
and learning of the country has been secured for its service; and, in the list of its contributors, will be found names of the highest distinction in letters. We have sought for talent wherever it was to be found; in the search we have been successful beyond our most sanguine anticipations; and the Public may be assured, that all the resources and means which have been provided, will be directed to the attainment of one grand object-namely, the good of THE PEOPLE. We are of no party but that of the country,-of no sect but that of truth,-under no influence except that of our unalterable principles, and swayed by no prejudice calculated to interfere with the honest discharge of our duty. Measures, not men, are

what we shall either defend or condemn. Private character we

shall ever account sacred. Public acts and public conduct are, of course, common property, and, as such, will be freely discussed and judged by us. With regard to the present Ministry, they shall have our support, as long as they remain faithful to the reiterated pledges they have given to the country; pledges which have identified them with the best hopes, and the most precious interests of this great nation, and which they are bound, by every consideration of honour, of policy, and even of safety, to redeem.

In the treatment of the various other branches of science and general knowledge, TAIT'S EDINBURGH Magazine will observe a similar course, and be conducted on principles as nearly as possible analogous to those which have just been described in reference to political discussion. Utility will ever be its first and greatest object,-strict impartiality its invariable characteristic,-active and searching industry the constant duty of all connected with its management. It will combine original composition on subjects of immediate or permanent interest, with critical disquisitions on languages, literature, science, and the arts, foreign as well as domestic. It will thus unite the properties of a Review with those of a Magazine, or Repository of useful information and independent discussion; and it will also form a faithful record of the progress of the human mind in all those departments where the intellect and the enterprise of mankind seek to extend our knowledge or increase our power. But although we have resolved, if possible, to be useful, we have, at the same time, vowed not to be dull. We seek, above all things, to be instructive; but we flatter ourselves we can also impart to our labours a degree of interest sufficient to conciliate even those who read only that they may be amused. There are no weeping philosophers in our corps. Democritus himself might have joined us, without compromising his character at Abdera. In the light of England's dawning liberty, and invigorated by the sunny spirit which it has already diffused, we approach our task, blithe, frolicsome, and good-humoured pleased with the happy prospects which have at length been opened up to the country, and prepared to defend, with joyous fearlessness, those principles which we have professed, and on the full recognition of which we devoutly believe that the best interests of our species depend.

Printed for WILLIAM TAIT, 78, Prince's Street, Edinburgh; SIMPKIN and MARSHALL, London; and JOHN CUMMING, Dublin. Orders received by all Booksellers throughout the Kingdom.

The announcement of TAIT'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE has been received in Scotland with a very general welcome. The following are among the notices of the Prospectus by the Scottish Newspaper Press:

"It gives us very great pleasure to announce, that a desideratum long felt in the literature of Scotland, is about to be supplied, by the establishment of a Magazine, to be conducted on liberal and independent prin. ciples. Mr Tait's name, his experience, his capital, his well-known skill and enterprise in his profession, are vouchers that full justice will be done to the Magazine in every department. All Scotland shouts approval of the scheme."-Scotsman.

"Perhaps it is well that it has been reserved for Mr Tait, to meet, in this instance, the wants and wishes of Scotland; for we know of no other bookseller in the country, combining in his own person so many of the attributes necessary for meeting those wants and wishes with effect. A deep conviction of the truth and importance of the great principles of which his Magazine is to be the fearless champion-enterprise, skill, capital, activity; these are qualities eminently possessed by Mr Tait, and must necessarily do the projected work every justice on the part of the publisher."-Elgin Courier.

"If the Magazine is conducted with the same ability which is displayed in the prospectus, its success is certain-Scots Times, (Glasgow.)

"The liberals of Scotland will not lose the opportunity which Mr Tait (a gentleman every way qualified for the task he has undertaken) has afforded, of freeing Scotland from the charge of not being able to support one Periodical, of the Magazine kind, on the Liberal or Whig side."-Dundee Advertiser.

