
Gazette, or actually taken from it, you may depend upon as genuine, and faithfully copied.

Mr. Hutchinfon behaved much to the fatisfaction of the public as judge of probates. He was ready to affift, in a most obliging manner, the widow and the orphan with his advice, whenever their bufinefs called them before him. As chief justice he was not exceptionable, only when he supported the cause of government against the claims of the people. When in the chair of the first magiftrate, his appointments to different offices were generally of men well qualified for discharging the duties of the fame, though mostly supporters of government: he was advised by a British naval officer to fecure Meff. Hancock and S. Adams by promoting them; but replied, that though such a scheme might anfwer in regard to Mr. H. it would not as to Mr. A. for it would be only giving him more power to aid him in his oppofition, and that he should not be able afterward to remove him. Under the charter the governor cannot remove from offices without the confent of the council; and Mr. Hutchinfon knew that Mr. S. Adams's intereft in the council would be greater than his own. He was ufed to profefs the warmeft attachment to the good of his native colony, and that he was ever aiming to promote its happiness; and would frequently fhow the letters he had written about the time of the ftamp-act, in opposition to that meafure. He ingratiated himself by his free, familiar, and condefcending intercourfe with the common people, whom he would join, walk and converfe with, in his way, from the meeting to his feat. On these accounts he had a rumber of friends and advocates, who thought highly of him; but fince the difco

of his letters, they begin to own that they were
deceived in the man, and wofully mistaken in the good
opinion they entertained of him. He will be execrated
in America if not in Great Britain.

The dispatches forwarded to the general congrefs from the Maffachusetts the beginning of May, led on to their refolving themfelves into a committee of the whole to take into confideration the ftate of America. Before they finished this great business, they refolved unanimously “That all exportations to Quebec, Nova Scotia, the ifland of St. John's, Newfoundland, Georgia, except the parish of St. John's, and to Eaft and West Florida, immediately ceafe, and that no provifion of any kind, or other neceffaries, be furnished to the British fisheries, on the American coafts, until it be otherwife determined by the congrefs." The parish of St. John's was excepted, as it had fent a delegate, to congrefs. They. continued to fit in committee from day to day till the 24th, when the honorable Peyton Randolph, being under a neceffity of returning home, and the chair being thereby vacated, they unanimously chose the honorable John Hancock efq; prefident.


A report from the committee being read, the congrefs May came unanimously into certain refolutions; and among other matters they refolved, "That the colonies be immediately put into a state of defence: but that, as they most ardently wish for a restoration of the harmony formerly fubfifting between the mother country and thefe colonies, for the promotion of this most desirable reconciliation, an humble and dutiful petition be prefented to his majefty." It was then refolved, but not unanimously, "That measures be entered into for opening

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a negotiation, in order to accommodate the unhappy difputes fubfifting between Great Britain and these colonies, and that this be made a part of the petition to the king."-Afterward "That the militia of New York be armed and trained, and in conftant readiness to act at a moment's warning."

Mr. Dickinson, the author of the farmer's letters, is now a member of congrefs for Pennsylvania. His heart was much engaged in bringing about a reconciliation, and he labored hard in procuring a fecond petition to the king; but it was oppofed by feveral, and occafioned ftrong debates for fome days. However for the fake of congreffional harmony it was at length unanimously agreed to; as they that oppofed it had not the leaft idea of its proving effectual, from a full perfuafion that the British ministry would be fo irritated, by what had happened on April the nineteenth, as to reject all tenders fhort of full fubmiffion. These nevertheless declined voting, that measures for a negotiation fhould make a part of the petition. Since the Lexington engagement, many of the New Englanders believe, that the contest must end in abfolute slavery or real independence.

Congress wrote a letter to the Canadians, stiling them the oppreffed inhabitants of Canada, and themselves friends and countrymen. It was defigned to perfuade them, that their prefent form of government is a form of form of tyranny, and that they, their wives and children, are made slaves; to prevent their taking a part against the colonies in the prefent contest; and to procure a union of all in defence of common liberty.

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It was refolved, That no provifions of any kind be June furnished or fupplied to or for the ufe of the British army or navy, in the Maffachusetts-bay, or of any transport."

Congrefs, for the first time, ftiled the colonies THE 7 TWELVE UNITED COLONIES, in a refolve, "That Thursday the 20th of July, be observed throughout the twelve united colonies, as a day of humiliation, fafting and prayer. From henceforward the united colonies will come into use.

Major Skeen (the father) of Skeensborough, with 8. other officers, upon their arriving the evening before at Philadelphia, in a veffel from London, were taken into cuftody. Congrefs being informed of it, and that the faid Skeen had been lately appointed governor of the forts of Tyconderoga and Crown Point, and had declared that he was authorized to raise a regiment in America; they appointed a committee to examine his papers, as alfo those of a lieutenant in the regulars.

They, having been applied to, by a letter of May 16th, g from the Maffachusetts convention, for their explicit advice, refolved, "That no obedience being due to the, act of parliament for altering the charter of the colony of Maffachusetts-bay, nor to a governor or lieutenant governor who will not obferve the directions of, but endeavour to fubvert that charter, the governor and lieutenant governor of that colony are to be confidered as abfent, and their offices vacant; and as there is no council there, and the inconveniencies arifing from the fufpenfion of the powers of government are intolerable; that, in order to conform as near as may be to the fpirit and fubftance of the charter, it be recommended to the provincial convention to write letters to the inhabitants VOL. II.







of the feveral places, entitled to representation in affembly, requesting them to choose fuch reprefentatives; and that the affembly, when chofen, do elect counsellors; and that such assembly or council exercife the powers of government, until a governor of his majesty's appointment will confent to govern the colony according to its charter."

It was recommended to the united colonies to collect falt-petre and fulphur, and to manufacture the fame into gun-powder for the ufe of the continent.

Congress agreed to the refolutions of the committee of the whole house, "That fix companies of expert riflemen be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia; and that each company, confifting of fixty-eight privates, befide officers, march as foon as completed, and join the army near Boston, to be there employed as light infantry."

They proceeded to choose by ballot a general to command all the continental forces, and George Washington efq; was unanimously elected.

The prefident informed him of the choice which the congrefs had made, and of their requefting his acceptance of that employment. Colonel Washington, ftanding in his place, answered,

« Mr. Prefident,

"Though I am truly fenfible of the high honor done me in this appointment, yet I feel great diftrefs from a confcioufnefs, that my abilities and military experience may not be equal to the extenfive and important truft. However, as the congrefs defire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I poffefs in their fervice, and for the fupport of the glorious cause.

" I beg

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