancellor, xxxvi, 293.

Mortality Statistics and Influences, Janeway, xii, 158.

Morton, Thomas, Heredity in Inebriety, xxxv, 331.
Mosel, J., Prevention of Mental Diseases, xliv, 40, 99.
Mosher, Elizer, M. D., xxxvi, 382.

Mosquitoes, A Treatise on, L. O. Howard, xlv, 336; as a Cause
of Elephantiasis, xlv, 336; and Malaria, Bastionelli, xliii, 239;
Relation of to Malaria, xlii, 357; Destruction of with Kero-
sene, xliii, 69; Wants America to Kill, Dr. Manson, xlv, 515;
Spread of Yellow Fever by, xlv, 535; Remedy Against, xlvi,
433; To Prevent from Biting, xlvi, 445; The War Upon,
Doty, xlvii, 268.

Mosquito Inoculation, xlv, 85.

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