
The election project in the schools had as one of its aims the arousing of political interest in the community. In the city at large an effort was made to get as many voters out to register and vote as possible. Over 300,000 registered, and 295,000 voted. The vote cast, in comparison to the number registered, broke all records, since more than 95 per cent of those registering cast their ballots. According to the estimate, 78 per cent of the possible voters among the men voted, while about 56 per cent of the entire possible voting population of Detroit voted. Considering the fact that voting was a new thing to half the population, the results look very favorable. The record since 1900 is shown in Table VI:

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The increase in the number of voters participating shows that a greater interest was aroused in the community over that of previous years. Many factors contributed to this increased interest in the election. How much the public schools had to do with this is difficult to determine. Without doubt, they had much to do in stirring the enthusiasm of father, mother, and other members of the family group.

The intense interest among the pupils of the different schools and the study made there of the parties and their platforms cannot help making a more enlightened voting population.



The quoted title indicates not only the spirit of the pupil who used it but the high seriousness and earnest enthusiasm that stimulated the entire student body in pre-registration days.

Excited applause greeted Mr. Cody's order that Detroit public-school pupils be given opportunity to register and vote, using the official dates and procedure of their seniors. Nordstrum High School immediately organized into a miniature government, astir with patriotic citizens earnestly striving to promote the general welfare of the nation. Each "house" was suddenly transformed into a scene of lively political activity. The members separated themselves into parties, whose campaign leaders used all their executive ability and power of eloquence to convince their little world of the superiority of their own parties. A high-school boy writes, in tribute to the success of the plan: "The speakers set before their respective conventions and assemblages arguments for and against the candidates and issues of the campaign. In this way we have acquired clear, concise, and concentrated thought in regard to the selection of men and party creeds."

The pupils show a surprising realization of the purpose of the school campaign. Frequently one hears illuminating comments like these in classrooms and halls: "We are given a chance to vote now, so that we may become good citizens." "We must be intelligent about this. People who simply vote for the man who seems to be the most popular candidates are not loyal citizens." The boys and girls appreciate the opportunity for training in exercising the duties and prerogatives of citizenship; and several have announced their intention of awakening an interest and sense of responsibility on the part of their foreign-born parents. Campaign speakers hurl bitter invectives against any who fail to appreciate their duties as citizens. They say that anyone who will not vote is a "slacker"; and they insist that everyone "get into the game" to the best of his ability. A high-school girl summed up the Nordstrum ideal in a few words: "With all of this drilling Nordstrum will be able to send into the political world a great number of boys and girls who, in the near future, will have the faculty of voting intelligently and will be able to select the men who will be of the greatest benefit to their country."

Perhaps the best opportunity to observe the Nordstrum spirit in operation was offered on registration day. Ninety-four and three-tenths per cent of the pupils registered; the small deficit

Revised Arithmetic

Chairman, Mr. Allman

1. Reports from Schools

High, Intermediate, Elementary 2. Results of causes already revised in High-School Mathematics

3. Proposed changes in courses

The officers of the Club are:

was due almost altogether to absence. It is sig- IV. Thursday, April 12-
nificant that there was 100 per cent registration in
the eleventh and twelfth grades. There was
hearty and orderly co-operation with the manage-
ment throughout the day. Students went to their
precincts in groups of three or four at the regu-
larly appointed hours, and registered with the
dignity of those who bear the burdens of state
upon their shoulders. Registration chairmen and
clerks took great pride in their part of the day's
work. They received the registrants most gra-
ciously, filed their "official" papers with great
care, and greeted the passers-by with the happy
announcement that registration was very heavy.
The military police were no less impressed by
the importance of their office. They paced their
beats untiringly, preserved a calm and steady
solemnity of demeanor, and saluted their officers
with the utmost gravity.

Now Nordstrum boys and girls are eagerly awaiting the great day when the votes will actually be cast. Enthusiasm gains momentum with each successive week; leaders become more anxious, and debates more heated. The air is vibrant with expectancy. By November 2 Nordstrum's entry into politics will have proved an entry into a new world of civic responsibility. Glowing with the spirit of nationalism, these young people have resolved to do their best that "government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."



The Club is performing a great service for mathematics teachers in Detroit, not only through the customary round-table conferences but through the provision that is being made to bring visiting speakers to the city this year. The following program has been arranged:

I. Friday, November 12—

Lecture-Fourth Dimension
Mr. Walter B. Ford

University of Michigan

II. Thursday, January 13

Relation of Mathematics to Industry

1. Industrial

Mr. E. G. Turner

Ford Institute of Technology

2. Professional

Speaker announced later

III. Thursday, March 10

Einstein Theory
Lecture, Mr. Colby

President-Miss M. C. Woodward, Western High School.

