
THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Prepared for Robinson's Progressive Arithmetics. By MALCOM MCVICAR, A.M. New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co.

This treatise presents the " Metric System" in a very clear and satisfactory manner. It also contains several original and important improvements including an abbreviated nomenclature which shortens the French names without sacrificing their expressive and universal character. The most serious objection to the use of the metric system in this country would be largely removed by the general adoption of the improvement here recommended. The author's notation is simple and scientific, and his method of exhibiting the measurement of surfaces, solids, and angles, full and suggestive. An article on "Stocks" is added, including several pages on the different kinds of U. S. Securities, Bonds, etc., with practical examples.

Prof. of Latin in Philadelphia High School. Philadelphia: Eldredge & Brother.


If it be right to make a learner wade through the bloody stream of Cæsar's Gallic war waged for the double purpose of crushing the liberties of an independent nation and paving the way to his own usurpation of power in Rome, no better edition could be put into his hands. But we think that a few extracts from the most interesting portions of the work might suffice, so as to allow a wider range of authors, subjects and styles within the limited time allotted to Latin; in which case it would be needless to subject the scholar to the expense of buying the whole work, as, very probably, he will never look into it again after he leaves school. With that reservation, this text-book is worthy of unqualified praise. The typographical execution is excellent; the notes, which we have carefully examined, are clear, short and to the purpose, telling no more than seems needed to enable the young reader to work his own way along. Points of antiquity and history are succinctly and tersely explained, whenever necessary for the clear understanding of the passage. A prominent feature of these notes is the care taken to explain instances of the subjunctive mood in "Narratio Obliqua '—a beautiful example of which occurs page 111, 20: "qui appropinqua rent." In page 11, 5, we do not quite agree with the editor's constructive analysis; we have no room to explain, but merely call attention to it. Page 225, carcassone should be written with two s's; Cevennes, with a c, page 88, 20." "Sui liberaudi," are glad to see that the editor, unawed by the majesty of sacred antiquity, is not afraid to point out an instance of careless construction, such as we are apt to meet with in the best models of our own literature; for why should even Latin or Greek writers claim exemption from the common lot of humanity—liability to err?

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OUTLINE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE for the School-Room. By CHARLES DAVIES, LL.D., Author of a Full Course of Mathematics. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co.


This little work is an abridgement, with some changes, of the author's larger work, entitled " Logic and Utility of Mathematics"-a work which ought to be in every professional teacher's library. The design of the smaller book is to place the elementary principles of mathematical instruction within the reach of the great body of American teachers. It contains six sections. The first discusses the logic of mathematics; the second presents an outline of the science; the third treats of number, including the Metric System; the fourth, of geometry; the fifth, of analysis; and the sixth, of algebra. The author's treatment of these several topics can but prove of great assistance to the teacher of elementary mathematics.

Book Notices.

PINNEO'S EXERCISES IN FALSE SYNTAX: For the Correction of Errors in the Grammatical Construction of Sentences. By T. S. PINNEO, M.A., M.D. Cincinnati: Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle. 1867.

PINNEO'S EXERCISES IN PARSING AND ANALYSIS: Comprising Selections from Standard Authors, with Copious Explanatory Notes. Same Author and Publishers.

These two works are designed to be used as supplementary and auxiliary books in teaching English grammar. The first presents an extended series of exercises in the corection of errors in language, with rules, explanations, illustrations, cautions, etc. The exercises contain correct as well as incorrect examples-a valuable feature. The pupil's first step is to determine whether the sentence given contaius an error.

The second book contains a great variety of brief exercises for parsing and analysis, selected with special reference to peculiarities of construction requiring attention. The assistance rendered the pupil is largely indirect and suggestive. Difficult passages are restored to their natural order, ellipses are supplied, etc.; and the amount of such assistance is carefully kept within proper limits. To these briefer exercises are added such selections from standard authors as contain superior examples for grammatical study and analysis.

THE YOUNG CITIZEN'S MANUAL. A Text-Book on Government for Schools. By JOSEPH ALDEN, D.D., LL.D. New York: Sheldon & Co. 1867.

A few months since we examined with pleasure Dr. Alden's "Science of Government"-a work designed for colleges and high schools. We have now the satisfaction of commending another work by him on the same subject, specially adapted to the wants of our common schools. The importance of instructing our youth in the principles of government and the duties of citizenship, is beginning to be widely recognized, and there is a growing demand for suitable text-books-a fact which we hope may be fully attested by the general use of Dr. Alden's excellent treatises. The only fault we are disposed to find with the smaller book, is the use of questions and We are aware that this method is much liked by the great majority of teachers, but it is discarded by many of our best authors, and, as we think, for good



THE MISSIONARY HERALD for September, contains a beautiful engraving of the "Haystack Monument," recently erected in Williamstown, Mass., on the spot where American Missions had their birth. A descriptive article accompanies the engraving. The Missionary Herald will be sent to the close of 1867, (four numbers,) for 33 cts., or to the close of 1868 for $1.33. For 17 cents additional, a pamphlet of fifteen Missionary Maps will be sent, postage paid. Address: CHARLES HUTCHINS, Boston. SEVERAL book notices are crowded out of this number. We hope to do better next month.


J. H. COLTON'S OUTLINES OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. By George W. Fitch. New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co. 1867.

LESSONS IN ELOCUTION. By Allen A. Griffith. Chicago: Adams, Blackmer & Lyon. GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By Wm. Bingham, A.M. Philadelphia: E. H. Butler & Co. 1867.

HAND-BOOK OF ETYMOLOGY. By William W. Smith. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. 1867.

CRITICAL AND SOCIAL ESSAYS. Reprinted from The Nation. New York: Leypoldt & Holt. 1867.

MENTAL AND SOCIAL CULTURE. By Lafayette C. Loomis, A.M., M.D. New York: J. W. Schermerhorn & Co. 1867.

UNION FIFTH READER. By Charles W. Sanders, A.M. New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co.


INGHAM & BRAGG, Cleveland, O., have 34 pages of advertising in this number, and all about Guyot's Geographies. Their testimonials are strong and weighty. Read them.


EZRA SMITH & CO. wish to call your attention to their manufacture of Single and Double Desks, with Patent Closed Book Box, which is closed by a lid in front that pushes back under the top of the desk, so as to be entirely out of the way, thus giving all the advantages of the desks with the hinged lids without its objectionable features. We make them all sizes to suit Common Schools, Academies, or Colleges.

We also ask your attention to our NEW ELASTIC JOINT CHAIR, which is one of the most comforta ble, neatest, and best School Chairs before the public; also to our new style Combination Desk and Seat on two feet, with our new connecting bars fastening with bolts and nuts, instead of wood screws, and with close or open book box, as ordered.

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Have "a place for every thing and every thing in its place." UNIVERSAL RECORDS FOR PUPILS. 24 pp. Style 1.*

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