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Dean of the Chapel-Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL TAIT, D.C.L., Lord Bishop of London.
Sub-Dean-Francis Garden, M.A.

Clerk of the Queen's Closet-Rt. Rev. John Graham, D.D., Lord Bishop of Chester.
Deputy-Clerks-Hon. E. S. Keppel, M.A.; Lord W. Russell, M.A.; Dean of Westminster, D.D.
Domestic Chaplain to Her Majesty-Hon. G. Wellesley, M.A., Dean of Windsor.
Chaplain of Her Majesty's Household, St. James'-Francis Garden, M.A.

Wm. Rogers, M.A.


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Hon. C. L. Courtenay, M.A.
Alan G. Cornwall, M.A..........

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[blocks in formation]

Chas. A. S. Morgan, M.A.


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Evan Nepean, M.A.

G. A. F. Hart, M.A.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Hon. Chaplains.

Hon. D. Gordon, M.A............
T. B. Zincke, M.A.

1857 W. H. Brookfield, M.A.





William Selwyn, B.D.............
Fred. C. Cook, M.A.




W. Drake, M.A.
Lord W. Russell, M.A............ 1862
Dean of Christ Church, D.D. 1862
Dean of Westminster, D.D....... 1862
J. B. Lightfoot, M.A.
J. St. John Blunt
1823 J. E. Kempe, M.A.........................






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Chapel Royal, Whitehall.

Dean of the Chapel—Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL TAIT, D.C.I., Lord Bishop of London. (1857.) Sub-Dean-Francis Garden, M.A. (1859.)

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Crockford's Clerical Directory


It is requested that this Work be cited as “CROCKFORD'S CLERICAL DIRECTORY."

BBES, George Cooper, Cleadon Hall, Sunderland.-St. John's Coll. Cam. B.A. 1821; Deac. 1823 and Pr. 1824 by Bp of Dur. Patron and Lay Impro. of Ingleby Arnecliffe, Yorks. Formerly C. of Dalton-le-Dale 1823, Gateshead 1825, Whitburn 1836, Chap. to the late Earl of Beverley [1] ABBEY, Charles John, Glenalmond, Perth. Lin. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1856, M.A. 1859; Deac. 1858 and Pr. 1859 by Bp of Roch. Tut. and Theol. Lect. Trin. Coll. Glenalmond 1859. Formerly 2nd Mast. of Dedham Gr. Sch. 1857-59.


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ABBOTT, George, Stoke Wake, Blandford.-
Magd. Hall, Ox. B.A. 1831; Deac. 1833, Pr. 1834.
C. of Stoke Wake.

ABBOTT, James S., Little Holbeck, Leeds.-
C. of St. Mark's, Leeds.


ABBOTT, John, Meavy, Tavistock.—Pemb. Coll. Ox. 3rd cl. Lit. Hum. B.A. 1821, M.A. 1823; Deac. 1822 and Pr. 1823 by Bp of Ex. R. of Meavy, Dio. Ex. 1831. [2] (Patron, Ld Chan; Tithe comm. at 2241 108; Glebe, 23 acres, let for 351; R.'s Inc. 2551; Pop. 269.) Formerly C. of Heavitree 1822, St. David's, Exeter, 1823-31. [15]

ABBEY, William, Salton, Oswaldkirk Yorks. Deac. 1845 and Pr. 1846 by Bp of Nor. V. of Salton, Dio. York, 1847. (Patron, John Woodall, Esq; Tithe Imp. 257/ 108, V. 131; Glebe, 58 acres; V.'s Inc. 140; Pop. 384.) [3] ABBISS, John, 41, Myddelton-square, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.-Trin. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1814, M.A. 1817; Deac. 1818, Pr. 1819. R. of St. Bartholomew the Great, City and Dio. of Lon. 1819. (Patrons, Trustees of the late W. Phillips, Esq; R.'s Inc. 7007; Pop:-Dub. B.A. 1838. V. of Corsham, Dio. G. and P. 1858. ABBOTT, Joseph, Corsham, Chippenham, Wilts. 3426.)

[4] ABBOT, Bradley, Parsonage, Christ Church, Clapham, London, S. W.-Dub. B.A. 1852, M.A. 1864; Deac. 1852, Pr. 1853. P. C. of Ch. Ch. Clapham, Dio. Win. 1856. (Patron, R. of Clapham; P. C.'s Inc. 500/; Pop. 4600.) Formerly C. of Holy Trinity, Brompton, 1852-53; St. Mark's, Whitechapel, 1854-55. [5] ABBOT, Charles, Hilston-Oustwick, Hull.-St. Bees; Deac. 1851 and Pr. 1852 by Bp of Ches. P. C. of Tunstall-in-Holderness, Dio. York, 1858. (Patron, Succentor of York; P. C.'s Inc. 60; Pop. 166.) Formerly C. of St. Paul's, Staley, Mottram-in-Longendale,

near Manchester.