Vice-President-Mr. O. Seavers, Nordstrum High School.

Secretary and Treasurer-Miss E. Curtiss, Southeastern High School.

Chairman of Program Committee-Miss E. B. Purdie, Central High School.

Chairman of Publicity Committee-Miss S. Alley, Northwestern High School.

Chairman of Social Committee-Miss M. Torr, Central High School.



The purpose of the Discussion Contest which is to be held January 10, 1921, under the auspices of the English Club of Detroit, is to encourage practice in the informal discussion of subjects of vital interest.

The Discussion Contest is the principal event of the Better Speech Week in the city and shows the practical trend the Better Speech movement has taken. The stress this year is put upon "what to do" as contrasted with the emphasis last year on "what not to do."

Up to the semi-final contests the subject-matter may be the choice of the school but the topics suggested in the directions are strongly urged, as of vital interest. However, the big thing is the development to be derived from the discussion of subjects already familiar to the speaker.

It is hoped that every school in the city where there are tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades will participate in the contest and reap the rewards that will come to its pupils in this organized effort in practical speaking.


Grades 10, 11, and 12

1-Sources-The sources of subject-matter are no restricted to any particular magazine or newɔpaper.

Since the newspapers are accessible to practically every pupil, it seems advisable, so far as the investigative side of the plan is concerned, to keep at the newspaper level.

2-Final Contest-The final contest will be held Monday, January 10, at 4 p. m. in the Northern

High School auditorium, at the regular meeting of the English Club.

It is recommended that the preliminaries be held during the last week before the holidays, December 20 to 23.

3-Length of Speeches-The speeches in the final contest shall be no less than four nor more than eight minutes in length.

Two timers with stop-watches will call the time.

A bell will be sounded at seven minutes and at eight.

The speaker may complete any sentence he may have begun when the bell sounds.

4-Choice of Topics-Each contestant will have a choice of three topics, drawn in a sealed envelope.

The topics will be prepared by a representative committee.

The topics will be placed in the sealed envelopes by disinterested parties before the day of the


5-Time for Preparation—Each contestant shall draw the sealed envelope mentioned above one hour previous to the time he speaks. During that time he may organize his speech. It is advised that he write nothing more than an outline. Every effort should be made to prevent contestants' deiivering a prepared speech. Contestants shall draw eight minutes apart.

It is advised that this plan of drawing topics be used in the preliminary contests in order to accustom the pupils to this method of procedure.


6-Notes-It is advised that no notes be used by the speakers. However, if notes are used, they must be on stiff cards not larger than 3-in. by 5-in. Such cards will be provided speakers requesting them.

7.-Awards-Each school is at liberty to provide suitable awards for the winners of the contest in that school. Such awards should be chosen as will conform with the rules of the Board of Education.

It is probable that some larger prize, possibly a loving cup, may be offered to the winner of the final contest.

Three judges for the final contest will be chosen from a list agreed upon by the sub-committee on the Senior High School Discussion Contest.

These judges shall not confer with each other before the contest nor until their written, signed decisions have been handed in.

Judges shall be instructed to base their decision on general effectiveness, which would include the consideration of the organization and mastery of subject-matter, delivery, and stage presence.

The three highest contestants should be named and given marks in per cents. It is advised that marks run from 75% to 95%, no two being given the same per cent.

Each semi-final contest should be judged by a board of three judges chosen from outside of the school.

Contestants shall draw for places on the program in an ante-room of the auditorium of the

Northern High School one hour before the program begins. They shall not be identified with their schools.

Fifteen topics are submitted as subject matter for the preliminary contests, which should be concluded in every school by December 3. On that date a smaller list of five subjects, chosen from the original fifteen, will be submitted to be used in the semi-final contests and in the final.

Each school entering a contestant shall send to the committee the name of this representative, which must reach the committee by 4 p. m. Thursday, January 6. Mail names to Miss Julia E. Gettemy, chairman of the Committee on Senior High School Discussion Contest, Northwestern High School.

[blocks in formation]

composition periods the next few months be placed on discussion of subjects of the type found in the appended list.

It is hoped that every school in the city where there are any of the intermediate grades will participate in this work, and that the teachers will find at the end of the year that this type of oral composition has been of benefit to all of the children in the intermediate grades, not only in their use of English and in confidence in speaking, but also in weighing values and forming judgments.

Although the date of the final contest will be late in the spring, it is suggested that teachers begin the informal discussions with their present classes. The experience gained this semester will lead to more skillful work next semester, both in the phrasing of topics and in the discussions.

