Poems ..., Volum 1W. Collins, 1834 - 564 sider |
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Side xix
... hast suffered all for me , " & c . " As birds their infant brood protect , " & c . " Thy mansion is the Christian's heart , " & c . ** " I was a grovelling creature once , " & c . †† " Gracious God , our children see , " & c . Spread ...
... hast suffered all for me , " & c . " As birds their infant brood protect , " & c . " Thy mansion is the Christian's heart , " & c . ** " I was a grovelling creature once , " & c . †† " Gracious God , our children see , " & c . Spread ...
Side xxxvi
... hast felt another's pain , " & c . Cowper spoke from personal knowledge here . Those who mock at such changes , and deem them delusive , because they have not felt the like themselves , are manifestly incompetent judges ; since they ...
... hast felt another's pain , " & c . Cowper spoke from personal knowledge here . Those who mock at such changes , and deem them delusive , because they have not felt the like themselves , are manifestly incompetent judges ; since they ...
Side 138
... hast set the persecuted free , None interposes now to succour thee . Countries indebted to thy power , that shine With light derived from thee , would smother thine ; Thy very children watch for thy disgrace- A lawless brood , and curse ...
... hast set the persecuted free , None interposes now to succour thee . Countries indebted to thy power , that shine With light derived from thee , would smother thine ; Thy very children watch for thy disgrace- A lawless brood , and curse ...
Side 140
... Hast thou incurred His anger , who can waste thee with a word , Who poises and proportions sea and land , Weighing them in the hollow of his hand , And in whose awful sight all nations seem As grasshoppers , as dust , a drop , a dream ?
... Hast thou incurred His anger , who can waste thee with a word , Who poises and proportions sea and land , Weighing them in the hollow of his hand , And in whose awful sight all nations seem As grasshoppers , as dust , a drop , a dream ?
Side 141
... hast thou sworn on every slight pretence , Till perjuries are common as bad pence , While thousands , careless of the damning sin , Kiss the book's outside , who neʼer looked within ? Hast thou , when Heaven has clothed thee with dis ...
... hast thou sworn on every slight pretence , Till perjuries are common as bad pence , While thousands , careless of the damning sin , Kiss the book's outside , who neʼer looked within ? Hast thou , when Heaven has clothed thee with dis ...
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