
that a dictionary has in literature. The mean annual temperature of a given station, and the occurrence of a certain plant in a certain locality, are facts of kinds that must enter extensively into the relationships with which geography deals; but these facts, standing alone, are wanting in the essential quality of mature geographical science. Not only so; many facts of these kinds may, when treated in other relations, enter into other sciences; for it is not so much the thing that is studied as the relation in which it is studied that determines the science to which it belongs.

There can be no just complaint of narrowness in a science that has charge of all the relations among the elements of terrestrial environment and the items of organic response. Indeed, the criticism usually made upon the subject thus defined is, as has already been pointed out, that it is too broad, too vaguely limited and too much concerned with all sorts of things to have sufficient unity and coherence for a real science. Some persons, indeed, object that geography has no right to existence as a separate science; that it is chiefly a compound of parts of other sciences; but if it be defined as concerned with the relationships that have been just specified, these objections have little force. It is true, indeed, that the things with which geography must deal are dealt with in other sciences as well, but this is also the case with astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, botany, zoology, history, economics, and other sciences. There is no subject of study the facts of which are independent of all other subjects; not only are the same things studied under different sciences, but every science employs some of the methods and results of other sciences. The individuality of a science depends not on its having to do with things that are cared for by no other science, or on its employing methods that are used in no other science, but on its studying these things and employing these methods in order to gain its own well-defined object. Chemistry, for example. is concerned with the study of material substances in relation to their constitution, but it constantly and most properly employs physical and mathematical methods in reaching its ends. Botanists and zoologists are much interested in the chemical composition and physical action of plants and animals, because the facts of composition and action enter so largely into the understanding of plants and animals considered as living beings. Overlappings of the kind thus indicated are common enough, and geography, as well as other sciences, exhibits them in abundance. It may be that geography has a greater amount of overlapping than any other science; but no valid objection to its content can be made on that ground; the maximum of overlapping must occur in one science or another-there can be no discredit to the science on that account. Geography has to do with rocks the origin of which is studied in geology; with the currents of the atmosphere, the processes of which exemplify general laws that are studied in physics; with plants and animals, the forms and manner of growth of which are the first care of the botanist and zoologist; and with man, whose actions recorded in order of time occupy the historian; but the particular point of view from which the geographer studies all these things makes them as much his own property as they are the property of anyone else.

SOME UNSOLVED PROBLEMS OF ORGANIC ADAPTATION.1 The recent impulse which has come to biologic progress by experimental methods, and the remarkable results which have been attained thereby, may without exaggeration be said to have raised anew many an earlier doubt as well as brought to light problems apparently beyond the scope of the older explanations. It may not, therefore, be an extravagant assumption to announce the entire question of organic adaptations as open for reconsideration, in the light of which no apology will be necessary for directing attention to certain phases of the subject upon the present


Among the many problems which recent investigations and conclusions have brought into better perspective as well as sharper definition, and which might profitably be discussed, the limits of a single address preclude any very wide range of review. I have, therefore, chosen to restrict my discussion chiefly to problems of coloration among lower

1 Abridged from an address delivered before the Section of Zoology of the American Association by Prof. C. W. Hargitt.

invertebrates, including incidental references to correlated subjects, and the probable limitations of colour as a factor in organic adaptation.

As is perfectly well known, colour in nature is due to one of two causes, or to a combination of both, namely, (1) what has been termed optical or structural conditions, such as diffraction, interference or unequal reflection of light, examples of which are familiar in the splendid hues of the rainbow, the iridescent sheen and metallic colours of the feathers of many birds, wings of insects, &c. (2) What are known as pigmentary colours, due to certain material substances lodged within the tissues of animals or plants which have the property of absorbing certain elements of light and of reflecting others, and thereby producing the sensation of colour. While the two are physically quite distinct it is not unusual to find them associated in producing some of the most exquisite colour effects of which we have knowledge. In a general way one may usually distinguish between these two sorts of colour by noting that those which are purely optical in their character produce a constantly changing impression as the relative position of object or observer may happen to vary with reference to the angle and direction of light; while, upon the other hand, colours which are due to pigments show this property very slightly or not at all, and that, moreover, pigment colours are usually more or less soluble in various reagents, such as alcohol, ether, acids, alkalies, &c., and that they often fade rapidly under the influence of strong light or in its absence, or upon the death of the organism.

