




CHAS. L. SPAIN, Editor

Volume I


C. C. CERTAIN, Managing Editor

EDWIN L. MILLER, Principal, Northern High School

S. A. COURTIS, Director of Instruction, Teacher Training, and Research
ETHEL PERRIN, Assistant Director of Health Education
MABEL LEVENS, Condon Intermediate School
MABEL WOODWARD, Western High School


To be announced

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See "Detroit's Intermediate School Program," page 18

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On the Occasion of his Inauguration as President of the University of Michigan
October 14, 1920


HE University of Michigan has a notable history. Its past is the occasion of just pride in the heart of every citizen of the state. The name of President James Burrill Angell is a synonym for educational statesmanship in America. The university today, its faculties and students, its buildings, and campus, give ample proof of the wise, and sagacious leadership of President Hutchins during the last decade. Since 1837, this university has filled a vital place in American education. For a generation its primacy among the state universities of our country was conceded. That several highly important educational developments were initiated here is obvious to all who are familiar with the history of higher learning in America.

This university was founded and has been maintained by the state of Michigan. It therefore owes primary obligations to this state. However large it may become, or however attractive it may prove to students from all quarters of the globe, it finds its chief satisfaction in serving its own constituency. Nevertheless, it shares with all of the colleges and universities of the land, represented here today, many common tasks of higher education. counts it a rare honor to be numbered among these institutions.

the problem, defy definition. Even so, it is our privilege, upon occasions such as this, to ask ourselves anew just what we are attempting to do. Specifically, what do we conceive to be the function of the state university? I venture to answer that the function of the state university is to serve the state and through the state to serve the nation and the world.

This assertion requires of us, first, to make some appraisal, though necessarily incomplete, of the state; secondly, to attempt some critical estimate of the university; and, finally, to suggest some forms of service which the university should render to the state.


Any complete appraisal here of the State of Michigan is quite impossible. We can, however, recognize certain considerations which are pertinent to our discussion during this conference.

The external facts are interesting simply because they serve as the basis for a marvelously beautiful and fascinating life. Here is a state the same size as England and Wales and one-fourth the size of France, inhabited, according to the census just completed, by three and two-thirds millions of people gathered from every land under the heavens. Moreover, this state has the versity, by the very nature and terms of high honor and distinction of being one



The aims and functions of a true uni

of the integral units of the United States of America, which must be numbered among the really great nations of all history. Michigan gives to and receives from every state within the Union. She takes her color and quality from the whole nation. Strategically located in the very heart of America, within easy access of many of the chief centers of population, proud of possessing the fourth city of the nation, conscious of her industrial power, she may be regarded as typically American. To appraise her is in reality to interpret America.

The vital facts are compelling because they tell us that here may be seen millions of people engaged in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and commerce. They work and they attempt to play. They are prosperous, possessing now about six billion dollars' worth of property. They desire to use rightly and wisely their leisure time. They are associated, perhaps unconsciously, and without any serious realization of its implications, in the task of community building. They have assumed the responsibilities of American citizenship. They have developed here a political, social, industrial, and educational order. Mighty problems have presented themselves for solution. The city of Detroit alone is spending this year thirty-one million dollars for her public schools. As we look at Michigan, we are thrilled by this heroic community, undaunted by its problems, and inspired by a great vision of its future.

America as a whole has made great contributions to this Middle West. If our Pilgrim forefathers were marked by independence, initiative, and moral insight, these characteristics have been especially necessary in the development of these great western empires. Along with the nation, the West must face problems and utilize opportunities which are apparent to every observer of American


Our country today is suffering from a lack of national unity. This statement does not need to be supported by statistical data, graphic charts, or long arguments. We are a polyglot people. We have been gathered from all of the nations of the earth. These peoples have come with varying traditions, differing religious beliefs, and with strange expectations. They have been confronted with stern realities rather than thrilling national hopes. They have experienced chilling disappointments and suffered from bitter disillusionments. And yet out of this heterogeneous mass we are making America. The war revealed in sharp outline our dangers. Sometimes a flash comes out of the dark pit of our social and economic world. But through it all, the war made us see the possibilities of a new order and illuminated our rough path with the enduring light which emanates from the eternal truths upon which Democracy rests.

The striking fact about America is. that more than any other nation she has been released from the past. Here is at once her strength and her weakness. Forward-looking movements in Europe are inevitably counterbalanced by the traditions of the past. In America, liberty easily becomes license, and freedom tends toward anarchy. At any rate, the plasticity of our entire social order is apparent. Our detachment from the past has manifested itself in a curious disregard even for the laws enacted by ourselves and in a strange disrespect for the courts of our own making. With all of our worship of the individual, human life has been held a cheap thing. Arnold Bennett alludes to "that sublime, romantic contempt for law and for human life, which, to the European, is the most disconcerting factor in the social evolution. of your states." Our escape from ancient tyrannies and limitations has tended to soften our lives and to rob them of their

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