
-e.g. a drunkard-as affording a ready and forcible illuftration. Pleafing to him is the first unneceffary draught: for there is a pleasure in doing wrong. A kind of fatisfaction is experienced by our evil-inclined hearts, which rejoice in iniquity, although the confcience may remonstrate. But he may determine to fhun the next time, although it is more probable he will crave for the repetition. But when the next time comes, the jeer of fome comrade, the challenge of a boon companion, makes that, about which at first there was a scruple, eafy and palatable. No difficulty or obftacle is now placed in the way, and that which was once tolerated becomes delightful. Pleasure without compunction is experienced; no jeer, no challenge is now needed. The needlefs potation is called for at once, and from being delicious it becomes a matter of frequent occurrence.

Intervals were

once obferved, but are now laid afide; a craving and artificial thirst is impatient of them. Frequency becomes habit. Once and again has the fnare been gradually coiled round in increafing folds, and the efcape which once seemed eafy now feems impoffible. The habit, loose at first, by degrees is confirmed. No Samfon's ftrength avails to snap the cords. The Philiftines are upon he

him ;

may try to escape-try to break the bands, but they refift all efforts. The vile habit is confirmed. It becomes needful to the man's depraved existence. The more it is indulged, the more it craves; yea, demands pampering. Confcience has all this time become weaker and weaker; the voice, ever ftill and fmall, ceases to remonstrate; the finner becomes impenitent. His heart is feared forrow for fin finds in him no

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place. He is without repentance—he re

lents not-remorfe is gone. He glories in his shame. He who was a man has, ftep by step, levelled himself to fuch habits as even inferior animals do not acquire. Having become impenitent, he refuses to hearken to remonftrance or the voice of warning. The terrors of hell move not, nor the fweet voice of tender mercy. He wishes there may be no hereafter, and he perfuades himself to believe there is noneno punishment, no wrath, no judgmentfeat. He is now obstinate in his iniquity - dogged-immovable-unimpreffible— twice dead-apathetic to the most urgent entreaty. He repulfes all overtures. shuts the door which mercy would open flams it — refolves never to repent is given over to a reprobate mind. The time is come which is defcribed by the Spirit of the Lord in Prov. i. 24-31, "Because I have called, and ye refufed; I have




ftretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but have fet at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I alfo will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh as defolation, and your deftruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not anfwer; they fhall feek me early, but they shall not find me: for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counsel : they despised all my reproof. Therefore

shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices." Then is the wicked man turned into hell, to join the other people who forget God. Are not fuch examples to be met with? Not only in the debafing fin of drunkenness - that

difgracing blot in the character of our

countrymen- but in other evil propenfities and doings, fuch as fabbath-breaking, uncleanness, theft, or lying. A man fins once, yea twice, and fays within himself he will leave off; but the hill is too fteepthe downward path too flippery; he cannot ftop, and the foaming torrent at the base whirls him to deftruction.

Not only is the character of the wicked pourtrayed in terms which denote gradual imbuing with wickedness, but the modes of action and life which are adopted by them are here fimilarly fet forth. Notice the expreffion. First, the Pfalmift speaks of "walking" in the counsel of the ungodly; then of "standing" in the way of finners; then of "fitting." Each one, you observe, more indicative of remaining than the one which preceded. "At the window of my houfe," writes Solomon, "I looked through the casement, and beheld among the fim

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