Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, Volum 3Whitaker, 1913 |
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Author B.Sc Barnaby Rudge Bible Book Cambridge Cassell's Charles Dickens Chemistry Christian Christmas Church Civil Engineering cloth boards cloth gilt College Colour Plates containing Crown 4to Crown 8vo D.Sc Demy 8vo Dictionary Dombey and Son Elementary England English Epistle Essays Fcap figures French Frontispiece Full-page Garden Geometry GEORGE gilt edges gilt top Gospel Grammar Greek Handbook HENRY History Illus Index India paper Introduction and Notes JAMES James Britten John Large crown 8vo Latin leather Lectures Lessons Litt.D LL.D London M. R. JAMES Manual maps Martin Chuzzlewit Matriculation Mechanical medium 8vo Methods Modern numerous Illustrations Paper covers Ph.D PHIZ Pickwick Papers Poems Portrait Post 8vo Practical Price Prof Revised and Enlarged Royal 8vo School Second Edition Selections Series Sketches by Boz Smith Stories Students Study Testament Text Text-book Third Edition THOMAS Translated Treatise University University of Cambridge Verse vols volume WILLIAM
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Side 59 - Fuertes's Water and Public Health i2mo, i 50 Water-filtration Works. i2mo, 2 50 Ganguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels.
Side 79 - Supplement i2mo, 2 50 Encyclopedia of Founding and Dictionary of Foundry Terms Used in the Practice of Moulding i2mo, 3 oo Eissler's Modern High Explosives 8vo, 4 oo Effront's Enzymes and their Applications.
Side 10 - The First part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke and Lancaster...
Side 6 - SCRIPTURES, &c. The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, with the Text revised by a Collation of its Early and other Principal Editions...
Side 8 - Abide with me ; fast falls the even-tide ; The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide ; When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away : Change and decay in all around I see ; 0 Thou Who changest not, abide with me.
Side 107 - General aims of the Teacher, and Form Management. Two Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in the Lent Term, 1883, by FW FARRAR, DD and RB POOLE, BD Price is.
Side 3 - Crown 8vo. -s. 6d. The New Testament in the Original Greek, according to the Text followed in the Authorised Version, together with the Variations adopted in the Revised Version.
Side 118 - College, and Vicar of Hockington, Cambridgeshire. 7*. 6d. A Chronological List of the Graces, Documents, and other Papers in the University Registry which concern the University Library. Demy 8vo.
Side 54 - All tests shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement...
Side 74 - Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis, with the Notes of Barbeyrac and others ; accompanied by an abridged Translation of the Text, by W. WHEWELL, DD late Master of Trinity College. 3 Vols. Demy Octavo, 1 2 s.