[6] ABBOT, Charles H. P., Reed Vale, Teignmouth, S. Devon.—Ch. Ch. Ox. M.A. Stud. of Ch. Ch. Oxford. [7]

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ABBOT, Frederick James,
Corpus Coll. Cam. B.A. 1846; Deac. 1846 and Pr. 1847 by
Bp of G. and B. Chap. to the Forces, London. Formerly
C. of St. Luke's, Berwick-street, London; Precentor,
Trin. Ch. Hull.

ABBOT, George,



Kirkby-Lonsdale.-St. Bees; Deac. 1839 and Pr. 1840 ABBOTT, John Holmes, Abbey, Middleton, by Bp of Rip. P. C. of Middleton, Dio. Ches. 1840. (Patron, V. of Kirkby-Lonsdale; Tithe-App. 17 19s, Imp. 3007; Glebe, 92 acres; P. C.'s Inc. 1207 and Ho Pop. 366.)


Patron, Lord Methuen; V.'s Inc. 300l and Ho; Pop.
3193.) Forinerly C. of Dowry Chapel, Clifton. [17]
ABBOTT, Richard H., West Town, Dewsbury.
-P. C. of St. Matthew's, West Town, Dio. Rip. 1850.
(Patron, V. of Dewsbury; P. C.'s Inc. 70l. and Ho;
Pop. 3431.)
shire.-C. of Swanwick.
ABBOTT, Walter, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derby-


ABBOTT, Walter Guppy, Lorrimore-square, Walworth, London, S.-C. of St. Paul's, Walworth. [20]

tenham, Middlesex.-Wor. Coll. Ox. E.A. 1852, M.A. ABDY, Albert Channing, Grove Place, Tot1854; Deac. 1854 and Pr. 1855 by Bp of Win. C. of Holy Trinity, Tottenham, 1862. Formerly C. of Broughton, Hants, 1854, St. Martin's, Worcester, 1856, Chipping Norton 1859.



ABELL, John, Strensall, York.-C. of Stren[221 ABERGAVENNY, The Right Hon. William Neville, 4th Earl of, 58, Portlandplace, London, W; Eridge Castle, Tonbridge Wells.

Magd. Coll. Cam. M.A. 1816; Deac. 1817, Pr. 1818. Formerly Incumb. of Boarhunt-with-Southwick, Hants, Formerly R. of Birling, Kent, and V. of Frant, [9] Sussex.

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King's Sch. Sherborne, Dorset, 1859-60, Vice-Prin. of
Training Coll. Caermarthen, 1861-63.


ACTON, John, Iwerne Minster, Shaftesbury.-
Ex. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1844, M.A. 1846; Deac. 1848 and
Pr. 1849 by Bp of Salis. V. of Iwerne Minster, Dio.
Salis. 1860. (Patrons, D. and C. of Windsor; Tithe,
1801; Glebe let for 607; V.'s Inc. 2401; Pop. 712.)
Formerly C. of East Orchard and St. Margaret's
Marsh 1848-60, of which livings with Hinton he is

ACTON, William, Weston-Colville, Linton, Cambs.
St. John's Coll. Cam. B.A. 1824, M.A. 1827. R. of
Weston-Colville, Dio. Ely, 1832. (Patron, John Hall,
Esq; R.'s Inc. 2201; Pop. 537.)

