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Jones, W. L., King Arthur in History and Legend. 1/- net and 2/6 net
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The two parts complete in one volume, 18/-

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Part II. 6/-; Part III. 6/


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Kings, i., R. V., ed. H. C. O. Lanchester. 1/6 net .
Kings, i. and ii. (A.V.), ed. J. R. Lumby, C. B. S.
I vol. 3/6 net
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Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, G. Le Strange. 15/

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Latter, O. H., Natural History of some Common Animals. 5/- net
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Law of Nations, History of, T. A. Walker. Vol. I. 10/- net.
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tion 6/- net.

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Syriac Text separately, 8/6 net; Translation separately, 6/6 net
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Love, A. E. H., Differential and Integral Calculus. 5/-.
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