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Tin play minutes which at my sleeping, a portrait HE last minutes which Nelson passed at Merton were employed

of Lady Hamilton hung in his cabin; and no Catholic ever beheld the picture of his patron saint with more devout reverence. The undisguised and romantic passion with which he regarded it amounted almost to superstition; and when the portrait was now taken down, in clearing for action, he desired the men who removed it to "take care of his guardian angel.” In this manner he frequently spoke of it, as if he believed there was a virtue in the image. He wore a miniature of her also next to his heart.


Levi L Barbour

Bequest 11-18-27


LORD NELSON AND LADY HAMILTON OBERT SOUTHEY, poet laureate, and conservative churchman wrote the Life of Nelson, wrote it on stolen time -sandwiched in between essays and epics. And now behold it is the one effort of Southey that perennially survives, and is religiously read-his one claim to literary immortality.

Murray, the original Barabbas, got together six magazine essays on Lord Nelson, and certain specific memoranda from Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson's sisters, and sent the bundle with a check for one hundred pounds to Southey asking him to write the "Life," and have it ready inside of six weeks, or return the check and papers by bearer.

Southey needed the money-he had his own family to support and also that of Coleridge who was philosophizing in Germany. Southey needed the money! Had the check not been sent in advance Southey would have declined the commission. Southey began the work in distaste, warmed to it, got the right focus on his subject, used the wife of Coleridge as 'prentice talent and making twice as big a book as he had expected, completed it in just six weeks.

Other men might have written lives of Lord Nelson but they did not, and all who write on Lord Nelson now, paraphrase Southey.

And thus are great literary reputations won on a fluke Ꮽ Ꮽ

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