
I first brought my boat to an anchor, to get upon the rocks; but now having no boat to take care of, I went over-land, a nearer way to the same height that I was before upon; when looking forward to the point of the rock, which lay out, and which I was forced to double with my boat, I was amazed to see the sea so smooth and quiet, there being no rippling motion, nor current, any more than in other places. And now I was convinced, that by observing the ebb and flow of the tide, I might easily bring my boat round the island again. But when I began to think of putting it in practice, the remembrance of the late danger, struck me with such horror, that I took another resolution, though more laborious; and this was to make a second canoe, and so have one for one side of the island, and one for the other.

I had now two plantations in the island; the first, my little fortification, fort, or castle, with many large and spacious improvements; for by this time I had enlarged the cave behind me with several little caves, one within another. to hold my baskets, corn and straw. The piles with which I made my wall were grown so lofty and great, as to obscure my habitation.-And near this commodious and pleasant settlement, lay my well cultivated and improved corn fields, which kindly yielded me their fruit in the proper season. My second plantation was that near my country-seat, or little bower, where my grapes flourished, and where having planted my stakes, I made inclosures for my goats, so

strongly fortified by labour and time, that it was much stronger than a wall, and, consequently, impossible for them to break through. As for my bower itself, I Lept it constantly in repair, and cut the trees in such a manner, as made them grow wild, and form a most delightful shade. In the centre of this, stood my tent, thus erected: I had driven four piles in the ground, spreading over it a piece of the ship's sail: beneath which, I made me a sort of couch with the skins of the creatures I had slain, and other things; and having laid thereon one of the sailor's blankets, which I had saved from the wreck of the ship, and covering myself with a great watch coat, I took up this place for my country retreat.

Very frequently, from this settlement, did I use to visit my boat, and keep her in very good. order. And, sometimes, would I venture in her a cast or two from shore but no farther. But now, I entreat your attention, whilst I proceed to inform you of a new, but most surprising scene of life which here befel me.

You may easily suppose, that, after having been here so long, nothing could be more amazing than to see a human creature. One day it happened, that going to my boat, I saw the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, very evident on the sand, as the toes, heels, and every part of it. Had I seen a monster of the most frightful shape, I could not have been more confounded. My willing ears gave the strictest attention. I cast my eyes around, but could


ROBINSON CRUSOE startled at the print of a man's foot in the sand.

satisfy neither the one nor the other. I proceeded alternately to every part of the shore, but with equal effect; neither could I see any other mark, though the sand about it was as susceptible to take impression, as that which was so plainly stamped. Thus, struck with confusion and horror, I returned to my habitation, frightened at every bush and tree, taking every thing for men; and possessed with the wildest ideas! That night my eyes never closed. I formed nothing but the most dismal imaginations. In a word, all my religious hopes vanished, as though I thought God would not now protect me by his power, who had wonderfully preserved me so long.

What various chains of events are there in the life of man ? How changeable are our affections, according to different circumstances? We love to day, what we hate to-morrow: we shun one hour what we seek the next. This was evident in me in the most conspicuous manner; for I, who before had so much lamented my condition, in being banished from all human, kind, was now ready to expire when I considered that a man had set his foot on this desolate island. But when I considered my station of life, that it was allotted to me by the infinitely wise and good providence of God, that I ought. not to dispute my Creator's sovereignty, who had an undoubted right to govern and dispose of his creatures as he thinks convenient; and that his justice and mercy could either punish or deliver me: I say, when I considered all this, I

comfortably found it my duty to trust sincerely in him, pray ardently to him, and humbly resign myself to his divine will.

One morning, lying on my bed, these words of the sacred writings came into my mind, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Upon this sentence, rising more cheerfully from my bed, I offered up my prayers in the most devout manner and when I had done, taking up my bible to read, these words appeared in my sight; Wait on the Lord, and be of good cheer, and he shall strengthen thy heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord. Such divine comfort did this give me, as to remove all cause of sadness upon that


Thus, after a world of apprehensions and fears, for three days and nights, I at last ven. tured out of my castle, and milked my goats, one of which was almost spoiled for want of it. I next (though in great fear,) visited my bower, and milked my flocks there also; when, growing bolder, I went down to the shore again, and measuring the print of the foot to mine, to sce perhaps whether I myself had not occasioned that mark, I found it much superior in largeness; and so returned home, absolutely convinced, that either some men had been ashore, or that the island must be inhabited; and, therefore, that I might be surprised before I was


I now began to think of providing for my security, and revolved in my mind many

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