The work of Krukenburg, MacMun, Macallum, M'Kendric, Hopkins, Urech, Eisig, Cunningham, and a host of others, comprising a mass of literature of enormous proportions, will be available to those interested, and may afford some faint conception of the magnitude and importance of the field to be explored, as well as an introduction to that already made available. And while as a result of this activity many and various organic pigments have been isolated and their composition in part or entirely made known, it must be recognised that the task of the chemical analysis of any such highly complex compounds as most of these are known to be is attended with extreme difficulty and no small measure of uncertainty. Still, it has been possible fairly to distinguish several classes of such pigments, differentiated physiologically as follows:

(1) Those directly serviceable in the vital processes of the organism. Under this head may be classed such pigments as hæmoglobin, chlorophyll, zoonerythrin, chlorocruorin, and perhaps others less known. It need not be emphasised that by far the most important of these are the two first named. The others, found chiefly among the lower invertebrates, are believed to serve a function similar to the first.

(2) Waste products. Among these the several biliary products are too well known to call for special note. Guanin is a pigment of common occurrence in the skin of certain fishes, and is associated with the coloration of the species. Similarly certain colouring matters have been found in the pigments of many Lepidoptera, known as lepidotic acid, a substance closely allied to uric acid, and undoubtedly of the nature of a waste product.

(3) Reserve products. Of these there are several series, one of which, known as lipochrome pigments, is associated with the metabolism involved in the formation of fats and oils. Perhaps of similar character are such pigments as carmine, or rather cochineal, melanin, &c. It may be somewhat doubtful whether these pigments do not rather belong to the previous class, where should probably be listed such products as hæmatoxylin, indigo, &c., all of which have been claimed as resultants of destructive metabolism in process of

being eliminated from the physiologically active tissues of the body of the organism. Of similar character is probably tannic acid, a substance well known among plant products and involved in the formation of many of the brownish and and allied trees, as are the lipochromes in the formation of rusty colours of autumn foliage, particularly of the oaks the reds and yellows which form so conspicuous a feature among autumn colours.

While the association of these and other pigmentary matters has long been known in connection with both animal and plant growth, and while the conception of their more or less intimate relation to the active metabolism of the various tissues is not new, comparatively little has been

done toward directly investigating and elucidating the exact nature and extent of the process. This seems to be especially the case in relation to the part played by these products in the formation of those features of coloration among organisms with which we are now concerned.

From considerations of researches connected with various organisms three things seem to be more or less evident :(1) That in all regenerative processes a very marked degree of metabolism is involved, whether in the mere metamorphosis of old tissues into new, or in the direct regeneration of new tissues by growth processes, both of which

seem to occur.

(2) That in regenerative processes there is often associated the development of pigmentary substances which seem to have no direct function in relation thereto.

(3) That in many cases there follows a more or less active excretion and elimination of portions of the pigment in question.

In the present review I have not in the least sought to ignore or discredit the value of natural selection as a factor in organic evolution. Nor would I be understood as wholly discarding colour as a factor in organic adaptation, particularly among the higher and more specialised forms, but rather to show its limits. At the same time I must submit to a growing conviction that its importance has been largely overestimated, and that other factors have been as largely lost sight of. If the present discussion may serve in even the smallest degree to direct attention to some of the latter it will have served its chief purpose.


CAMBRIDGE.-An examination in tropical medicine and hygiene will be held during the year 1904. The examination will begin on August 9, and extend over three days. The examination will have reference to the nature, incidence, prevention, and treatment of the epidemic and other diseases prevalent in tropical countries. Every candidate who passes the examination to the satisfaction of the examiners will receive from the university a diploma testifying to his knowledge and skill in tropical medicine and hygiene. All applications for information respecting the examination should be addressed to Mr. G. H. F. Nuttall, Pathological Laboratory, Cambridge.

THE Education Committee of the Manchester City Council has unanimously resolved to recommend that a grant of 400ol. be given from the city rates in aid of the University of Manchester.

It is announced in Science that Prof. John Hays Hammond has added 10,000l. to his previous gift of 10,000l. for a metallurgical laboratory of Yale University, and that by the will of the late James A. Woolson Boston University will ultimately receive 120,000l., Radcliffe College 60,000l., and the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Mass., 60,000l.

