
ter, required to be performed at the county seat, are hereby required to be done and performed in the aforesaid seat of justice, in and for the said county of Franklin.

County offi- SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the circuit and county comcers to reside missioners' clerks, with the sheriff of said county, in the disat county seat charge of their official transactions, to conform in all respects with the foregoing requisitions of this act, likewise all public officers required to reside at the county seat.



SEC. 4. That all monies which may have accrued from lots sold how the sale of town lots in the aforesaid town of Benton, or that applied may hereafter accrue in virtue of any future sale of said property, is hereby expressly required to be expended in the erection of the necessary public buildings, and for no other purpose until otherwise directed by law. This act to take effect from and after its passage.

Approved, January 7, 1841.

In force Jan. 20, 1841.

Election for removal County seat

An ACT to authorize the removal of the seat of justice of Adams County.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, of represented in the General Assembly, That an election shall be held in the county of Adams, on the first Monday of August, eighteen hundred and forty-one, at the usual places of holding elections in said county, for the removal of the seat of justice of said county, at which election, the clerks thereof shall open two columns, one for Quincy, the other for Columbus, and shall take and record the votes of each qualified voter, for one of the aforesaid places as the seat of justice for said county. The said election shall be conducted, and the returns thereof made in the same manner as is provided in ordinary cases of the election of justices of the peace. The clerk of the county commissioners' court shall immediately after the receipt by him of the election returns, in the presence of two justices of the peace, open the election returns, compare them, and certify the same to the coun ty commissioners' court, and the place having the greatest number of votes shall be, and remain the seat of justice in said county as hereinafter provided.

Returns of ejection

Duty of counSEC. 2. If, at such election, Columbus shall receive the ty commis'rs greatest number of votes for said seat of justice, then it shall be the duty of the county commissioners' court of said county, without delay, to cause to be erected, purchased, or rented, suitable buildings in the town of Columbus for a court house, clerk's office, sheriff's office, and recorder's of fice, after which the county commissioners' court shall cause Proclamation proclamation to be made and published in some public newspaper of said county, declaring and making known, that from and after a day to be therein named, not exceeding thirty days from the date thereof, the seat of justice of said county shall be and remain permanently located at Columbus.

cers to reside at county seat

SEC. 3. The county officers whose duty it is to keep County offi their respective offices at the seat of justice, shall, on the day named in the proclamation herein before specified, remove their offices to Columbus.

Approved, January 20, 1841.

An ACT to relocate the county seat of Lake County.

In force, Feb. 17, 1841.


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That on the first Monday Election or against rein April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun-moval of Co. dred and forty-one, an election shall be held in the county of seat Lake, in the State of Illinois, at the usual places of holding elections, for the purpose of determining whether the present seat of justice of said county shall be removed and relocated.

SEC. 2. The judges and clerks of said election, shall Poll books make two columns in their poll books, and in one shall be inserted the name of Burlington, and in the other the name of Little Fort, and the voters at said election shall vote in favor of the one or other of said places, and whichever of said places shall receive a majority of votes, shall be the seat of justice for said county.


SEC. 3. Said election shall be conducted, and returns Manner thereof made, in accordance with the existing laws regula- conducting eting elections.


Duty of coun

SEC. 4. If the majority of votes, at said election shall be given for Little Fort aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the ty commiss're county commissioners of said county, within one month after said election, to proceed to Little Fort aforesaid, and select and locate the site for the county seat, having first been sworn before some justice of the peace, to locate said county seat, with a view to the best interest of said county.



SEC. 5. The county seat shall not be so located at Little County Fort, unless it shall appear that the said county of Lake will have pre-emphave a pre-emption right to one hundred and sixty acres of tion right to land by said location, by an act or acts of Congress, enacted for such purposes, or unless the present pre-emption claimants to said Little Fort, shall then and there deed and quitclaim to said county commissioners, all their right, title and interest to such forty acre lot, as the said commissioners may have selected for the use and benefit of said county and the cost of said forty acres, when it comes into market, shall be paid out of the treasury of said county.

Approved, February 17, 1841.

In force, Feb. 17, 1841.



An ACT to locate permanently the seat of justice of Logan county.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, county seat represented in the General Assembly, That the seat of justice for the county of Logan, be, and the same is hereby declared to be permanently located at the town of Postville, in said county.

Proprietors of SEC. 2. The proprietor or proprietors of the said town of Postville to Postville, shall, by the first day of June next, pay to the pay $3.000 county commissioners of the county of Logan, the sum of three thousand dollars: Provided, however, That the value of all donations heretofore made by the proprietors for the use of the said county shall be included in and form a part of the aforesaid sum of three thousand dollars.



be made in

SEC. 3. The payment of the above donation may be made money or lots in money, or in town lots in the town of Postville, or both, at the option of the donors; and the county commissioners are hereby authorized to receive donations of town lots, the value of which shall be agreed upon by the county commissioners and the parties donating the same.

