



I RECOLLECT that when I had the pleasure of seeing you some years ago, you expressed to me-what very probably you have long since forgotten-your sympathy with this undertaking for the general cause of Christianity, and even remonstrated with me for not carrying it on. If anything whatever, certainly such language from your lips-the lips of such a witness and combatant for the cause of Christ-would be an incentive to me. I would gladly have saluted you with it on your jubilee, in which with so many others I took a cordial interest; but as this was not possible, I beg you to accept, with your accustomed kindness, this volume, which contains a continuation of the sketches, as a supplementary gift, and as a small token of the sincere respect and love with which the author calls himself



Berlin, August 15, 1846.



I Now publish the Second Volume of my Sketches from the History of the Christian Life, which are taken from the same point of view as the first. Those which relate to the missionary history of the Middle Ages, closing with Raimund Lull, appear to form a small finished whole by themselves, on which account I have not extended this part any further. In this, as in the former volume, I have given only the results of my studies in reference to the Christian life, without anything which in itself can claim the attention of scholars or give it a scientific value. May the Lord accompany with his blessing these testimonies to that which, coming from above and raised above the changes of time, directs our looks above-these records of the motions of His Spirit in the lives of believers as manifested amidst all the distractions of humanity, which point to the source of the stream that flows through all ages!

The profits of this volume are devoted to the object so dear to my heart, mentioned in the Preface to the first-the benefit of the Society of Students called after my name, for the support and relief of their sick and indigent associates. I mention this in order to add, that if any reader should, in consequence of this statement, be disposed to contribute to this object, I shall gratefully receive every gift of love. My dear and respected colleague, Counsellor Lichtenstein (to whom we are deeply indebted for the care with which he manages the financial concerns of the Society), has also expressed his willingness to receive contributions for the same object, in consequence of the kindly interest he takes in it.

In conclusion, I heartily thank my dear young friend, Mr. Schneider, for the attention he has paid to everything connected with the correction and printing of the work. It will gratify, I hope, not a few readers that Mr. Schneider has again taken the trouble to copy some select original passages.

Berlin, August 15, 1846.



The work now translated originally appeared in three volumes, Berlin, 1822; a second edition was published in 1825-1827; a third edition of Vol. I. was published at Hamburgh in 1845, and of Vol. II. in the following year.


THE work which I now publish in an amended form, was undertaken from a desire to excite and cherish in the minds of persons who were not devoted to the study of theology as a science, a consciousness of the unity of that Christian Spirit which has been in action through every age of the church, and which connects us with all that has flowed from the operation of the Holy Spirit since its first effusion-to awaken an interest for everything which has proceeded from this Spirit-to let the testimonies drawn from actual life, speak for general edification and instruction-and to lead to a recognition at once of the Unity of that Spirit, and of the variety that exists in its forms of manifestation. Accounts from several quarters have reached me that this attempt has not been altogether in vain. I recollect especially some beautiful lines which I received from Schleiermacher, when the first part of these sketches appeared in the year 1822, in which he expressed to me his deep interest, as a practical clergyman, in this undertaking.

As the object for which these sketches were first published seems equally suited to the wants of the present times (though changed in many respects from the former), I am desirous that this work, of which the first volume has been long ago out of print, should not sink into oblivion. And I wish to construct these historical delineations in a manner more corresponding to their object, to make them still more popular, and to remove all philosophical discussion, which will find a place with more propriety in my larger Church History. On this account, and to give a greater unity to the whole, I have been obliged, much to my regret, to omit several contributions from other persons. I hope that my dear friend Dr. Tholuck will not allow his Essay on the Moral Influence of Heathenism to be lost, but present it to the public in some other form. The First and Second Volumes are now thrown into one.

I have endeavoured, as far as my other engagements would permit, to perfect the form and contents of these sketches, and to enrich them with new ones.


These delineations, which make not the least pretension to scientific value, are designed only to meet the wants of Christians in general. Yet possibly it would gratify many a younger or older theologian who makes use of these testimonies of the Christian life, to read, in the original, several important and beautiful passages from the Fathers, which are here translated; therefore my dear young friend Mr. Schneider (theological didate from Silesia), who has compiled all the indexes, and corrected the proof sheets, and whose diligence, zeal, and fidelity have been of great service, has taken the trouble to see to the printing of these passages. My hearty thanks are due for au his exertions.

The profits of this work were, from the first, devoted to the benefit of poor and deserving students of theology. Nothing can diminish my interest in an object so dear to my heart; it rather supplies a fresh motive to resume and continue the work. But as the so-called Neander Society has been since formed for the same purpose, the amount will be added to its capital, or transferred to it for distribution.

As these sketches are intended to testify of the one (and in the true sense (Catholic Church-which rests on an immoveable foundation, even Christ-they are dedicated to all the members of this church, under whatever form of constitution they may be scattered; and may the Spirit of the Lord accompany them and make them a blessing to such !

Berlin, August 5, 1845.


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