"The present aspect of affairs in Europe-the shaking of the dry bones' which is now going on-opens a most extensive and important vista to the present generation, and may be regarded as an epoch in the history of the human race. It is at this stirring time that Mr Tait proposes to take the field. He will start with a fair field, and the good wishes of thousands to cheer him on."-Inverness Courier.

"We augur favourably of its success, and anticipate a great accession of intellectual enjoyment. We are quite aware, that, in Edinburgh alone, might be found powerful and varied talents, fully equal to the task of supporting a vigorous periodical; but we have reason to know that Mr Tait will not confine himself to the resources of Edinburgh, or even of Scotland, but obtain the aid of first-rate writers from all quarters."-Edinburgh Observer.

"Mr Tait has taken the field at a time which is in all respects one of transition; and if-as, from his prospectus, we cannot doubt he shall eschew the factitious trammels of party, pursue and advocate truth solely for truth's sake, and thus rest his appeal, not with the ephemeral agitations and fermenting passions of the moment, but the sober heads and sound hearts of his countrymen,-we promise him, not remuneration merely, but an immediate, an increasing, and a brilliant reward."-Fife Herald.

"Tait's Magazine, which is advertised in another column, enters the field with all the advantages which a spirited and respectable publisher, a great array of clever contributors, and a political crisis of unexampled in. terest, can confer upon such a work.”—Edinburgh Advertiser.

"We feel deeply interested in its success."-Aberdeen Chronicle.

"Mr Tait has been long known as a most active and enterprising bookseller; and as zealously attached to those political principles, the diffusion of which is one of the chief objects of his Magazine.”—Aberdeen Observer.


"There is not a liberal Scotsman, from John o' Groats to the Solway, who does not look upon the project with favour, and wish it merited success."-"We know no person who, from nature and habit, is better qualified than Mr Tait to conduct a monthly organ of the Reformers of Scotland, with vigour and success, at a crisis like the present.”—Stirling Journal.

"Among the many publications which Scotland has of late produced, none has excited a greater sensation, or is more likely to be supported as a national benefit, than the Monthly Magazine of Mr Tait."—" We wish it every success."-Glasgow Chronicle.

"We have great expectations from the work, and feel assured that they will not be disappointed."-Glasgow Free Press.

"We know no man better qualified than Mr Tait, to give a new direc tion, if not a new impetus, to the periodical literature of Scotland."-"Such a work has long been a desideratum, and it is cheering to think that it is to be supplied under auspices so favourable.”—Dumfries Courier.

Notices in a similar spirit have also appeared in the Edinburgh Evening Courant, Caledonian Mercury, North Briton, Glasgow Courier, Glasgow Trades' Advocate, Kelso Mail, Ayr Advertiser, &c.


"Mr Tait is quite right. Edinburgh ought to have a liberal Magazine." -"The principles of the New Magazine are of the right sort. We must needs think so, as they are also ours. They are for the many: Blackwood is for the few."-Spectator.

"The first talent in every branch of letters, we understand, is engaged in the work; which, we have every reason to believe, will deserve the warmest support of the friends of liberty."-The Ballot.

"We of the liberal party have great pleasure in noticing that a champion of ours has entered the lists."-York Herald.

"It is with more than ordinary satisfaction that we have it in our power to announce that a new and talented periodical is about to start into existence in the northern metropolis, under every circumstance calculated to render it in the highest degree efficient."-Durham Chronicle.

"The Scottish papers, almost without exception, are in favour of the project, and predict the most triumphant success. It has our best wishes for its prosperity."-Leeds Mercury.

"We entertain not a doubt that it will be well worthy of the patronage of the public, and that it will soon take its rank amongst the leading periodicals of the day."-Liverpool Mercury.

"We entertain" no doubt that our worthy friends, the Whigs of the 'North Countrie,' will somewhat amaze Kit North on political questions. We wish the undertaking great success."-Liverpool Chronicle.

Favourable Notices have also appeared in the London Courier, Examiner, &c. in the Newcastle Courant, the Bristol Journal, &c. &c.

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