

Modern Language Teaching in the Intermediate School, Lilly Lindquist, Modern Language Department, Detroit Teachers College.

Questions that the Detroit Public is Asking at the Library, as Compared with Questions Detroit Teachers are Asking their Classes, Burton Barns. Guidance versus Domination, M. I. Rasey, and S. A. Courtis, President Detroit Teachers College. The Demands of the Times upon the Schools of America, William H. Kilpatrick, Professor of the Philosophy of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

The Teacher's Relationship to the Supervisor and the Administrator, Dr. George D. Strayer. Professor of the Administration of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Problems of Educational Readjustment, David Snedden, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Teaching the Ancient Languages, Joseph Corns, Principal, Southeastern High School.

Teachers' Marks, P. C. Packer, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Detroit.

The Teaching of Arithmetic, C. L. Thiele, Supervisor of Arithmetic, Detroit Public Schools.

Manual Training in the Detroit Public Schools, J. N. Trybom, Supervisor of Vocational Edrcation, Detroit Public Schools.

The Laboratory Method of Teaching Latin, Dorothy M. Roehm, Northwestern High School. The Teaching of History, Nellie Jackson, Teachers College of Detroit.

Some Experiments in Free-Hand Lettering, Frank Keppler, Supervisor of Mechanical Drawing.

The Retarded Development of Our High Schools, Charles L. Spain, Deputy Superintendent of Schools.

High-School Lunch-Room Problems, E. G. Allen, Assistant Principal, Cass Technical High School.

What is the Meaning of Educational Measurements? S. A. Courtis.

Projects in English Composition, Catherine Morgan, Detroit Teachers College.

The Relation of the School Library to Modern Educational Methods, Martha Pritchard, Librarian, Teachers College.

Vocational Guidance in the High School, John Brennan, Northwestern High School.



HERE'S a home beyond this river where a man shall work no more; there's no testing and no checking and no swearing on that shore. There the angels draw their pay checks just for singing all in tune, in their swivel chairs they're sitting, playing harp or big bassoon, while the looloo birds are lilting and the pay days glide away at the rate of one an hour all the blessed carefree day. All you have to do to get there is to wait here with a sigh, till this nasty wet old river in an hour or two rolls by. In that home beyond this river nothing much is ever done but to nurse the tender plum trees and to pick plums in the sun, or to mend your falling fences which you keep up all the while with a hammer and a handshake and a diplomatic smile. In that home beyond this river, truth and friendship never fight; when an angel friend's in trouble to the truth you say "good-night." How I wish that I were sitting over on that other shore where all progress true is scoffed at and exertion is a bore. All I have to do to get there is to wait here with a sigh till this nasty wet old river in an hour or two rolls by.

Copyright, 1921-Burt Barns

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S. A. COURTIS, Director of Instruction, Teacher Training, and Research
EDWIN L. MILLER, Principal, Northern High School
ETHEL PERRIN, Assistant Director of Health Education
MABEL LEVENS, Condon Intermediate School
MABEL WOODWARD, Il'estern High School

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An Application of the Laboratory Method to Junior-High-School Latin

The Hillegas Scale, an Economy in the Teaching and Measuring of Composition





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Educational Movements and Experiments.

Some Recent Views on Foreign Languages in the Schools-Lilly Lindquist
Music Appreciation-Helen McCann

The Scope and Significance of Educational Method-James F. Hosic

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The Detroit Journal of Education is published bi-monthly from September to June by the Detroit Board of Education. It is edited under the auspices of the office of the Superintendent of Schools. An executive committee, consisting of the Editor, Managing Editor, and three members of the Board of Advisers, is in charge of the publication.

The circulation includes all Detroit high-school and intermediate-school teachers and principals, the principals of all elementary schools, the super visors of the school system, and a limited number of city school superintendents, public libraries, and educational publications throughout the United States.

Address all communications to the Managing Editor, C. C. Certain, Northwestern High School, Detroit, Michigan.

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TEACHERS tend to divide themselves

into two classes, (1) those who, upon reading Professor Kilpatrick's articles on the project method published in the two previous issues of this magazine, say: "Why, certainly I believe in all the principles discussed, and have always used them in my teaching," and (2) those who recognize that any real adoption of the project method would call for such a radical and far-reaching change in their methods of work that they ask: "Can't you show us an actual illustration of project teaching? I believe what Professor Kilpatrick says, but I don't know how to begin. It all seems so strange and impossible that I am afraid to experiment; if I could see some other teacher actually using the project method, I might be encouraged to try myself."

Not all teachers who put themselves in class (1) are really using the project method. Far from it. Much more often than not they are the very teachers who most grossly and persistently violate every fundamental characteristic of the project method. The explanation is that it is very difficult to get from the printed page more than we put into it. Such teachers have merely interpreted Professor Kilpatrick's words in terms of their own ideals and experiences. Therefore, it may be of assist

*All rights reserved. M. I. Rasey and S. A. Courtis.

ance both to them and to the other type of teacher to describe an actual lesson taught by the project method and to analyze the process in some detail, to make evident just where and how it differed from conventional teachng.

To aid in the analysis, let us begin by listing the essential characteristics of true project teaching. These are:

1. Basis of Organization. Class work must center around some whole-hearted, purposeful activity, sufficiently unified by the goal to be achieved to permit the term "unit" to be applied to the whole.

2. Center of Responsibility. The activity must be carried forward under the drive of the children's own interest and desires, so that the purposing, planning, executing, and judging will be done by them and not by the teacher.

3. Nature of Teacher's Effort. The teacher must assist, not instruct; guide and not dominate; serve and not "teach." 4. Character of Results. The activity must yield rich and varied results. In addition to the achievement of the immediate goal aimed at, there must be important contributions to the building up of desirable attitudes and ideals, as well as the development of possible leads to further and related activities.

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