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Baylor, Courtenay. Remaking a Man:
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Brunner, Edmund de Schweinitz. The
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Butterfield, Kenyon Leech. The Farmer and the New Day. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 311. $2.00.

Chang, Tso-Shuen. History and Analysis of the Commission and City Manager Plans of Municipal Government in the United States. Iowa City: University of Iowa. Pp. 290. $2.50. Davenport, Charles B., and Scudder, Mary F. Naval Officers. Their Heredity and Development. (Station for Experimental Evolution No. 259.) Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Inst. Pp. 29. $3.00.

Davis, Ozora S. The Gospel in the Light

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Dilnot, Frank. The New America. By an Englishman. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 145. $1.25. Hamilton, Sir Ian. The Millennium. New York: Longmans. Pp. iii+156. $1.00.

Harrison, Frederick. On Society. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xii+444.

[blocks in formation]

Huntington, Ellsworth. World-Power and Evolution. New Haven: Yale University Press. Pp. 287. $2.50. Jacobs, Joseph. Jewish Contributions to Civilization. An Estimate. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America. Pp. 334. $1.50. Lambert, Henri. Pax economica. Freedom of international exchange the sole method for the permanent and universal abolition of war. Boston: International Free Trade League. Pp. 157. $0.75.

Lane, Ralph N. A. The British Revolution and the American Democracy. An interpretation of British labor programs. New York: Huebsch. Pp. xix+319. $1.50.

Lay, Wilfrid. The Child's Unconscious Mind. The relations of psychoanalysis to education; a book for teachers and parents. New York: Dodd. Pp. 329. $2.00.

Leitch, John. Man-to-Man. The story of industrial democracy. New York: B. C. Forbes. Pp. 250. $2.00. Levine, Isaac Don. The Resurrected Nations. Short histories of the peoples freed by the Great War and statements of their national claims. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co. Pp. 309. Maps. $1.60.

Lointier, F. Par eux essai sur la société des nations. Paris: Editions "Publius." Pp. 217. Fr. 4.50. McConnell, Francis J. Democratic Christianity. Some problems of the church in the days just ahead. New York: Macmillan. Pp. ix+87. $0.60. Moors, John Farwell. The Great Issue. Disclosed by the leaders and the plain people in Europe and America. Boston: M. Jones Co. Pp. 47. $1.00.

Myers, William Starr. Socialism and American Ideals. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Pp. 100. $1.00.

Odencrantz, Louise C. Italian Women in Industry. A study of conditions in New York City. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 345. $1.50. Patton, Cornelius Howard. World Facts and America's Responsibility. New York: Association Press. Pp. 11+ 236. $1.00.

Russell, Bertrand. Proposed Roads to Freedom, Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism. New York: Holt. Pp. xviii+218. $1.50.

Talmey, Bernard S. Love. A treatise

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Trowbridge, E. D. Mexico Today and Tomorrow. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 282. $2.00.

Wheeler, W. Reginald. China and the World-War. New York: Macmillan. Pp. ix+263. $1.75.

Whittemore, Thomas. (ed. and tr.). Ivan Speaks. Translated from the Russian. Boston: Houghton. Pp. 47. $0.75.


Anderson, B. M., Jr. When Prices Drop. New York: National Bank of Commerce. Pp. 18. Bawden, William T. The Cooperative School. (U.S. Industrial Education Circular No. 2.) Washington, D.C.: Govt. Prt. Office. Pp. 10. Beard, Margaret Kent. The Relation between Dependency and Retardation; a Study of 1,351 Public School Children Known to the Minneapolis Associated Charities. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota. Pp. 17. $0.25. Blanchard, Florence Butler. Censorship of Motion Pictures. Report compiled for the Civics Department of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Chicago: Englewood Print Shop, 417 W. 63d St. Pp. 24.

Bradley, Frances S., and Williamson,
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Dempsey, Mary V. Infant Mortality:
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Fisher, Irving. Stabilizing the Purchas-
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Statistics of Mines and Quarries in Ohio; 1917. Columbus, Ohio: Industrial Commission of Ohio. Pp. 98. Industrial Commission of Ohio. Scale of Wages and Hours in Ohio on May 15, 1918. Columbus, Ohio: Industrial Commission of Ohio. Pp. 47. Laidler, Harry W. Study Courses in Socialism. Compiled for the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. New York: Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 70 Fifth Ave. Pp. 32. $0.10. National Industrial Conference Board. Problems of Industrial Readjustment in the United States. Boston, Mass.: National Industrial Conference Board. Pp. 58. $1.00.

National Industrial Conference Board. Wartime Changes in the Cost of Living: July, 1914, to November, 1918. Boston, Mass.: National Industrial Conference Board, 15 Beacon St. Pp. 33. $1.00.

Nesbit, Florence. The Chicago Standard Budget for Dependent Families. Chicago: Chicago Council of Social Agencies, 168 N. Michigan Ave. Pp. 39, $0.25.

Norton, William J. The Social Unit Organization of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio: Helen S. Trounstine Foundation. Pp. 7. $0.15. Pennsylvania Commission on Old Age Pensions. Report of the Pennsylvania Commission of Old Age Pensions. Harrisburg, Pa.: J. L. L. Kuhn, printer to the Commonwealth. Pp. 293. Recht, Charles. American Deportation and Exclusion Laws. A report submitted to the New York Bureau of Legal Advice. New York: National Civil Liberties Bureau, 41 Union Square. Pp. 33.

Squires, Benjamin M. Operation of the
Industrial Disputes Act of Canada.
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line for a Birth-Registration Test.
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Waugh, Frank A. A Plan for the
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Canyon, Ariz. (U.S. Forest Service.)
Washington, D.C.: Govt. Prt. Office.
Pp. 23.


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