ABRAHALL, John Charles James St. D. Chap. of Ch. Ch. Ox. Formerly Asst. Mast. in Hoskyns, Butterleigh Rectory, Collumpton, Devon. Wad. Coll. Ox. Scho. 2nd cl. Lit. Hum. B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826; Deac. 1824, Pr. 1825. R. of Butterleigh, ACRES, John, Clevedon, Bristol.—Lin. Coll. Ox. Dio. Ex. 1864. (Patron, Ld. Chan; Tithe, 841 11s; B.A. 1840, M.A. 1846; Deac. 1841 by Bp of B. and W, Glebe let for 881 9s; R.'s Inc. 1737; Pop. 153.) Formerly Pr. 1843 by Bp of G. and B. P. C. of Kenn, Dio. B. and Mast. of Bruton Gr. Sch. Somerset. [1] W. 1847. (Patron, V. of Yatton; Tithe, 907; Glebe, ABRAHALL, John Hoskyns, Combe Longa, 7 acres; P. C.'s Inc. 105/; Pop. 282.) [13] Woodstock, Oxon.-Ball. Coll. Ox. Chan. Prize for Latin Poem 1850, 2nd cl. Lit. Hum. 1852, B.A. 1852, Fell. of Lin. Coll. 1853, M.A. 1854; Deac. 1854 and Pr. 1855 by Bp of Ox. P. C. of Combe Longa, Dio. Ox. 1861. (Patron, Lin. Coll. Ox; P. C.'s Inc. 991; Pop. 627.) Formerly Prin. of Trin. Coll. Sch. Toronto; late Fell. of Lin. Coll. Ox. Author, The Body of Christ, or Human Society and Christianity, 1861, 18; Versiculi, or Verselets, Latin and English, 4s 6d; Western Woods and Waters, Poems and illustrative Notes, 1864, 8s. 6d. [2] ABRAHAM, Thomas Edward, Risby Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds.-Ball. Coll. Ox. 1st cl. Math. 2nd cl. Lit. Hum. B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836; Deac. 1835 and Pr. 1836 by Bp of Lon. R. of Risby with Fornham R. Dio. Ely 1863. (Patron, Ld Chan; Tithe, 7557; Glebe, 21 acres; R.'s Inc. 8001 and Ho; Pop. Risby 427, Fornham 64.) [3] ABUD, Henry, Uttoxeter, Staffs.-Wad. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1843. M.A. 1850; Deac. 1845, Pr. 1846. V. of Uttoxeter, Dio. Lich. 1854. (Patrons, D. and C. of Windsor; Tithe-Apps. 7257 5s and 554 acres of Glebe, Imp. 31 2s, V. 199/ 15s; V.'s Inc. 2801 and Ho; l'op. 4515. Surrogate. Patron of P. C. of Stramshall, Staffs. Author, A Church Hymn-book for every Sunday and Holy Day throughout the year, arranged according to the order of the Book of Common Prayer, Masters. [4] ACE, Daniel, 8, St. John's-terrace, Battersea-rise, London, S. W.-St. John's Coll. Cam; Deac. 1849 and Pr. 1850 by Bp of Rip. Formerly C. of St. James's, Clerkenwell, St. Leonard's, Malton, Yorks, Mariners' Ch, Ratcliff-highway, London. [5] ACHESON, Johnston Hamilton, The Parsonage, Upton, Birkenhead.-Dub. B.A. 1860; Deac. 1860 by Bp of Meath, Pr. 1862 by Bp of Ches. P. C. of Upton or Overchurch, Dio. Ches. 1862. (Patron, W. Inman, Esq; P. C.'s Inc. 647. and Ho; Pop. 293.) Formerly C. of Newtown, Kells, Co. Meath, 1860, C. of Liverpool and Chap. to the Reformatory Ship "Akbar," [6] ACKERLEY, George Biglands, Whalley, Lancashire.-St. Mary's Hall, Ox. B.A. 1861; Denc. 1861 and Pr. 1862 by Bp of Man. C. of Whalley, [7]



ACTON, William, Wicklewood, Wymondham, Norfolk.-Ball. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1846; Deac. 1847, Pr. 1848. V. of Wicklewood, Dio. Nor. 1854. (Patrons, A. C. Heber Percy, Esq. and Rev. M. B. Darby; Tithe— Imp. 340l, V. 130l; Glebe, 30 acres; V.'s Inc. 1747; Pop. 806.) [16] ACWORTH, William, Bramblebury House, Plumstead, Woolwich.-Queens' Coll. Cam. B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832; Deac. 1832 and Pr. 1833 by Bp of Lin. V. of Plumstead with East Wickham C. Dio. Lon. 1853. (Patron, the present V; Plumstead, Tithe-Imps. 3867 11s, V.7011; East Wickham, Tithe-Imp. 2307, V. 1721 6s 10d; V.'s Inc. 940 and Ho; Pop. Plumstead 24,502, East Wickham 836.) Author, Sermon on the Death of Thomas Babington, Esq. of Rothley Temple, 1837. [17]

ADAIR, Hugh Jenison, Bradford Vicarage, Taunton.-Ch. Ch. Ox. B.A. 1859; Deac. 1859 and Pr. 1860 by Bp of B. and W. V. of Bradford, Dio. B. and W. 1861. (Patron, Rev. W. Burridge; V.'s Inc. 1207 and Ho; Pop. 552.) [18]