MR. P. N. RUSSELL, who for many years carried on extensive engineering works in Sydney, but has latterly resided in London, has made a further donation of 50,000l. for an additional endowment to the School of Engineering at the University of Sydney. Mr. Russell originated this school about seven years ago by an endowment of 50,000l. LORD KELVIN will distribute the prizes at the Northampton Institute, London, on Friday, February 26. students' conversazione will be held on the same evening, and will be continued on the evening of Saturday, February 27, when the building will be thrown open to the whole of


the members and students of the institute and their friends.

THE annual report of the Carnegie Trust for the universities of Scotland was submitted to the trustees at their third annual meeting, which was held in London on Friday last. The report states that the scheme of allocation for five years of an annual grant of 40,000l. among the four Scottish universities became operative on January 1, 1903. Of the grant for the year ended December 31, 1903, sums amounting to 20,325. have been claimed and handed over. One chair has been founded and its first occupant appointed


-the Burnett Fletcher chair of history and archæology in the University of Aberdeen. Of the sum of 20,000l. required for the endowment of this chair, donations amounting to about 12,000l. have been received from the Burnett trustees, Mrs. Fletcher, and others. The ordinance instituting a chair of geology in the University of Glasgow has been approved by Parliament, and it is expected that a professor will be appointed before next winter session, when the accumulations in hand of the annual grant of 2000l. assigned towards the endowment of this chair will be available, together with such portion of the future annual grants may be needed to complete the endowment fund of 15,000l., half of which is provided by the Bellahouston trustees and others. In the University of St. Andrews two lectureships-in French and in botany-have been established, each with an endowment of 10,000l. Under the scheme of endowment of post-graduate study and research the committee has made the first awards. The estimated outlay under this head for the academic year 1903-4 is 35241., of which the sum of 18281. was expended within the year 1903. The committee has entered into an agreement with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh by which the trust has purchased the property and laboratory of the college in Forrest Road, Edinburgh, for 10,000l., on the understanding that the College of Physicians and the College of Surgeons continue their present annual contributions of 750l. and 200l. respectively to the working of the laboratory.

THE second annual report of the executive committee in connection with the fund for advanced university education and research at University College, London, was presented at the annual general meeting of the members of the college on February 24. It will be remembered that the two main purposes of the fund are:-(1) to raise the sum of 200,000l. to bring about the incorporation of University College in the University of London, and thus to promote the unification of university studies in London; (2) To provide the sum necessary to equip and endow University College adequately for its work as an integral part of the University of London. For this purpose it was estimated that a capital sum of 800,000l. was required, or an income corresponding to such capital sum. For the first of these purposes the committee has raised 141,000l., leaving a balance of 59,000l. necessary to enable the conditions of incorporation to be fulfilled. Since August 31, 1903, a most important addition has been made to the fund owing to the munificence of an anonymous donor, who, through Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S., and Dr. Page May, promised the sum of 50,000l. This sum, together with additional subscriptions received since the date mentioned, brings the total amount raised up to 167,2871., of which 141,000l. is available for the purpose of incorporation and the balance of 26,000l. for the endowment and equipment of the college. It will be seen that while considerable progress has been made, much remains to be done to realise the whole scheme. It is desirable that the remainder of the money necessary for incorporation should be raised without delay in order to make it possible for a Bill to be introduced in the House of Commons next session. The report of the council of University College presented on the same occasion contains, in addition to full financial statements for the year 1902cations completed by members of the staff of the college 1903, an exhaustive list of original papers and other publiduring the same period, and also particulars of the postgraduate courses of lectures and laboratory work during the present session.

THE secretaries of the Royal Society have addressed a letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford directing attention to a resolution adopted by the president and council of the Royal Society :-" That the universities be respectfully urged to consider the desirability of taking such steps in respect of their regulations as will, as far as possible, ensure that a knowledge of science is recognised in schools and elsewhere as an essential part of general education." Enclosed with the letter was a statement regarding scientific education in schools, drawn up by a committee of the Royal Society, and both are printed in the Oxford University Gazette. The statement points out that "it still remains substantially true that the public schools have devised for themselves no adequate way of assimilating

