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" The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit ; the English is used only on solemn occasions. When a Scotsman therefore writes, he does it generally in trammels. His own native original language, which he hears spoken around him, he does not make use of ;... "
Select British Classics - Side 165
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The Mirror: A Periodical Paper, Pub. at Edinburgh in the Years 1779 ..., Volum 3

1781 - 364 sider
...fuit ; the Englifh is ufed only on fokmn- occafions. By this means, wtieiv a Scotfman comes to write, he does it generally in trammels. His own native original language, which he hears fpokea around him, he does not make ufe of; but he exprefles himfelf in a language ia fome refpecls...
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volum 52

Tobias Smollett - 1781 - 506 sider
...fuit ; the Englifh is ufcd only on iblemn occalions. By this means, when a Scotfman 'comes to write, he does it generally in trammels. His own native original language, which Jie hears fpoken around him, he does not make ufe of ; but he exprefles himfelf in a language in fome...
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The Mirror: A Periodical Paper, Published at Edinburgh in the Years 1779 ...

Henry Mackenzie - 1783 - 340 sider
...Sctttljh dialeft is our ordinary fuit; the Englijh is ufed only on folemn occafions. When a Scotfman therefore writes, he does it generally in trammels. His own native original language, which he hears fpoken around him, he does not make ufe of; but he exprefles himfelf in a language in fome refpefts...
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The British Essayists: The Lounger

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 260 sider
...Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working-days. The Scottish dialect ig our ordinary suit; the English is used only on solemn...himself in a language in some respects foreign to him, VOL. xxsvii. o and which he has acquired by study and observation. When a celebrated Scottish writer,...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volum 37

British essayists - 1802 - 244 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working -days. The Scottish d*ialect is our ordinary suit ; the English is used only on so* lemn occasions. When a Scotsman therefore writes, he does it generally in trammels. His own native...
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The British Essayists;: Mirror

Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - 356 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working days. The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit; the English...himself in a language in some respects foreign to him, hood of the court that a deviation from that standard can be exactly ascertained, or a departure from...
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The Mirror: A Periodical Paper Published in Edinburgh in the Years ..., Volum 2

1822 - 356 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working days. The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit ; the English...original language, which he hears spoken around him, he docs not make use of; but he expresses himself in a language in some respects foreign to him, and which...
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The British Essayists: Mirror

1823 - 344 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working days. The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit ; the English...does not make use of; but he expresses himself in u language in some respects foreign to him, and which he has acquired by study and observation. When...
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The British essayists, with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volumer 29-30

British essayists - 1823 - 734 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working days. The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit ; the English...solemn occasions. When a Scotsman therefore writes, he docs it generally in trammels. His own native original language, which he hears spoken around liim,...
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The British Essayists: With Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, Volum 29

Alexander Chalmers - 1856 - 348 sider
...are told of the wit of Sir Hudibras, that we have a suit for holidays and another for working days. The Scottish dialect is our ordinary suit ; the English...he expresses himself in a language in some respects VOL. XXIX. 11 foreign to him, and which he has acquired by study and observation. When a celebrated...
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