
rest rooms for both men and women teachers, and locker space for all teachers. On the second floor level are two large gymnasiums, one for boys and one for girls. On the third floor level are two corrective gymnasiums each 16x45 feet. On this level also is a well lighted dining-room for pupils, with a small diningroom for teachers adjoining. The best recognized standards have been followed in providing toilet rooms, lavatory equipment, drinking fountains, and all other accessories to the proper care of the physical health.

Table III serves to indicate how the space in the proposed buildings is distributed on the basis of the social aims.

(a) Two mechanical drawing rooms obliged to terminate their schooling early because of economic pressure from the home.

For this group the intermediate school will provide among other things:

1. On the ground floor a variety of shops as follows:

(a) Electrical shop (b) Wood shop

(c) Two machine shops (d) Paint shop

(e) Auto mechanic shop

(f) A general shop-providing for a number of different activities.

2. On the second floor:

Table III-Condensed Table Showing Distribution of Space Based on the Social Aims

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While the social aims lie behind the entire program and organization of this school, certain features are specifically intended to realize these aims:

1. The social sciences are made the core of the curriculum rather than the languages. This phase of instruction is emphasized throughout the three years

2. The auditorium periods are planned to bring the pupils together under conditions which will make them conscious of their social relationships.

3. This school will give much attention. to extra-curricula activities-clubs, societies, and various co-operative groups. Boy scout work for boys and similar group work for girls, will play an important part.

4. Pupil participation in school activities and control will be encouraged.


On the first floor, space is planned for a moderate sized auditorium. Its capacity will approximate 750. Its purpose is not primarily for general assemblies or for community use, but for regular school

work. The auditorium will be used continuously during the day for work of a distinctly socializing nature. It is planned to bring the pupils together under conditions which will make them conscious of their social relationships, and the substance of the auditorium instruction will have a distinct trend in this direction.


The library, on the third floor, is designed to meet the needs of the school from both practical and recreational standpoints. The library suite consists of a large reading-room, a classroom, or clubroom, a workroom, a teachers' conference room, and six small conference rooms for student committees or groups of pupils interested in common projects. These rooms are to be constructed in ac

cordance with standards recommended by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and by the National Education Association. The plan makes possible the greatest economy in the use of books and other materials of instruction. In fact, all necessary provision is made for recreational reading, class reading, reference work, and for systematic training in the use of books and library agencies of all kinds.


In recognition of the fact that the success of this school will depend in a large degree upon the skill with which it is administered, an attempt has been made to plan the offices in a way that will be most conducive to effective administration.

Separate administrative offices are provided for the health department. The general administrative offices are located on the second floor. They include offices for the principal and assistant principal, a general waiting room with space for clerks, and a large room divided into administrative compartments to be used by heads of departments, and vocational


Adjoining the administrative offices will be a teachers' workroom. The general plan of organization does not include a separate room for each teacher. This workroom will be a general work and study room for teachers. Here each teacher will have a locker for her books and papers and tables will be provided for work or study. A section of this room will be seated with special opera chairs facing a raised platform. This space will be used for faculty meetings and other group meetings, and may be utilized at times as a small auditorium.


While this building has been arranged primarily and definitely to meet the requirements of the intermediate school, the needs of the community also have

been kept in mind. By the proper location of iron gates, that portion of the building which includes the community rooms for women and men, the community locker-rooms, the showers and pools, the gymnasium and the auditorium can be isolated from the remainder of the building. This plan makes the building available for community use and, at the same time, avoids many unpleasant ad ministrative problems which might otherwise arise. This community unit of the building will also have separate heating facilities.


The intermediate school is to be distinctly a school for adolescents. It is hoped to meet the needs, individually and collectively, of children of this stage of

development, and every effort is being made to achieve this end. Detroit is now well on the way toward the development of an elementary school organization that will place this city in the van of othe municipalities. When our intermediate school plans reach fruition, and the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade pupils of the city are all housed in schools of the proposed type, a result will be attained that will be well worth while. It is hoped that the innovations planned for the intermediate school may prove in every way so effective and desirable that they may ultimately find their way into the high school, and that the intermediate school may school may realize the social aims of education in such a large and convincin way that the whole school system will b profoundly benefited thereby.


Within the past few decades changes have taken place in American life profoundly affecting the activities of the individual. As a citizen, he must to a greater extent and in more direct way cope with problems of community life, State and National Governments, and international relationships. As a worker, he must adjust himself to a more complex economic order. As a relatively independent personality, he has more leisure. The problems arising from these three

dominant phases of life are closely interrelated and call for a degree of intelligence and efficiency on the part of every citizen that can not be secured through elementary education alone, or even through secondary education unless the scope of that education is broadened.-From the Report of the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education, Bulletin, 1918, Number 35, National Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.



Professor of the Philosophy of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

S THE project method merely a new name for an old type of procedure? Yes and no. If one were disposed to stress its age, the claim might be made that it is old, very old; older, in fact, than the institution we call the school, for it is as old as the first instance of learning in connection with a set purpose to accomplish an end. More specifically, it has been found in every case where the children have consciously shared the purposes of their parents while learning to carry forward the domestic activities. In this sense, Tearning through purposeful activity has characterized the best incidental learning of every age and clime.

However, if learning through felt purposes is thus admittedly old, it may still lay some claim to novelty as a doctrine for the modern schoolroom. Not that good teachers in many schoolrooms have not in every age from time to time made actual use of child purposes to the great profit of all concerned. Such is undoubtedly true. But, so far as I know, it is only recently that such a procedure has been brought to consciousness for definite consideration, and conceived of as an ideal that should-if we could so effect it-pervade the whole intentional educative process. In this latter school sense this purposeful procedure is so new that it is still in the making. It is pretty well worked out in the extremes of the process in the kindergarten, primary, and in the university, but elsewhere technique and standards are yet to be achieved. Our meeting today is to speed the process. What is a project? Wherein does it

*The substance of an address delivered Oct. 30, 1919, before the Michigan State Teachers' Association.

differ from a problem, from a topic, from motivated activity, from the socialized recitation? The answers to these questions will, I hope, come during the discussion. [A project, as I understand it, is any instance of activity or experience carried on under the dominating purpose of the agent; that is, of the doer and learner. Let us note almost in the reverse order the words, learner, purpose, dominating. It is the learner that concerns us, the learning that is to come from his doing, his experience. That learning may best come, the factor of purpose has been seized upon as the key to the process. Note, however, that it is the Spurpose of the learner that counts.) His purpose, as it guides and controls the various steps in his activity, is the psychological factor, as I hope to show, in the whole process of most efficient learning.

Suppose a teacher sets the task for a pupil to write a letter forwarding to the "Youth's Companion" a new subscription, and ordering in return, as a premium, a toy electrical steamboat. This may be close enough to the child's life to be called by some a "motivated lesson" in letter-writing. Now, let us suppose that this same boy, had actually been wishing for a steamboat, and had persuaded his aunt to take the "Youth's Companion," in order that, by providing the magazine with a new subscriber, and by sending fifteen cents extra for postage and packing, he might secure the steamboat for his own. Do you think the letter-writing in the two cases would be the same? The instance is perhaps extreme, but it illustrates the point. The purpose of the boy to get the steamboat is an actual vital thing in his life. This purpose dominates his whole thinking

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