into their system of education the principles and methods of science,' ," and goes on to urge that the universities can do much to promote and encourage improvement in these matters. It is suggested that the universities might expand and improve their general tests, so as to make these correspond with the education, both literary and scientific, which a student, matriculating at the age of nineteen years, should be expected to have acquired. Commenting on these communications from the Royal Society, Prof. Case, in a letter to the Times, remarks" that the real contention is that while Greek is not, science' is, an essential part of general education." But as his letter shows, Prof. Case means by "science some single subject such as mechanics, whereas the Royal Society is pleading for instruction in the methods of science. It may fairly be asserted that no general education can be complete in which scientific method takes no part; yet, in the past, there has been a compulsory examination in Greek and none in science. Though men of science do not ask for compulsory examinations in single subjects of science, nor advocate these as essential parts of the school curriculum, yet they urge strongly that the spirit of scientific observation and inquiry should be fostered because it promotes both the material and the intellectual progress of the nation.

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Royal Society, June 18, 1903. (Received in revised form January, 1904.)- "The Longitudinal Stability of Aerial Gliders." By G. H. Bryan, Sc.D., F.R.S., and W. E. Williams, B.Sc., University College of North Wales.

The object of the investigations was (1) to show that the longitudinal stability of aeroplane systems can be made the subject of mathematical calculation; (2) to direct the attention of those interested in the problem of artificial flight to the necessity of acquiring further experimental knowledge concerning the quantities on which this stability is shown to depend.

The conclusions reached were as follows:

(1) For a glider or other body moving in a vertical plane in a resisting medium of any kind whatever, the small oscillations about a state of uniform rectilinear motion are determined by an equation of the fourth degree, so that the conditions for stable steady motion are those obtained by Routh.

(2) The coefficients in the period equation involve, in addition to the ordinary dynamical constants, nine quantities Xu .. G, which, when referred to rectangular axes fixed in the body, represent the differential coefficients of the forces and couple due to the aërial resistances with respect to its translatory and rotatory velocity components.

(3) In the case of a system of aeroplanes these nine quantities can be expressed for the separate planes in terms of f'(a) and p'(a), where f(a) and (a) are functions determining the resultant thrust, and the position of the centre of pressure when the direction of the relative motion of the air makes an angle a with the plane. These functions have been tabulated for certain different forms of surfaces, but further data are greatly needed.

(4) The longitudinal stability of the gliders is thus seen to be capable of mathematical investigation, and it is of paramount importance that the present methods should be practically applied to any aerial machines that may be designed or constructed before any actual glides are attempted.

(5) The methods of calculation are exemplified by numerical determinations of the criterion of stability in the cases of a single plane lamina, and a pair of planes one behind the other. Most of the calculations have been performed for an angle of gliding of 10° with the horizon, and it has been necessary to assume arbitrary values for the moment of inertia of the lamina.

(6) The condition that any steady linear motion may be stable in all these cases assumes the form V2>ka, where a is a constant depending on the linear dimensions of the glider, and k is a constant depending on its shape, the angle of gliding and the law of aërial resistance.

(7) For a pair of narrow slats, in which the variations in the positions of the centres of pressure of each are

neglected, certain coefficients of stability vanish if the slats are in the same plane. If the planes are square so that the displacements of the centres of pressure are not neglected, the system is in general less stable than a single square plane.

(8) By inclining the planes at a small angle to each other the stability is much increased. On the other hand, if they are made to slope away from each other, the glider becomes unstable.

(9) Two square planes of equal size placed one behind the other at a small angle are less stable in the examples considered than a square of the same size as one of the two, but more stable than a single square the side of which is equal to the total length of the glider formed by the pair.

(10) A pair of unequal squares of which the smaller forms a rudder are more stable, in the examples considered, when gliding with the rudder behind than with the rudder in front.

(11) In the examples considered stability is increased by decreasing the moment of inertia of the glider.

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February 4.-"Cultural Experiments with Biologic Forms' of the Erysiphaceæ. By Ernest S. Salmon, F.L.S. Communicated by Prof. H. Marshall Ward, F.R.S. The author points out that through specialisation of parasitism biologic forms" have been evolved in the Erysiphacea, and that the powers of infection, characteristic of each biologic form, are under normal conditions sharply defined and fixed. Hitherto the result of the experiments of numerous investigators-both with regard to the present group of fungi and to the Uredineæ, where the same specialisation of parasitism occurs has been the accumulation of evidence tending to emphasise the immutability of "biologic forms."

