TEMPTATION. THE billows swell, the winds are high, O Lord, the pilot's part perform, And guide and guard me through the storm; Amidst the roaring of the sea, Dangers of every shape and name Though tempest-tossed and half a wreck, SUBMISSION. O LORD, my best desire fulfil, Life, health, and comfort, to thy will, Why should I shrink at thy command, No, let me rather freely yield Thy favour all my journey through Wisdom and mercy guide my way, A poor blind creature of a day, But ah! my inward spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway; Else the next cloud that veils my skies, Drives all these thoughts away. STANZAS Subjoined to the Yearly Bill of Mortality of the Parish of All-Saints, Northampton.* Anno Domini, 1787. Pallida Mors æquo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas, HORACE. Pale Death with equal foot strikes wide the door WHILE thirteen moons saw smoothly run All these, life's rambling journey done, Was man (frail always) made more frail That so much death appears ? No; these were vigorous as their sires, Nor plague nor famine came : Like crowded forest-trees we stand, And some are marked to fall; The axe will smite at God's command, * Composed for John Cox, parish clerk of Northampton. Green as the bay tree, ever green, The gay, the thoughtless, have I seen, Read, ye that run, the awful truth, No present health can health ensure No medicine, though it oft can cure, And O! that, humble as my lot, These truths, though known, too much forgot, So prays your clerk with all his heart, ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, www FOR THE YEAR 1788. Quod adest, memento Componere æquus. Cætera flumınis HORACE. Improve the present hour, for all beside COULD I, from Heaven inspired, as sure presage How each would trembling wait the mournful sheet, On which the press might stamp him next to die : And, reading here his sentence, how replete With anxious meaning, heaven-ward turn his eye ! Time then would seem more precious than the joys Then doubtless many a trifler, on the brink Ah self-deceived! Could I prophetic say |