
Rahl, colonel, his death, p. 68.

Ramsay, Dennis, mayor of Alexandria, his congratula-
tory address to the new president, p. 300.

Randolph, Mr. Edm. appointed attorney-general, p. 319.
Reid, col. dispatched to the governor of Jersey, p. 66..
Rhode island, state of, refuses the constitution, p. 316.
Rochambeau, count, heads the French forces, p. 158.
Rodney, admiral, arrives on the American coast, p. 162.
Rutledge, Mr. made an associate judge, p. 319.

Schuyler, general, commands at New York, p. 29.
Senate, address of the to the president, on the death of
Washington, p. 409.

Slaves, emancipation of those belonging to general
Washington, pp. 432. 439.-Their sale or transporta
tion forbid, 433-

Smallwood, general, mention of, pp. 83. 89. 97.
Spain; her treaty with America, p. 327.

Staten island taken possession of by the British, p. 48.
State legislatures; their dilatoriness in furnishing the
necessary supplies of troops, p. 76.-On another oc-
casion reminded of it by the commander in chief, 106.
Stirling, lord, commands the American left wing at the
battle of Monmouth, p. 116.

Stuart, Dr. D. a legatee of Washington, p. 442.
Sullivan, general, succeeds Lee in the command of a
part of the army, p. 66.-Commences the siege of
Rhode island, 120.-In conjunction with his officers
protests against the conduct of D'Estaing, ib.-
Commands an expedition against the six Indian na-
tions, 139.-Invades Staten island, 144.

Thomas, general, occupies the heights of Dorchester,
p. 39.

Thomson, Charles, announces to Washington his election
to the presidency, p. 298.

Trenton, battle of, p. 68.

Tryon, major-general, the British governor of New
York, makes conciliatory proposals to general Wash-
ington, p. 110.

Vermont claims to be an independent state, p. 174.
Villiers, mons. mention of, p. 8.


Virginia; raises a corps of 300 men to act against the
French, p. 6.-Votes its thanks to Washington, for
his defence of fort Necessity, 9.-Gallantry of its
troops, 13.-Makes a fresh levy of men, 14-Its
legislature vests 150 shares of the navigation of the
rivers Potowmac and James in the name of general
Washington, 272.-Proposes the electing of deputies
to a convention for revising the system of govern-
ment, 285.


Characteristic Index of his Life and Actions.



His ancestry and birth, education, and youthful qualities,
pp. 1 to 4.-Appointed one of the adjutants-general
of Virginia; sent on a mission to the Ohio, ib.-His
astonishingly quick return, and publication of his
journal, 6-Appointed second in command in a corps
raised by the assembly of Virginia, ib.-Surprises the
French encampment, 7.-His gallant defence of fort
Necessity, 8.-Joins genera! Braddock (in 1755), 9.—
Is seized with a fever, 11.-Has two horses shot under
him, in an engagement with the French and Indians,
12-Appointed commander in chief of the forces of
Virginia, 14.-Resigns his commission, 23.



chosen commander in chief of the forces of
the twelve united colonies, p. 28.-His speech to con-
gress on receiving his appointment, 29.-Joins the
army at Cambridge, and publishes a declaration,
31.-His general orders of 26th October, 35.-Re-
ceived at Boston with marks of great approbation, 41.
1776 refuses a letter from general Howe, as not
being properly addressed, p. 45.-His orders to the
troops stationed in and about New York, 46.—
Ability evinced, in the evacuation of Long island,
51.--Represents to congress the want of spirit and
subordination in his army, 52.-Seeks an honourable
death, by exposing his person to the enemy, rather
than witness the dastardly conduct of his troops, 56.--
Extols the bravery of the troops at Kingsbridge 58.
His embarrassing retreat through the Jerseys, 62.-


Complains to congress of the defective constitution
of their army, 65. Gives his troops a singular ex-
ample of bravery, 72.

1777-Compelled in this campaign to extort mili-
tary supplies at the point of the bayonet, p. 99.→
Replies to a remonstrance presented to congress by
the legislature of Pennsylvania, 100.-A cabal formed
against him, ib.

1778-Recommends to congress, a compensation, by
half pay and a pensionary fund, for the support of
the officers, p. 107.-Sooths the irritation between the
French and American officers at Rhode island, 121.
1779 :Composes the discontents in the Jersey line,
p. 128.-Renews his application to congress for an
adequate provision for the officers of the army, 134.
1780-Laments the want of vigour in the government
for prosecuting the campaign, p. 153.-States his
embarrassments to congress, 155.-Letter expressive
of his chagrin at the termination of the campaign of
this year, 162.