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In a series of cultural experiments with 'biologic forms " of Erysiphe Graminis, DC., the author has discovered that under certain methods of culture, in which the vitality of the host-leaf is interfered with, the restricted powers of infection, characteristic of "biologic forms," break down.

In these cultural experiments the leaf, previous to inoculation, was injured by the removal of a minute piece of leaf-tissue, or by touching the epidermis with a red-hot knife. The experiments proved that the range of infection of a biologic form" becomes increased when the vitality of a leaf is affected by injury, so that the conidia of certain biologic forms" are able to infect injured leaves of hostspecies which are normally immune against their attacks. produced on a Further experiments showed that the conidia of the fungus "" cut leaf are able at once to infect uninjured leaves of the same host-species.


The author suggests that injuries to leaves, caused in nature by hail, storms of wind, attacks of animals, &c., may produce the same effect as the artificial injuries described above in rendering the injured leaf susceptible to a fungus otherwise unable to infect it.

Attention is directed to the close parallel between the behaviour of the fungus in the experiments and the biological facts obtaining in the class of parasitic fungi known as wound parasites" (Nectria, Peziza willkommii, &c.).

"On the Effects of Joining the Cervical Sympathetic Nerve with the Chorda Tympani." By J. N. Langley, F.R.S., and H. K. Anderson, M.D.


The experiments have been directed to determine whether the cervical sympathetic, if allowed an opportunity of becoming connected with the peripheral nerve cells in the course of the chorda tympani, will in part change their function from vaso-constrictor to vaso-dilator. superior cervical ganglion in an anesthetised cat was excised and the central end of the cervical sympathetic nerve was joined to the peripheral end of the lingual, which | contains the chorda tympani fibres. After allowing time for union and regeneration of the nerves, the cervical sympathetic was stimulated; it caused prompt flushing of the sub-maxillary glands, and the effect was repeatedly obtained.

The experiment shows (1) that vaso-constrictor nerve fibres are capable of making connection with peripheral vaso-dilator nerve cells, and becoming vaso-dilator fibres. and (2) that whether contraction or inhibition of the un

striated muscle of the arteries occurs on nerve stimulation

depends upon the mode of nerve-ending of the postganglionic nerve fibre.

The cervical sympathetic gave a less scanty and more prolonged secretion than normal, so that some of its nerve fibres had become connected with the peripheral secretory nerve cells of the chorda tympani.

Geological Society, January 20.-Sir Archibald Geikie, Sec.R.S., vice-president, in the chair.-On the jaws of Ptychodus from the Chalk: Dr. A. Smith Woodward, F.R.S. Hitherto no traces of the cartilaginous jaws of this fish have been found in association with the dentition, but recently a specimen of Ptychodus decurrens has been found in the zone of Holaster subglobosus of the Lower Chalk at Glynde. Fragmentary remains of both jaws are seen in the specimen, each bearing characteristic teeth arranged in natural order. There are four series, and one small displaced tooth (probably belonging to the fifth series), on the left of the large median series in the lower jaw, while in the upper jaw the teeth are arranged in six paired series. The specimen proves that Ptychodus resembles the Trygonidae in its jaws. The probable explanation of the new discovery is that in the Cretaceous period the great rays of the families" Myliobatida and Trygonidæ had not become fully differentiated. Prof. Jækel has proposed to place all these fishes in one family, termed Centrobatidæ. If this arrangement be adopted, Ptychodus represents a primitive subfamily, which still awaits definition, while the Trygonina, Myliobatinæ, and Ceratopterinæ are equivalent subfamilies which still survive. -On the igneous rocks at Spring Cove, near Weston-superMare: W. S. Boulton. A traverse from end to end of the exposure at the locality shows that the basalt-mass" is by no means a simple lava-flow. It may be roughly divided into three portions. Beginning at the cliff-end to the north, the rock is a pillowy basalt, with tuff and limestone; then

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the rock is mainly a coarse agglomerate, "with lapilli

and bombs of basalt and limestone; while the remaining part is a basalt-coulée, with few small lumps of burnt limestone. The limestone below is reddened and altered, and does not contain lapilli; the limestone above contains lapilli. The pillowy basalt probably represents a river of agglomeratic material possibly ejected from a vent. The intervening tuff may present an analogy with the "volcanic sand" of the West Indian eruptions. There is no evidence of the quiet deposition of ashy material. The large fragments of limestone found mainly in the lower part of the basalt-mass have not come in from above, but seem to have been picked up from the sea-bed in which it had been accumulating, and to have been involved with and altered by the volcanic material.

