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" ... would indeed be a •wild project ; it would be to dig up foundations ; to destroy at one blow all the wit and half the learning of the kingdom ; to break the entire frame and constitution of things ; to ruin trade, extinguish arts and sciences, with... "
The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal - Side 136
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Jonathan Swift - 1713 - 436 sider
...the reftoring of That would indeed be a wild Project ; it would be to 4ig up Foundations, to deftroy at one Blow all the Wit, and half the Learning of the Kingdom j to break the en" ' tire 1 54- An Argument againft tire Frame and Conftitution of Things* to ruin...
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Jonathan Swift - 1721 - 308 sider
...Reftoring of That would indeed be a wild Projedt; it would be to dig up Found. t tions, to deitroy at one Blow all the Wit, and half the Learning of the Kingdom ; to break the entire Frame and Conilitution of Things, to ruin Trade, extinguifh Arts and Sciences with the Profeuors of them ; in...
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The Works of J. S. ...: Miscellanies in prose

Jonathan Swift - 1735 - 374 sider
...the Reftoring of that, would indeed be a wild Frojeft ; k would be to dig up Foundations ; to deftroy at one Blow all the Wit, and half the Learning of the Kingdom ; to break the entire Frame and Conftitution of Things ; to ruin Trade, extinguifh Arts and Sciences with the Profeffors of them ;...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, Volum 1

Jonathan Swift - 1742 - 342 sider
...reftoring of that, would indeed be a wild Projedl ; it would be to dig up Foundations ; to deftroy at one Blow all the Wit, and half the Learning of the Kingdom ; to break the entire Frame and Conftitution of Things -, to ruin Trade, extinguifh Arts and Sciences with the Profeflbrs of them ;...
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The Works of D. Jonathan Swift: In Nine Volumes, Volum 1

Jonathan Swift - 1752 - 356 sider
...reftoring of that, would indeed be a wild Projedl ; it would be to dig up Foundations ; to deftroy at one Blow all the Wit, and half the Learning of the Kingdom ; to break the entire Frame and Conftitution of Things ; to ruin Trade, ptinguifh Arts and Sciences with theProfeflbrs ofthemj mfliort,...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Volum 3

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 440 sider
...reftoring of that, would indeed be a wild project ; it would be to dig up foundations ; to deftroy at one blow all the wit, and half the learning of the kingdom ; to break the entire frame and conftitution of things ; to ruin trade, extinguifh arts and fciences, with the profeffors of them ;...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift ...

Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 470 sider
...that, would indeed be a. wild projeft : it would be to dig up foundations ; to deftroy at one blow atl the wit, and half the learning of the kingdom ; to...frame and constitution of things ; to ruin trade, extinguifh arts and fciences, with the proleflbrs of them ; in fhort, to turn our courts, exchanges,...
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The Works ...: With the Author's Life and Character, Notes [etc ..., Volum 1

Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 468 sider
...the reftoriog of that, would indeed be a wild prqjefl : it would be to dig up foundations ; todeftroy at one blow all the wit, and half the learning of the kingdom ; to break the entire frame and conftitution of things ; to ruin trade, extinguifh arts and fciences, with the profeffors of them ;...
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The Works, Volum 3

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1765 - 334 sider
...the reftoring of that would indeed be a wild project ; it would be to dig up foundations ; to deftroy at one blow all the wit, and half the learning of the kingdom ; to break the intire frame and conftitution of things; to ruin trade, extinguifh arts and fciences, with the profeffors...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ...

Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 448 sider
...the reftoring of that, would indeed be a wild project ; it would be to dig up foundations; to deftroy at one blow all the wit, and half the learning of the kingdom ; to break the entire frame and conftitution of things ; to ruin trade, extinguifh arts and fciences, with the profeflbrs of them ;...
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