




Second National Bank Building, Ninth and Main Streets., Cincinnati, Ohio.


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Initiation Fees and Dues.

Section 1. Each local union shall establish an initiation fee of not less than $20.00, and each applicant for membership will be required to pay the same before he can be admitted into the union. Sec. 2. Each local union shall establish a monthly dues of not less than one dollar per member per month, of which twenty-five cents must be paid to the International Union for per capita tax. The same shall be paid in accordance with the by-laws of the local unions.

Sec. 3. If a local union desires to increase the amount of initiation fees or dues, they will first notify the executive council of the International Union of the contemplated change, and if the executive council will sanction and endorse such action, the change may be made accordingly.

Sec. 4. The executive council may grant special dispensations to any local union to reduce the amount of initiation fee when it appears to them that reduction would be advisable.

Executive Council on Labor Day.


HALL Labor Day lose its distinctive character and become a mere holiday for general meaningless purposes and for the exploitation for private profit?

Labor Day belongs to the working people of America. It is for them to determine its value and significance. Those outside the labor movement test its strength and virility by the way in which Labor Day is observed. Their test is justified by the fact that the power of the labor movement consists in its appeal to the hearts, minds and wills of the workers. Rouse the working people to a sense of their rights and interests and the labor movement becomes an irresistible power for their realization.

In the labor movement, as in every human endeavor, we become familiar with the heart forces and the ideals that brought the movement into existence and sometimes forget that these spiritual forces must be revived and nourished or they wither and die. Some labor organizations have fallen into this error. They have abandoned regular Labor Day demonstrations, parades, meetings, addresses, in the belief that such expenditure of time, effort and money is wasteful. This is a most serious mistake.

Such labor demonstrations are not wasteful and they do pay, even if only through publicity for the cause of Labor. Men and women marching shoulder to shoulder typify impressively the purposefulness and the unity of the labor movement. They are a physical demonstration of the devotion to principles-a proof that none can fail to understand. Observance of the day is a means of educating public thought and the agents for molding public opinion in regard to the principles and purposes of the labor movement. When our movement is understood, it will be recognized and established as a potent agency for justice and humanity. The objections and oppositions now interposed by employers will no longer be tolerated.

No human movement remains at one level-it must increase or it must decrease. As new members come into unions they must learn the traditions and ideals of the cause of Labor. The spirit of fellowship and the brotherhood of man are the life of the labor movement. If this life be not nourished, the whole will become as a dead thing.

The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor urges that every central body plan to make observance of the coming Labor Day demonstrate to the whole nation the dignity, strength and importance of the labor movement and to make the spirit of the day of such a nature that every worker shall appreciate more keenly the value of his union and shall be ready to perform his duties with greater enthusiasm and more perfect understanding. Labor Day typifies a movement for life and humanity. Do not pervert it. Each city central body and all organized labor have a duty to perform.

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