1781-Commences his military journal in May, p.169.-
Reprimands the manager of his estate for furnishing
the enemy with supplies, 173.-Settles the dispute
between Vermont and New York, 175.-Fixes, in
conjunction with the French commanders, on the plan
of the campaign, 181.-Which produces the surren-
der of lord Cornwallis's army, and gives the closing
scene to the war, 190.

1782 :Endeavours to rouse his country to spirited
measures, p. 194.-On the prevalence of a belief in
peace, he paints, in a letter to the secretary at war,
the discontents of the army, and the consequences
to be apprehended on its reduction, 197.-Appeases
the irritation of the officers, in an eloquent address
to them at a public meeting, 207.-Proof of his
exalted_patriotism, 219. Persists in pleading the
cause of the army, 220.-His indignation at the con-
́duct of some mutineers, 226.-Recommends the for-
mation of a militia during peace, 228.-Addressés
a farewell letter to the governor of each state, ib.-
His parting orders to the army, 247.Takes leave
of his officers, 255.-Singular exactness in account❤
ing for the expenditure of the public money, 257-
Resigns his commission to congress, 258.


Marries Mrs. Custis, in 1759, and retires to Mount
Vernon, p. 24.-Serves in the house of burgesses
of the colony of Virginia, and is a judge of the court
of the county in which he resides, 25.-Uniformly
opposes the principle of taxation, ib.-Retires to
Mount Vernon, in 1783, at the conclusion of the
war with the mother country, 265.-His sensations
and pursuits on quitting public life, 267-Declines
accepting the sumptuous proffer of the Virginian
legislature, 273.-Chosen president of the society of
Cincinnati, 278.-Recommends a revisal of the federal
system, 279.-Chosen a delegate, and afterwards pre-
sident of the convention for revising the system of
government, 287.-His retirement, after quitting the
presidency in 1797, 390.


His election in 1789, to the presidency of the
United States, p. 298.-Reply to one of many.
addresses presented to him, and the rejoicings made
on his way to the seat of government, 302.-Arrives
at New York, and ceremony of his installation, 306.-
His speech to both houses, 308.-Proceeds to ame-
liorate the condition of the United States, 318.-
Subdues, and commences a system for civilizing the
Indians, 321, 322.-Attends to the foreign relations
of the United States, 323-Decrease of his popularity,
in consequence of the treaty with Great Britain,
332.-Refuses papers to house of representatives, 335.

Causes the removal of the French ambassador,
350.-His answer to the speech of M. Adet, on pre-
senting the colours of the French republic, 351-
Announces his intention to decline being re-elected
president, in an address to the people, 356.-Takes
leave of congress in 1797, 386.-Refutes the calumny
implied by the publication of a volume of spurious
letters, 391.-Review of his administration, 393.


Is entreated to head the army in 1779, on the threatened
invasion by the French republic, 396.-Accepts the
commission of lieutenant-general, 399.


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Account of his death in 1799, p. 404.-Resolutions of
government in consequence, 412.

Writes his Will with his own hand;-manumits, at the de-
Imise of Mrs. Washington, all the slaves on his estate;—
bequeaths in perpetuity, twenty shares in the Bank of
Alexandria to a free school there-the shares proffered
him by the Virginia legislature in James river and the
Potowmac, to the establishing a university in Colum-
bia, and to Liberty Hall Academy-various tokens
of remembrance to Dr. Craik, Dr. D. Stuart, lord
Fairfax, and general de la Fayette-his papers and
library, with a part of Mount Vernon estate, to Bush-
rod Washington, esq.-Little Hunting-Creek estate
to George Fayette and Lawrence Augustine Wash-
ington-the residue of Mount Vernon to Lawrence
Lewis and Eleanor Park Lewis, &c. &c. &c.


Description of his person, p. 416.-His passions; re-
sembles Bacon, Locke, and Newton, rather than
Voltaire, ib. His steady pursuit of truth; prompt-
ness and accuracy of his decisions; knowledge
of human nature; accustomed to ruminate uncon-
sciously on public matters in his retirement, 417.-
Personal courage and firmness; perseverance and
moderation; his genius supplied every resource in
times of difficulty; no great advantage ever obtained
over him by an adversary su erior in numbers and
equipment; his firmness and prudence proved the
salvation of his country, 418.-His qualities most feli-
citously blended; his integrity, ib.-A statesman
without guile; a total stranger to duplicity, 419.-His
learning, ib.-Powers of his mind; his virtues not
eclipsed by predominant vices; punctual in all his en-
gagements; temperate, liberal, and hospitable; a lover
of order; methodical, 420 --The friend of morality
and religion; a constant attendant on public worship,
421.-His management of the army, ib.-Gains the
affection of his troops, and of the states, 422.-Of
modest, unassuming manners; possesses great equa
nimity; never unseasonably elated or depressed; the
honours and applause bestowed on him had no bad


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