
Higher Local.

1. Translate into modern German and English :-
Der kuninc dô sînen hof gebôt,
sowaz er vursten hete gesamenôt,
zvô und sibenzich crône,

die dêntin ime scône.
den sageter sinen willen.

dô sprach vil manic helit snelle
hêrre, woldet ir mich senden

hinnen zô der erden enden,

daz ne widerredtich durch neheinen man,
wir sulen ûch alle sîn undertân

eilf grâven ime dô swôren,

daz si ir hêrren umbe die magit vôren.

(i.) To what century would you refer this passage?

(ii.) Can you show anything concerning vowel changes and differences in construction from modern German by the passage? 2. Translate Senior Paper No. 1.

3. Translate :


"Was von Goethe's lyrischen Gedichten aus der früheren Periode gilt, gilt auch von den beiden grösseren Prosawerken derselben dem Götz von Berlichingen und den Leiden Werther's; ja, es lässt sich manches, was über die lyrischen Gedichte gesagt worden ist, an denselben noch genauer nachweisen. Der Götz erwuchs aus der genauen Bekanntschaft, welche Goethe durch Herder's Anregung in Strassburg mit Shakespeare machte, statt aber bei einer Nachahmung stehen zu bleiben, griff Goethe mit reger dichterischer Lust nach einem ihm längst lieb gewordenen Stoffe aus dem älteren deutschen Volksleben, und gestaltete diesen in Shakespearischem Geist."

4. Translate "Werther's Leiden," July 12 und 16.
Say what you know of the history of this work.

5. What is meant by the men of "Hainbund"?
Who was the best scholar among them?

6. Decline: Das frische Ei; Der schöne Act; Das liebende Herz; Der Nachbar; Die Welt.

7. Conjugate the verbs: verderben, sich entchsliessen, and fliehen.

8. Give any rules for determining when the superlative form of an adjective should be put in the inflected form with the definite article, and when in the adverbial form. Construct sentences to show this.

9. Give a short sketch of the life of Klopstock, and say what were his chief characteristics.


Junior, Senior, and Higher Local.

Junior Work, Nos. 1-10 inclusive.

Senior Work, Nos. 4-14 inclusive.

Higher Local Work, Nos. 4-19 inclusive.

1. Add together 14 billions and 24 millions, and express your answer in words. Explain the meaning of the term number, and distinguish between abstract and concrete numbers.

2. Divide 4050873 by 121, using Short Division.

3. Find (i) the sum, (ii) the difference of 2 tons 12 cwt. 15 lbs. 12 oz. and 34 cwt. 2 qrs. 21 lbs. 14 oz.

latter as a fraction of the former.

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Express the

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(iv) 12÷

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5. How many men can finish a piece of work in 20 days of 9 hours, if 18 men require 15 days of 14 hours?

6. How many inches are there in ⚫6078125 of a mile?

7. Find by Practice the value of 15 tons 19 cwt. 3 qrs. 16 lbs., at the rate of £1, 6s. 6d. per cwt.

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8. When the income tax is 5d. in the £, a man pays £11 7s. 6d. ; what is his income? By how much is his net income reduced if the tax be raised to 64d.?

9. What is the principal which would amount to £269 28. 0.375d. in 2 years at 3 per cent. compound interest?

10. How many yards of carpet, 42 inches in width, would be required to cover an area of 240 square feet? What would be the cost of the carpet at 5s. 9ąd. per yard?

11. A general arranges 7,744 men in a solid square; how many men are there in a line?

12. The discount on a sum due 3 years hence at 5% is £199 18. 3d.; what is that sum?

13. What is that number of which minus 42 equals ? Divide 150 into two such parts that the smaller shall be of the greater.

14. How much stock at 90 can be bought for £2,480, a commission of being charged on the stock purchased ?

15. In a town of 63,190 inhabitants, the proportion of men, women, and children is,,; find the number of each.

16. If 3 men, and 12 women, working together, can finish a piece of work in 171, days, how long will it take 5 men, and 8 women to do it, working at the same rate?

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18. A man transfers £1,500 stock from a 3 per cent. at 80, and invests the proceeds in a 4 per cent. at 92. Find the difference in income caused by this transaction.

19. "The rates of two bicyclists are as 11 to 8. They start together from the winning-post, and race round and round a circuit of 480 yards. It is noticed that the best man passes the other every 4 minutes, and that at the moment when the race ends they are passing the winning-post together for the first time. How long did the race last, and how many minutes' start can the best man afford to give in a 9 mile race, without losing?" - Camb. Higher Local Exam., June 1884.


Junior, Senior, and Higher Local.

1. If two straight lines cut one another the opposite vertical angles are equal.

2. Describe a triangle, having its sides equal to three given straight lines, of which any two are greater than the third.

3. Explain carefully the difference between: (a) a problem and a theorem; (b) an axiom and a postulate; (c) proof by analysis and by synthesis.

4. If the square described on one side of a triangle be less than the sum of the squares described on the other two sides, the angle opposite to the first side is acute.

5. Every straight line drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the base is less than the greater of the two sides, or than either of them if they be equal.

6. If two opposite angles of a quadrilateral be together equal to two right angles, a circle may be circumscribed about the quadrilateral.

7. If two circles touch one another externally, the straight line which joins their centres shall pass through the point of


8. Inscribe a circle in a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon.

9. If two straight lines cut one another within a circle, the rectangle contained by the segments of one of them shall be equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the other.

10. If two triangles have all the angles of the one respectively equal to all the angles of the other, each to each, and have also a side of the one, opposite to any angle, equal to the side opposite to the equal angle in the other, the triangles shall be equal in all respects.

11. The square described on the sum of two straight lines, and the square described on their difference, are together double of the sum of the squares described on the straight lines.

12. If the square described on one side of a triangle be greater than the sum of the squares described on the other two sides, the angle opposite to the first side is obtuse.

13. If a straight line touch a circle, the straight line drawn from the centre to the point of contact shall be perpendicular to the line touching the circle.

14. If two triangles have two sides of the one proportional to two sides of the other, and the angles opposite to one pair of homologous sides equal, the angles which are opposite to the other pair of homologous sides shall either be equal, or be together equal to two right angles.

15. Triangles which have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides.

16. If two parallel planes be cut by another plane, their common sections with it are parallel.

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