

above provided, for the purpose of having such Trial Court determine whether any other or future sentence should be pronounced against the said member, affecting his membership in this Association.


The Charter and all the By-Laws, rules and regulations, of the New Orleans Law Association, are hereby repealed, and the foregoing Constitution, and the By-Laws to be enacted thereunder, are substituted therefor.

All the rights, property and effects of said Association are hereby transferred to and vested in this corporation.


Ten members of this Association shall constitute a quorum, and this Charter may be amended at any meeting of the Association on a vote of two-thirds of the members present; provided, always, that the proposed amendment shall have been posted on the notice board of the Association for at least fourteen days before the meeting at which it shall be voted upon.






The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and, in case of his absence, the senior Vice-President, in age, present, shall preside.


The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Association and of the Executive Committee; be the keeper of the records and archives of the Association; superintend the publication and distribution of the publications of the Association, as directed by the Executive Committee and the Committee on Publications; demand, receive and receipt for all moneys coming to the Association, and safely keep and disburse the same under the direction of the Executive Committee; he shall also conduct the correspondence of the Association with the concurrence of the President.


Chairmen of Standing Committees shall call a meeting of their respective committees immediately after they have been


announced. The committees shall meet quarterly, or oftener in the discretion of their chairmen, and shall, at the annual meeting, report in writing a summary of their proceedings since the last meeting, together with any suggestions deemed suitable and pertinent to their respective duties, powers or business. The chairmen of all committees shall have the right, at all times, to confer with the Executive Committee with respect to their committee work.


The President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, shall also appoint, annually, at the first meeting of said Committee, a Membership Committee of three (3). It shall be the duty of this Committee to solicit desirable applicants for membership.


The Executive Committee shall meet on the first Friday of each month. At all meetings of the Committee the order of business shall be as follows:

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The President shall also appoint, annually, from the Executive Committee, at its first meeting, a Budget Committee and a Finance Committee of three each. It shall be the duty of the Budget Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, to budget the annual income of the Association from the first of December of each year. The Finance Committee shall have charge, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, of the finances of the Association, and shall examine, from time to time, with the assistance of an auditor, the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer. They shall also have charge of the insurance of the library of the Association.


1. The library shall be open every legal day from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M., includings Saturdays, when Courts are in session.

During vacation, or when Courts are closed, from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3:30 o'clock P. M., except Saturdays, when it will close at noon.

2. The librarian is to be in attendance during these hours, and shall see that the library is properly kept and the comfort of the members cared for.

3. Only members are permitted to use the books or library.

4. Judges, or Lawyers, from other States, may be permitted the use of the library upon the recommendation of a member.

5. Books may be taken out of the library for use in any of the Courts holding sessions in the Court House; or, for use before the Board of Pardons, in the office of the Attorney-General while it is located in said building.


6. If books are not withdrawn by the member personally, they will be delivered only on written order, signed by the member, containing the statement that the books are for the borrower's use. A printed form is provided for that purpose.

7. The Judges of the Courts, holding sessions in the Court House, may withdraw such books for perusal in the Court House building, as they desire to use; which should be returned as soon as convenient.

8. The Librarian shall collect and return to the library all books withdrawn by attorneys. This should be done before the closing hours of the day on which they are withdrawn.

9. Except as provided for herein, no books may be withdrawn from the library.

10. The Librarian shall see that all books taken during the day are returned, and placed by him in proper place, before the library is closed in the afternoon of the same day.

Books may be taken from shelves by the members; the Librarian will replace them.

11. The Librarian shall keep a record of all books withdrawn.

12. Members will be held responsible for all books withdrawn by them. The Librarian is requested to report promptly any default.

13. A non-member accompanied by a member, who desires his presence in the investigation of a matter in which they are interested, may use the library jointly with such member, upon stating these facts to the Librarian.

14. A member's clerk may use the books for his employer, who shall be required to give written authority.

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