County com



SEC. 4. The county commissioners of Logan county shall miss'rs to sell proceed to sell, at public or private sale, such portions of any town lots that may be donated, and at such times as in their judgment will produce the greatest amount of money and be conducive to the best interests of the county; the sales may be made on a credit of six, twelve and eighteen months, the purchaser giving a mortgage on the premises and approved security for the payment of the purchase money: Provided, That if the proprietors of the said town of Postville shall not within ninety days from the passage of this act, comply with the provisions of this act on their part, then this act is to be null and void, and the county commissioners of said county are required to select some place as the temporary county seat, other than Postville, which place so selected shall be and remain the county seat of said county, until the end of the next regular or special session of the General Assembly. Approved, February 17, 1841.

An ACT to authorize the relocation of the county seat of Clay county. In force, Feb. 26, 1841.

Commiss'rs to relocate

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Ferris Foreman, of County seat Fayette county, John Trapp, of Effingham county, and James Bowman of Jefferson county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to relocate the county seat of Clay




SEC. 2. Said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall place of meet- meet in the town of Louisville, on the first Monday in May next, or within thirty days thereafter, and after being duly sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, shall proceed



to examine such parts of said county as they may think proper to enable them to locate said county seat for the public good, the commissioners shall make said location as near the centre of said county, as an eligible site can be procured, Location taking into consideration the public interest; the commis- county seat sioners shall make out and return to the clerk of the county commissioners' court a certificate of the re-location of said Certificate of county seat, which shall be recorded by the clerk,


SEC. 3. If the location of the county seat shall be made Lots to be doon private property, the owner shall be required to lay off a nated town containing at least twenty acres of ground, laying off a proper public square, which square shall be deeded to the county for public purposes; the owner of said land shall give to the county one third of the lots in said town, when so laid off, divided as follows, the owner of the land to take two lots together, and the county the next, and so on through the town; the third part of the town thus falling to the county shall be conveyed by a good deed to the county of Clay.

SEC. 4. The county commissioners of Clay county as Lots shall be soon as the county seat is located under the provisions of this sold act, and the town laid off and conveyed to the county as provided for in the foregoing section, shall proceed to advertise and sell all or such parts of said lots as the county commissioners may think best for the interest of said county, the proceeds of the sale to be applied under the directions of the county commissioners to the erection of public buildings for said county.

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move to coun

SEC. 5. After the county seat shall have been located, as Officers provided for in this act, the county officers of Clay county, ty seat who are required by law to keep their offices at the county seat, as soon as they can procure suitable places for keeping their offices, shall move the same to the county seat so located.

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SEC. 6. On the removal of said county seat, the county Property commissioners of Clay county shall give public notice and shall be sold, proceed to sell to the best bidder, all the public property except jail owned by the county in the town of Maysville, except the jail, which shall be reserved from sale, and used by the county as a jail until the county commissioners shall think it necessary to build a jail at the county seat when located, the proceeds of all such sales shall he applied to the erection of public buildings at the county seat, when located under the provisions of this act.

be erected

SEC. 7. The county commissioners shall immediately on Buildings to the location of the county seat, proceed to cause to be erect ed at the county seat, a suitable court house and other necessary buildings for public uses, which shall be prosecuted with all reasonable diligence.

miss'rs may borrow mon

SEC. 8. The county commissioners of Clay county are County comhereby authorized to make a loan of money on behalf of the county, of any bank or person, not to exceed five thousand ey

Courts where


dollars, and not for a longer term than ten years; which money, when so borrowed, shall be applied to the erection of public buildings, and for no other purposes whatever.

SEC. 9. The spring terms of the county and circuit courts shall be held at the town of Maysville, and the fall terms at the county seat to be located under the provisions of this act. SEC. 10. The commissioners appointed by this act to retion of com❜rs locate the county seat of Clay county, shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for their services, to be paid out of the county treasury of Clay county.


If county seat SEC. 11. If the county seat shall be located on public is located on land, the commissioners shall inform the county commissionpublic lands, county com'rs ers thereof, who shall immediately procure the purchase of to purchase said land for the coun y, upon which they shall cause a town to be laid off and the lots sold, the proceeds of which shall be applied to public buildings.

Approved, February 26, 1841.

In force, Mar. 1, 1841.

An ACT concerning county seats and county lines.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, County lines represented in the General Assembly, That hereafter in all cases of division of any county in this State, by petition or otherwise, it shall not be lawful to establish any boundary line within less than ten miles of the seat of justice of the county to be divided.

Limits counties


SEC. 2. Hereafter no county in this State shall be curtailed in its limits so as to reduce the territory to less than four hundred square miles, nor shall any county be created hereafter, the territory of which shall contain less than four hundred square miles. This act to take effect from and after the first day of March next.

Approved, February 27, 1841.

In force, Feb. 27, 1841.



An ACT to locate the County Seat of Stark, and to make a certain addition to said county.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the east half of range four and all of range five, in townships fourteen and fifteen north, shall be added to and constitute a part of the county of Stark, said addition being nine miles east and west, and twelve miles north and south, out of the south east cornor of the county of Henry: Provided, That an election shall be held in said county of Henry, at the usual places of holding elections, on the first Monday of April next, to vote for or against a division of said county, and if it shall appear that a majority of the legal voters of said county of Henry are in favor of the territory above described being attached to and

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