February 3-Sir Archibald Geikie, Sec.R.S., vice-president, in the chair.-On a deep-sea deposit from an artesian boring at Kilacheri, near Madras: Prof. H. Narayana Rau. The boring, after penetrating the upper clays and sandstones, passed through carbonaceous shales, and at a depth of about 400 feet reached a blue homogeneous rock, effervescing with acid, and showing radiolarian tests under the microscope. One or two specimens of foraminifera have also been seen. The deposit underlies beds of the Upper Gondwana stage. The author concludes that the deposit is of abysmal origin, similar to those described in the Challenger reports. In the discussion that followed Dr. W. T. Blanford said that he was unable to agree with the author's conclusions, and he objected to the title of the paper, because the rocks described were, in his opinion, not deep-sea deposits. The mineral evidence brought forward was quite insufficient to show that the beds were oceanic, and the presence of radiolaria was no proof by itself of deep-sea conditions.-The Rhætic beds of the South Wales direct line: Prof. S. H. Reynolds and A. Vaughan. After a reference to the literature of the subject the following exposures are described-the Stoke-Gifford and the Lilliput or Chipping-Sodbury sections.

Entomological Society, February 3.-Frof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., president, in the chair.-Mr. A. J. Chitty exhibited two specimens of Ptinus tectus, Boisd., taken by him in a granary in Holborn in the winter of 1892-3, also a complete series of the red Apions to show 4. sanguineum from

the late Frederick Smith's collection. Mr. O. E. Janson exhibited specimens of Papilio weiskei, Ribbe, and Troides meridionalis, Rothschild, recently taken by Mr. A. S. Meek near the Aroa River in the interior of British New Guinea. Mr. E. C. Bedwell exhibited the following species of Coleoptera taken by him in north Wales (on Snowdon) in the first week of August, 1903 :-a fine series of Chrysomela cerealis, L., a pair of them being of the curiously dull form, Anthophagus alpinus, Payk., Acidota crenata, F., Arpedium brachypterum, Grav.; and Quedius longicornis, Kr., hitherto unrecorded from the Principality.-The Rev. F. D. Morice exhibited a series of lantern slides illustrating the structure of concealed ventral segments in males of the hymenopterous genus Colletes.-Mr. W. J. Kaye exhibited a Müllerian association of black and transparent species from the Potaro Road, British Guiana, consisting of Ithomiina, Ithomia zarepha, Ithomia florula, Heterosais sylphis, and Napeogenes, n.sp., Erycinidæ, Stalachtis phaedusa, and Stalachtis evelina, Hypsida, Lauron

partita, Geometrida, Hyrmina, n.sp. The whole of the specimens had been caught on one single forest road, some 170 miles inland. Mr. Kaye directed particular attention to the new species of Napeogenes, and said it was a most remarkable divergence from the usual coloration of the genus Napeogenes as a whole, where orange-yellow and black were the prevailing colours, while the present insect was black and transparent only, and conformed in a wonderful way with many true members of the genus Ithomia. The President exhibited a male and female of Papilio dardanus, captured by Mr. Geo. F. Leigh at Durban in 1902, and examples of the offspring reared from the eggs laid by the female. The latter was of the cenea form, as were the great majority of the female offspring; three, however, were of the black and white hippocoon form. More recently, in 1903, Mr. Leigh had captured a female of the rare trophonius form, and had bred from the seven eggs laid by it five butterflies, of which the two females were both of the commonest cenea form. The female trophonius was also exhibited, together with the five offspring.Captain C. E. Williams read a paper on the life-history and habits of Gongylus gongyloides, a mantis of the tribe Erupasides and a floral simulator, and exhibited a living in the nymph stage, together with coloured drawings, photographs, and lantern slides showing both the adult and immature insect in various positions. The chief features of interest in the exhibitions lay in the peculiar modifications of shape and colouring by which this mantis conceals itself and attacks its prey, which consists of Lepidoptera and Diptera.--Mr. G. A. J. Rothney communicated descriptions of new species of Cryptinæ from the Khasia Hills, Assam, and a new species of Bembex, by Peter Cameron. Mr. M. Burr contributed systematic observations upon the Dermatoptera.—Dr. T. A. Chapman read a paper on a new species of Heterogynis, and exhibited specimens of this and other allied species.-Mr. R. Trimen, F.R.S., read a paper on some new or imperfectly known forms of South African butterflies, and exhibited, among other specimens, illustrating his remarks, typical and aberrational forms of Acraea rahira, Zeritis felthami, a new species, Z. molome, Trim., and Z. damarensis, Trim. ; typical Colias electra, Linn., from Natal, and a remarkable melanic aberration of the same species; also Kedestas tucusa, a very rare and unfigured Hesperiid and from Johannesburg.


