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Heals Day and Night

It is a new way. It is something absolutely different. No lotions, sprays or sickly smelling salves or creams. No atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind. Nothing to smoke or inhale. No steaming or rubbing Or Injections. No electricity or vibration or massage. No powder; no plasters; no keeping in the house. Nothing of that kind at

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My catarrh was filthy and loathsome. made me ill. It dulled my mind. It undermined my health and was weakening my will. The hawking, coughing, spitting made me obnoxious to all, and my foul breath and disgusting habits made even my loved ones avoid me secretly. My delight in life was dulled and my faculties impaired. I knew that in time it would bring me to an untimely grave, because every moment of the day and night it was slowly yet surely sapping my vitality. But I found a cure, and I am ready to tell you about it FREE. Write me promptly.

Risk Just One Cent

Bend no money. Just your name and address on a postal card. Say: "Dear Sam Katz: Please tell me how you cured your catarrh and how I can cure mine." That's all you need to say. I will understand, and I will write to you with complete information, FREE, at once. Do not delay. Send postal eard or write me a letter today. Don't think of turning this page until you have asked for this wonderful treatment that can do for you what it has done for me.

SAM KATZ, Room A. L. 225. 2909 Indiana Avenue Chicago, Ill.

Genuine Imported


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GLENN URQUART Plaids-Tartan Plaids, Shepherd Plaids, Fancy and Pencil Stripes, Two-tone Stripes. Your choice of any cloth, plain or fancy weaves, rough mill finish or smooth finish-tailored to your own measure at prices that will astound you.

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R. R..



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- a $121, 650 Loss Leak

This big sum was saved by one Detroit automobile manufacturer in a single year. Study of the American Commerce Association Traffic Library on Carload Minimums enabled the Assistant Traffic Manager to discover a leak that was costing his company $121,650 a year on only four items shipped to four distributing centers. Is it any wonder that Trained Traffic Men can almost dictate their own salaries?


Traffic Knowledge Commands Big Salaries. The present business prosperity has created unparalleled expansion of commerce-which has brought a demand for more men trained in traffic laws. A half million shippers-railroads -corporations-manufacturing concerns everywhere are asking for men who know how to figure lowest shipping rates.

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WATSON E. COLEMAN, Patent Lawyer for you to become a Traffic Expert.

624 F. Street, N. W.

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Smoke none but Union Labeled Cigars and Tobacco. Demand the Label on your Clothes, Shoes, Collars, and everything upon which it is used.

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American Commerce Association,
American Comm. Bldg., Dept. 222.
Chicago, Illinois.

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