
At the footstool of Power let Flattery fa'wn,
Let Fashion/ her i'dols/ exto'l to the ski'es;
To virtue (in humble retire`ment withdrawn,

Unbla'med/ may the a'ccents of g'ratitude ris`e.
And shall not HI's-memory/ to Britons be d'ear,
Whose example/ with e'nvy all nations behold;
A statesman/ unb ́iassed by in'terest or fe'ar,

By po'wer uncorr'upted, untai'nted by go`ld?

Wh'o/, when te'rror and do'ubt/ through the universe rei'gned,
While ra'pine and tre'ason/ their ensigns unfurled,
The heart and the hop'es of his country maint'ained,
And on e-kingdom pres'erved/'midst the wr'ecks of the wo'rld.
Unhe'eding, untha'nkful, we ba`sk in the bla ́ze,

While the beams of the su'n/ in full majesty sh'ine;
When he sinks into twi`light/ with fondness we gaze,
And mark the mild lus'tre/ that gilds his decli'ne.
So, PITT! when the course of thy greatness is o'er,
Thy t'alents, thy virtues/ we fondly rec'al;
Now justly we prai'se-thee, whom lo'st we depl'ore,
Admi'red in thy ze'nith, belov ́ed in thy fa'll!
O! take-then, for da'ngers/ by wi'sdom rep'elled,
For e vils/ by cou'rage and con'stancy bra'ved;
O! tak'e, for a thr'one/ by thy-counsels-upheld,*
The th'anks of a peo`ple/ thy firm'ness has s'aved.
And o'h! if aga'in the rude whirlwind should r'ise,
The dawning of peace/ should fresh darkness def'orm ;
The regrets of the good/, and the fea'rs of the wise,
Shall turn to the P'ilot/ that weathered the sto`rm.


WITH more than mo^rtal powers/ endow'ed,
How high they soared/ above the crowd!
The'irs/ was no com'mon/ pa^rty rac'e,
(Jos'tling by dark intri'gue for pla'ce ;)

*"Thy counsels upheld" pronounced as one rhetorical word, with the emphatic impulse upon "thy."

Like fabled gods, their mighty-war/
Shook realms and na'tions in its ja'r;
Beneath each ba'nner/ proud to stand,
Looked up the no blest of the la'nd,
Till/ through the Bri'tish-world/ were known
The names of PITT and F'ox alone.
Spells of such for'ce/ no wizard grav'e/
E'er framed in d'ark/ Thessalian cav'e,
Though hi's/ could drain the ocean dr'y,
And force the pla'nets/ from the sky.
These spe'lls are spe'nt, and, spe'nt with the ́se,
The win'e of life/ is o'n the lee's.
Ge'nius, and taste, and ta'lent gon'e,

For ever tombed/ beneath the stone,

Whe're, (tam'ing-thought to human pri'de !-)
The mighty chiefs/ sleep si'de by si'de.
Dr'op/ upon Fox's-grave the tea'r,
'Twill trickle/ to his rival's bi'er;

O'er PITT's the mournful re'quiem so'und,
And Fox's/ shall the notes rebound.
The solemn e'cho/ seems to cr'y,-
"He're let their d'iscord/ wit`h-them di'e;
Spe'ak not for tho'se/ a separate do'om,
"Whom Fate made broth`ers/ in the tomb."

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Pronounced with the Sconcluding voice, and in an altered tone.


HAD a stranger, at this time, gone into the pro'vince of O'ude, ignorant of what had happened/ since the death of Sujah Do'wla, tha't-man, who, (with a sa'vage-heart,) had still great lines of ch'aracter, and wh'o, (with all his fero`city in war,) had still, (with a cultivating ha'nd,) preserved to his count'ry the ri'ches/ which it derived from benignant ski`es and a prolific-soil-if this str'anger, ignorant of all that had happened in the short interval, and/ observing the wi'de and general-devastation, and all the horrors of the scene of pla'ins/ unclothed and bro'wn-of vegetables/ burn't-up and extinguished-of villages/ depo'pulated and in ru'in-of tem'ples/ unro'ofed and per'ishing-of reservoirs/ broken down

and dry, he would naturally inq'uire, wh'at wa'r has thus laid waste the fertile fields of this on'ce be'autiful and o'pulent country-what ci'vil-dissensions have happened, thus to tear as under and separate the happy societies/ that on'ce possessed those villages-what disputed succes'sion-what religious ra'ge/ ha's, (with unholy vi'olence,) demolished those tem'ples, and disturbed fe'rvent, (but unobtr'uding) pi'ety, in the e'xercise of its duties ?-What merciless enemy has thus spread the horrors of fire and swo'rd--what severe visitation of Providence has dri'ed-up the foun'tain, and ta'ken/ from the face of the earth every vestige of verdure?-Or rather, what monsters have stalked over the country, ta'inting and poisoning, (with pestiferous breath,) what the voracious appetite/ could not devour? To such questions, what must be the answer? No wars have ravaged these la'nds and depo'pulated these vi`llages— no ci`vil-discords have been fe'lt-no dispu'ted-succession-no reli'gious-rage-no merciless en'emy-no afflic`tion of Providence, wh'ich, (while it scou`rged for the moment,) cut off the sources of resuscitation-no voracious and poisoningmo'nsters-n'o, all'-this/ has been accomplished by the frien'dship, generosity, and kindness of the English na'tion.* They have embraced us with their protecting a'rms, and l'o! tho^se are the fruits-of their all'iance. Wh'at, th'en, shall we be to`ld, th'at, un'der such circumstances, the exas'perated-feelings of a whole people (thus goaded and spurred on to cla`mour and res'istance,) were excited by the poor and feeble-influence of the Beg'ums! When we hear the description of the paroxysm, fe'ver, and deli'rium, into wh'ich despa'ir had thrown the na'tives, whe'n/ on the banks of the polluted G'anges, (panting for d'eath,) they to're/ more widely open/ the lip's of their gaping wounds, to accelerate their dissolution, a'nd/ while their blood was is'suing, presented their ghastly-eyes to Heaven, breathing their la'st and fe^rvent-prayer, that the dry earth/ might not be suffered to drink their blood, but that it might rise up to the throne of God, and rou'se the Eternal-Providence/ to aven'ge the wro'ngs of their country. Will it be sa'id/ that this was brought about by the incanta'tions of these Begu'ms/ in their secluded Zen'ana? o'r/ that they could inspire this enthusiasm and this despa'ir/ into the breast's of a