Academy of Sciences, February 15.-M. Mascart in the chair. The president announced to the academy the death of M. Callandreau, member of the section of astronomy. -On the simple fundamental solution and the asymptotic expression of temperature in the problem of cooling: J. Boussinesq.-The action of reduced nickel in the presence of hydrogen on halogen derivatives of the fatty series: Paul Sabatier and Alph. Mailhe. It has been shown in a previous paper that in the aromatic series the halogen may be readily replaced by hydrogen by the action of reduced nickel. In the fatty series the action is quite different; the saturated hydrocarbon is not produced, but the alkyl chloride is broken up into hydrochloric acid and the corresponding olefine, these partially recombining, giving secondary and tertiary chlorides where possible. Methyl

chloride behaves in an exceptional manner, giving hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, and carbon. The behaviour of bromine and iodine derivatives is generally similar to that of the chlorine compounds, methyl iodide being exceptional, giving methane and a little ethylene.-On quasi-rational numbers, and ordinary or continued quasi-periodic arithmetical fractions: Edmond Maillet. On the actinium radiation: A. Debierne. A detailed study of the law of disappearance of the emanation of actinium, and also of the decrease of radio-activity induced by this emanation.-The phenomenon of the transmission of the n-rays and its applications: Augustin Charpentier. A description of a series of experiments on the conduction of the n-rays along copper and silver wires. A piece of string, moistened with collodion containing calcium sulphide in suspension, also conducts like a metallic wire.-On the conditions of the indifferent state E. Ariès. On the influence of complex ions in electrolysis by alternating currents: André Brochet and Joseph Petit. With alternating currents there may be the formation of complex ions, disengagement of detonating gas, solution of the electrodes, or oxidation or reduction in cases where the electrolyte is capable of oxidation or reduction.-On y-chloroacetoacetic ester: M. Lespieau. This substance has been previously only obtained mixed with an isomer; by the oxidation of


It is

by a mixture of potassium bichromate and dilute sulphuric acid which furnishes the ketonic ester in a pure state. characterised by its copper salt, which is insoluble in water, but can be crystallised from benzene.-On dichloromethylenedioxypropylbenzene and the carbonate of propylpyrocatechin: R. Delange. The halogen compound is obtained by the interaction of phosphorus pentachloride and dihydrosafrol, and is separated by distillation in a vacuum. It enters very readily into reactions, details of those with water, alcohol, phenol, acetic anhydride, and acetic acid being given.-On the glyoxylic ureides: allantoin and allantoic acid: L. J. Simon.-Some observations in the composition of potato starch: A. Fernbach. Phosphoric acid is an integral constituent of starch grains. Potato starch was separated by levigation into several fractions, corresponding to grains of varying size, and the amount of phosphate in each fraction determined. From the analytical figures thus obtained the conclusion is drawn that the nucleus of each grain is relatively rich in phosphorus, and upon this are gradually superposed layers of starch free from phosphorus.-On a new copal resin and kino, the first furnished by the fruit, the second by the bark of Dipteryx odorata: Edouard Heckel and Fr. Schlagdenhauffen. -Varieties of origin, nature and properties of the soluble active products developed in the course of a bacterial infection: A. Charrin.