ADAM, George Read, 33, Priory-road, Kilburn, London, N.W.-St. Mary's Hall, Ox. B.A. 1851; Deac. 1852 by Bp of Win. Pr. 1853 by Bp of Lon. P. C. of St. Mary's Kilburn, Dio. Lon. 1855. (Patron, Gen. the Hon. A. Upton; P. C.'s Inc. from pew rents; Pop. 4000.) Formerly C. of West Clandon, Surrey, 1852, Harrow 1855. [19]


ADAM, Stephen Condon, Cambridge-crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham.--St. John's Coll. Cam. 31st Wrang. Foundation Scho. of St. John's, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1861; Deac. 1858 and Pr. 1859 by Abp of York. Asso. Sec. of the Society for Irish Church Missions to the ACKLAND, Charles Tabor, 26, Kensington-Roman Catholics, West Midland Dist. 1860. Formerly square, London, W.-Dub. M.A. 1862; Deac. 1861 and C. of Holy Trin. Wicker, Sheffield, 1858-59. Pr. 1862 by Bp of Lon. C. of St. Barnabas, Kensington, ADAMS, Augustus Crichton, Rochester.1863, and Asst. Mast. Kensington Sch. 1857. [8] St. Bees; Deac. 1856 and Pr. 1857 by Bp of Lich. C. of ACKLAND, Thomas Suter, 1, Bridge-road St. Nicholas, Rochester, 1859. Formerly C. of Winster, West, Battersea, London, S. W.-St. John's Coll. Cam. Derbyshire, 1856-59. [21] 21st Wrang. 1839, Scho. of St. John's 1838, B.A. 1839, Fell. of Clare Hall 1842, M.A. 1843; Deac. 1841 and Pr. 1842 by Bp of Ches. 2nd Mast. of St. Peter's Coll. Sch, Eaton-square, 1854. Formerly Math. Mast. in Royal Institution Sch, Liverpool, 1840 -47; P. C. of St. Stephen's, Liverpool, 1843-53. Author, The Apostolic Commission (a Sermon), 1862.


ADAMS, Benjamin, Bradwell, near Great Yarmouth.-St. John's Coll. Cam. B.A. 1848; Deac. 1852 and Pr. 1853 by Bp of Lich. C. of Bradwell, 1860. Formerly C. of Hales, Salop, and Riddings, Derbyshire. [22] ADAMS, Cadwallader Coker, Anstey, Coventry. [9]-Mert. Coll. Ox. B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846. V. of Anstey, Dio. Wor. 1852. (Patron Ld Chan; Tithe-Imp. 127 12s, V. 401; V.'s Inc. 1657; Pop. 171.) P. C. of Shilton, Warw. Dio. Wor. 1852. (Patron, Ld Chan; TitheImp. 371, P. C. 41 18 4d; P. C.'s Inc. 761; Pop. 487.) [23]

ACLAND, Charles Lawford, Jesus Coll. Cam. B.A. 1856, M.A. 1859; Deac. 1859 and Pr. 1860 by Bp of Lon. C. of Trin. Ch, Gray's-innroad, London, 1859. [10] ACLAND, Peter Leopold Dyke, Broad Člyst, Exeter. Ch. Ch. Ox. B.A. 1841, M.A. 1844, ad eund. Dur; Deac. 1843, Pr. 1844. V. of Broad Clyst, Dio. Ex. 1845. (Patron, Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart; Tithe Imp. 990; V. 4957; Glebe, 73 acres; V.'s Inc. 6531 and Ho; Pop. 2318.) Preb. of Cutton in the Cathl of Exeter, 1845 (Value 97). [11] ACOCK, Edgar Morton, Christ Church, Oxford. -Magd. Coll. Ox. 3rd cl. Lit. Hum. B.A. 1859, M.A. 1862; Deac. 1860 by Bp of Salis, Pr. 1862 by Bp of

ADAMS, Charles, The Vicarage, Cainham, Ludlow, Salop.-St. Bees; Deac. 1833 and Pr. 1835 by Bp of Ches. V. of Cainham, Dio. Herf. (Patron, C. K. Mainwaring, Esq; Tithe, 901 5s; Glebe, 240 acres ; V.'s Inc. 4001 and Ho; Pop. 368.) [24]

ADAMS, Charles Vernon, Ilunton, Crawley, Hants.-St. Peter's Coll. Adelaide; Deac. 1860 by Bp of Win. C. of Hunton. Formerly C. of Shere, Surrey, 1860. [25]

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