Since development of power in informal speaking is largely a matter of practice, subjects of purely local interest in the school may be used to supplement the list provided by the committee.


The method of presenting and developing the subjects for oral discussion is left to the wisdom and judgment of the teachers doing the work, but it should be such as will discourage the giving of set speeches in connection with the contest. Outlines or brief notes might prove helpful.

This work will afford an opportunity for pupils to help in formulating topics under a given subject. Information on these might be reported in class and a general discussion held preliminary to the assignment of topics to individuals for presentation before the class. Children might at first choose their own topics and later "draw from the hat." Programs might be arranged to be given before other classes or in the auditorium.

Later the best speakers might be given an opportunity to appear before a committee of judges who would choose a contestant to represent the group in an intra-class contest to be held before the English Club.

These preliminary talks should be from one to three minutes in length, to lead to slightly longer discussions at the final contest.

The Final Contest

The final contest will be held before the English Club the first Monday in May.

The committee in charge of this contest will modify, to suit younger children, the directions submitted for the senior high contest. The length of speeches, choice of topics, and time

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4. School Children as Future Citizens
a What is a good citizen?

b Privileges and obligations of a citizen
c What does the State do for its blind,
deaf, and mentally deficient children?

d How does the State educate all its child-
citizens? Schools, school laws, attend-
ance officers, etc.

e Vocational training provided for its child-citizens

f Obligations a child-citizen Owes the State in return for its protection and privileges

5. Recreation and Playgrounds

a Needs and advantages of municipal playgrounds

b Daily routine of the playground

c A special event conducted by the Recreation Commission; such as, Field Day, May Festival, Aquatic Day, Ice Carnival, Pageant

d Value of club organization

e Honor point system on the playground f What the Social Centers do for De


6. City Life vs. Farm Life

a Advantages of life on the farm from boy's or girl's viewpoint

b Advantages of life in a city

c Why boys and girls wish to leave the farms

d Why the

"Back-to-the-Farm" move

ment has been received with so little enthusiasm

e Effects of wholesale migration of young people from the farm to the city

f Results if this migration would cease

7. Noise Nuisance in Detroit

a Causes of disturbing noises

b What is now being done to control

c What more might be done

d Benefits to be derived from doing away
with noises

8. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls
a Brief history of each movement
b Effect upon boys and girls of today

c Effect upon future life of those belong-

d Standards of life developed by these organizations

9. Advertisements

a What I have learned by watching (or
studying) advertisements

b How to write a good advertisement
c How advertisements secure sales

10. Motion Pictures

a How and why "movies" change stories as given in books

b "Movies" and the audience

c English on the screen

d "Movies" and their advertisement slides or reels

e Typical "movie" reels

f "Movies" I like

11. Wireless

a How to put up a wireless

b Kinds of wireless

c Sending and receiving wireless messages

d The code in wireless

e Parts of a wireless apparatus

12. Babies

a The trouble they give older brothers and sisters

b The kind of baby I like

13. Pets

a Dogs as friends

b Horses as friends

e My puppies

d The household cat

e The best mousetrap

f Caring for the canary

14. Bill Boards

a History of bill boards as a means of ad


b Bill boards and the "city bea itiful"

c Bill boards in the country

d Instead of bill boards-what?

15. Detroit as an Ocean Port

a Proposed Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway

(1) Description

(2) International Joint Waterway


(3) Sources of opposition

b Advantages

(1) Every lake port a seaport
(2) Increased water power
(3) Decreased freight rates

c Problems involved

(1) Engineering difficulties
(2) Cost

(3) International control

16. City Parks

a History of several noted parks-Belle Isle, Gladwin, Grand Circus, Palmer, Capitol

b Need for more parks

c Should parks be large or smaller and in greater number?

d Monuments in the parks

e Detroit compared with other cities

f The good parks do in a city

g Use and misuse of parks

h How to train people in proper use of parks

17. How Detroit could be improved

a More and larger parks

b Better paved and wider streets

c Better regulated traffic

d Better transportation facilities-bus, subway, fewer surface cars

e Greater cleanliness-streets, alleys, yards f More schools

g Greater civic spirit

h Less political control of departments

i More practical opportunities for practical "juvenile citizenship"

18. Life in America Compared with Life in..... (Signed)

Mabel Levens, Condon, Chairman
Claudia Crumpton, Northwestern
Maude Bowles, Yost Building

Ethel Menard Laird, Northeastern

Katherine Douglas, Southeastern

Katherine Wright, Norvell

Margaret Stewart, Joyce
Thelma G. James, Neinas

Marian Moon, Nordstrum

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