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25. ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-Electromotive Phenomena in Mammalian Nonmedullated Nerve: Dr. N. H. Alcock. Further Observations on the Role of the Blood-Fluids in connection with Phagocytosis: Dr. A. E. Wright and Capt. S. R. Douglas.-On Mechanical and Electrical Response in Plants: Prof. J. C. Bose.-On the Compressibility of Solids J. Y. Buchanan, F. R.S.-A Contribution to the Pharmacology of Indian Cobra-venom: Major R. H. Elliot.

ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Electrical Methods of Measuring Temperature: Prof. H. L. Callendar, F. R.S.

INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Transatlantic Engineering Schools and Engineering: Dr. R. M. Walmsley. (Adjourned Discussion)


ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 9.-New Developments in Electric Railways:
Alex. Siemens.
PHYSICAL SOCIETY, at 5.-A New Dilatometer: B. Bonniksen.-A Quartz-
thread Vertical Force Magnetograph: Dr. W. Watson, F.R.S.-On
Stresses in a Magneto-static Field: G. W. Walker.-Some Hints on the
Preparation of Diagrams: Dr. W. Watson. F. R.S.

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Boiler-house Design: L. G.

[blocks in formation]

INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES, at 5.-An Investigation into the Rates of Re-
Marriage and Mortality amongst Widows in Receipt of Relief from the
Patriotic (Russian War) Fund, 1854-1900: J. Burn and J. McDonald.

ROVAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Japanese Life and Character: E. Foxwell.
SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 4.30-Nigeria: Lady Lugard (Miss Flora L. Shaw).
INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Papers to be further discussed:
The Construction of Railway-Wagons in Steel J. D. Twinberrow.-
The Construction of Iron and Steel Railway-Wagons: A. L. Shackle.
ford.-Iron and Steel Railway-Wagons of High Capacity: J. T. Jepson.

SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 8.-Physical Degeneration: Dr. Robert Jones.
and Tas-
at 8.- Notes on Australian
manian Cryptocephalides, with descriptions of New Species: A. M.
Lea. A Revision of the Sub-family Pelidnotinæ of the Coleopterous
family Rutelidæ, with descriptions of New Genera and Species: the late
Frederick Bates, communicated by G. J. Arrow.-On some New Species
of Eastern Australian and African Moths in the British Museum:
Colonel C. Swinhoe.-An Entomological Excursion to Mcncayo, Spain.
G. C. Champion; with some Remarks on the Habits of Xyleborus dispar,
Fabr.: Dr. T. A. Chapman : Further Notes on Hydroptilida belonging to
the European Fauna, with descriptions of New Species: K. J. Morton.
-Discussion: What is a Species? Prof. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., Mr.
H. J. Elwes, F.R.S., Dr. F. A. Dixey and others.


ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.37.- Probable Papers: An Inquiry into the Nature of the Relationship between Sunspot Frequency and Terrestrial Magnetism: Dr. C. Chree, F.R.S-The Optical Properties of Vitreous Silica: J. W. Gifford and W. A. Shenstone, F. R.S.-A Radial Area Scale: R. W. K. Edwards.-The Origin of the Flutings in the Spectra of Antarian Stars: A. Fowler.

ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Electrical Methods of Measuring Temperature: Prof. H. L. Callendar, F.R.S.

RÖNTGEN SOCIETY, at 8.30.-Presidential Address: Some Laboratory Notes of the last Six Months.

LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8.-List of the Species of Carex known to occur in Malaya: C. B. Clarke, F.R.S.-On some Species of the Genus Palamos, Fabr, from Tahiti, Shanghai, New Guinea, and West Africa: Dr. J. G.

de Man. CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 8-Chemical Dynamics of the Alkyl Iodides: Miss K. A. Burke and F. G. Donnan: The Constitution of Phenolphthalein: A. G. Green and A. G. Perkin.-6-Ketohexahydrobenzoic Acid W. H. Perkin, junr.-Photochemically active Chlorine: C. H. Burgess and D. L. Chapman.

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Fish Hypothesis" and the Transmission of
Leprosy. By Prof. R. T. Hewlett.

Our Astronomical Column:—

Observed Changes on the Surface of Mars
The Geographical Distribution of Meteorites
An Atlas of Solar Photographs

Concerning Giraffes. (Illustrated.) By R. L.

A Directed Synthesis of an Asymmetric Compound 401 Barometric Seesaws

The American Association

University and Educational Intelligence Societies and Academies

Diary of Societies






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