
must be long in proportion to the body; the thinner the hips are the better; tail small and tapering and slightly feathered. Altogether they are a lathymade dog."

The following is the description issued by the Bedlington Terrier Club :

"Skull.-Narrow, but deep and rounded; high at occiput, and covered with a nice silky tuft or top-knot.

'Jaw.-Long, tapering, sharp, and muscular; as little stop as possible between the eyes, so as to form nearly a line from the nose-end along the joint of the skull to the occiput. The lips close-fitting and no flew.

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Eyes. Should be small, and well sunk in head. The blues should have a dark eye. The blue and tan ditto, with amber shade.

a light brown eye.

"Nose.-Large, well angled.

tans should have black noses.

have flesh coloured.

Livers, sandies, &c.,

Blues and blue and

Livers and sandies

"Teeth.-Level, or pincer-jawed.

"Ears.—Moderately large, well forward, flat to the cheek, thinly covered, and tipped with fine silky hair. They should be filbert shaped.

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Legs. Of moderate length, not wide apart, straight and square set, and with good sized feet, which are rather long.

"Tail.-Thick at root, tapering to point, slightly feathered on lower side, 9in. to in. long, and scimitar shaped.

"Neck and Shoulders.-Neck long, deep at base, rising well from shoulders, which should be flat.

Body.-Long and well proportioned, flat ribbed, and deep, not wide in chest, slightly arched back, well ribbed up, with light quarters.

"Coat.-Hard, with close bottom, and not lying flat to sides.

"Colour.-Dark blue, blue and tan, liver, liver and tan, sandy, sandy and tan.

Height.-About 15in. to 16in.

"General Appearance. He is a light made-up,

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I should put the correct weight as between 18lb. and 22lb. for dogs, and from 16lb. to 20lb. for bitches. There is at present an inclination to

produce heavier dogs, but such should be heavily handicapped when in the judging ring.

The points given above do not appear to me to be sufficiently explicit, so I print the following, which is pretty much the same as was issued by the original Bedlington Terrier Club.

"Head. The head, though wedge-shaped, like that of most terriers, should be shorter in the skull and longer in the jaw, and narrow or lean in muzzle; the skull should be comparatively narrow and high, coned or peaked at the occiput, and taper away sharply to the nose.

"Ears. Should be filbert-shaped, lie close to the cheek, and set on low, hanging something like those of a Dandie Dinmont terrier, leaving the head clear and flat; the ears should be feathered at the tips.

Eyes.—In blue, or blue and tan, the eyes have a dark amber shade; in livers or yellows it is much lighter in colour, varying with the shade of the dog. The eyes should be small, well sunk into the head, and placed rather close together; very piercing when roused.

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Faw and Teeth.-The jaw should be long, lean, and powerful. Most of these dogs are a little shot' at the upper jaw, and are often termed 'pig-jawed;' this is a fault. The teeth should meet evenly

together, but it is not very often they are found that way; the teeth should be large, regular, and white.

should be large,

"Nose. The nose or nostrils and stand out well from the jaw. Blue or blue and tans have black noses, and livers, yellows, &c., red or flesh-coloured noses.

"Neck and Shoulders.-The neck long and muscular, rising gradually from the shoulders to the head. The shoulder flat and light, and set much like the greyhound's. The height at the shoulder is less than at the haunch. More or less this is the case with all dogs, but is most pronounced with this breed, especially in bitches.


Body, Ribs, Back, Loins, Quarters, and Chest. -A moderately long body, rather flat ribs, short straight back, slightly arched, tight and muscular loins, just a little tucked up in the flank, fully developed quarters, widish and deep chest; the whole showing full muscular development.

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Legs and Feet.-Legs perfectly straight and moderately long; the feet should be rather large, that is a distinguishing mark of the breed; long claws are also admired by some, but this I cannot allow to be correct.

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"Coat. This is the principal point on which there is difference of opinion; some prefer a hard wiry coat, which several of the south country judges 'go

in' for, but the proper hair of these dogs is linty or woolly, with a very slight sprinkling of wire hairs, and this is still the coat advocated by the majority of north country breeders.

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Colour. The original colours were blue and tan, livers, and sandies, and these are still the favourite. The tan is of a pale colour, and so differs greatly from the tan of the black and tan English terriers, and the blues should be a proper blue, not nearly black, which is sometimes seen now. In all colours the crown of the head should be nearly white, otherwise white is most objectionable.

"Tail. The tail should be of moderate length (8in. to 10in.), either straight or slightly curved, carried low, and feathered underneath. The tail should by no means be curled or carried high on to the back.

"Weight.- -The weight of these dogs varies. greatly, but the average is from 18lb. to 23lb., or at outside about 25lb. weight."

Perhaps it may be considered superfluous to give the points and description as adopted by the club and what Mr. Joseph Ainsley wrote on the same subject, but a comparison of the two will no doubt be found interesting.

Although earlier in this chapter I have alluded to a certain amount of popularity the Bedlington terrier

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