* "Friendship, generosity, and kindness," are pronounced, of course, ironically, which, perhaps, is most felicitously expressed in a monotone.

pe'ople/ who felt no grie'vance, and had suffered no to'rture? What m'otive, th'en, could have such in'fluence in their bo`som? What motive? That which n'ature, (the com'mon-parent,) plants in the b'osom of m'an, and whi'ch (though it may be less active in the In'dian/than in the Englishman,) is still congenial wi'th, and makes par't of his be'ing-th'at feeling/ which tells him, that m'an/ was never made to be the pro'perty of m'an; but th'at, when through pr'ide and in'solence of po'wer, one human creature/ dares to tyrannise over another, it is a power usu'rped, and resi'stance is a duty-th`at feeling/ which te'lls him, that all-power/ is delegated for the good, not for the in'jury of the people, and th'at/ when it is converted from the original purpose, the compact is broken, and the right/ is to be resumed th'at principle/ which tell's him, that resistance to power usurped/ is not merely a duty which he owes to himself and to his neighbour, but a duty which he owes to his God, in asserting and maintaining the ra'nk/ which he ga've him/ in the creation! to that com mon-God, wh'o, where he gives the form of m'an, (whatever may be the complˇexion,) gives also the feelings and the rights of m'an-that principle, whi'ch/ neither the rudeness of i'gnorance can sti`fle, nor the enerva'tion-of-refinement extinguish !-that' principle, which makes it base/ for a man to suffer/ when he ought to ac't, whi'ch, (tending to preserve to the species the original designa'tions of Pro'vidence,) spurns at the arrogant distin`ctions of mˇan, and vindicates the independent qu'ality of his ra`ce.


(Conclusion of the preceding Speech.)

FILIAL-duty/ it is impossible by wo'rds/ to describe, bu't/ description by words/ is u'nnecessary. It is that duty which we all feel and understand, and which requires not the powers of language/ to expl'ain. It i's/ in tru'th/ more properly to be called a prin'ciple/ than a d'uty. It requires not the a'id of m'emory-it needs not the e'xercise of the understand

ing-it awaits not the slow delibera'tions of reasoning. It flows spontaneously/ from the fountain of our feelings. It is inv'oluntary/ in our na'tures. It is a qu'ality of our being, inna'te and co'eval with life; whi'ch, (though afterwards ch'erished as a pa'ssion,) is indepe'ndent of our men'tal-powers. It is earlier than all intelligence in our so'uls. It displays itself in the earliest-impulses of the heart, and is an emotion of ten'derness, that retur'ns, (in smiles of gratitude,) the aff ́ectionate solicitudes-the te'nder anx'ieties-the endearing atte'ntions, (experienced before memory begins, but which are not le's e'ss-dear/ for not being remembered.) It is the sacrament of na'ture in our hea'rts, by which the union of parent and ch'ild is sealed, and rendered pe'rfect/ in the comm'unity of lo've; and whic'h, (strengthening and rip'ening with life,) acquires vigour from the understan'ding, and is most lively and 'a`ctive/ when mo'st-wanted-when tho'se/ who have supported i'nfancy, are sin'king into a'ge, and when infirmity and dec'repitude/ find their best'-solace/ in the affections of the children/ they have rea'red.

[blocks in formation]

The Majesty of Ju'stice, (in the eyes of Mr. Ha'stings,) is a being of terrific ho`rror-a drea'dful-idol, placed in the glo'om of gra'ves, accessible on'ly/ to cringing supplic'ation, and whi'ch/ must be approached with offerings, and wor'shipped/ by s'aerifice. The Majesty of Mr. Ha'stings/ is a be'ing, whose decre ́es are writ'ten with blo'od, and whose o`racles/ are at once sec'ure and terrible. From such an i'dol, I turn my eyes with ho`rror-I turn them he're/ to this dig`nified and high-tribunal, where the Majesty of Justice/ really sits enthro'ned. He're Í perceive the Majesty of Justice/ in her pro`per-robes of truth and mercy-chas'te and simple-acce'ssible and patienta'wful, without severity-inqui'sitive, without mea'nness. see her enthroned and si'tting in judgment/ on a great and momentous-cause, in which the happiness of millions/ is invol`ved.-Pa`rdon me, my lo'rds, if I presume to say, th'at/, in the decision of this grea't-cause, you are to be en'vied/, as well as venerated. You possess the high`est-distinction of the human character; fo`r/ when you render your ultimate voice on this ca'use, illustrating the dignity of the ancestors/ from whom you spring-justifying the solemn ass'everation/ which you ma'ke-vin`dicating the pe'ople/ of whom you are a pa'rt


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