
Executive, that which executes, completes, or gives effect to (Lat., exsequor, exsecutus, from ex, out or thoroughly, and sequor, to follow).

Hereditary, descending by inheritance (Lat., heres, an heir). Consort, one who shares the same lot in life, as the wife of a king (Lat., con, together, and sors, lot or fate).

Cabinet, a little cabin, a room for consultation, the ministers who govern a nation (Fr., cabane; Welsh, cab, caban, a hut).

Secretary, one entrusted with secrets, one who writes for another, an officer of a government or a public company (Fr., secretaire, from Lat., secretus, hidden from,-se, apart, and cerno, cretum, to divide).

Seal, a mark stamped in wax (Lat., sigillum, diminutive of signum, a mark or sign).

Excise, something cut off, a tax levied by Government on certain articles and on licences (Lat., excido, excisus, from ex, off, and cœdo, to cut).

Assessed, fixed, in respect of taxation (Lat., assideo, assessus, to sit by, to set, to fix a tax,—ad, to, and sedeo, to sit). Premier, chief, the prime or first minister (Fr., from Lat., primus, first).

Board, a strip of timber, a table, persons who sit round a table, a council (Anglo-Saxon, bord, a board).

Constable, count of the stable, any high officer, a peace officer, a policeman (Fr., connétable, from Lat., comes stabuli, count of the stable).

Charter, a formal written paper conferring rights, privileges, &c. (Fr., chartre; Lat., charta, paper).

Precedence, the going before, priority of rank, the foremost place (Lat., pre, before, and cedo, to go).


"How rev'rend is the face of this tall pile,
Whose ancient pillars rear their marble heads,
To bear aloft its arched and ponderous roof,

By its own weight made steadfast and immoveable!"

Q. What is the common name for the Ecclesiastical Department?

A. The Church-that is, an institution established by the law of the land for the advancement of religion.

"The Church," says Lord Brougham, "is not the body of the Clergy only, it is the body of the faithful, and consists just as much of the Laity as of the Clergy."

Q. Who is the supreme head of the Church in the English realm?

A. The Queen.

Q. What faith is she bound to profess?

A. The Protestant faith.

Q. What is the established religion of the country? A. Episcopacy is established in England and Wales, and Presbyterianism in Scotland.

In Ireland, Episcopacy was the established religion until 1869, when the Irish branch of the English Church was disestablished and disendowed in terms of a bill brought forward by Mr. Gladstone.

Q. What is the name given to the Ministers of the Established Church?

A. The Clergy.

Q. Have the Clergy, as a body, any special privileges?

A. Yes, they cannot be compelled to serve on a Jury, or to discharge the duties of any civil office, nor can they be arrested in any civil suit.

Q. Are the Clergy, on the other hand, laid under any disabilities?

A. Yes, they cannot sit in the House of Commons, nor can they engage in any manner of trade or merchandise.

Q. Does this latter restriction extend to the calling of a schoolmaster?

A. No, a Clergyman may act as a schoolmaster.

Q. Why is the Church of England called Episcopal ? A. Because it is governed by Archbishops and Bishops.

Q. Name the principal orders of the Clergy.

A. Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Prebendaries or Canons, Archdeacons, Rural Deans, Parsons or Rectors, Vicars, and Curates.

Q. Are there any persons who hold office in the Church, though not Clergymen themselves?

A. Yes, Churchwardens and Parish Clerks.

Q. Of what number does the present Church Establishment of England consist?

A. There are two Archbishops, twenty-six Bishops, twenty-nine Deans and Chapters, sixty Archdeacons, five hundred and forty Prebendaries or Canons, and

about nine thousand seven hundred Rectors or Vicars: many of these Rectors or Vicars have one Curate, at least, under them.

Q. What is an Archbishop?

A. The chief of the Clergy within a province. Q. How many provinces are there in England? A. Two, Canterbury and York, ruled over by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York respectively. Q. Which of the two has the larger jurisdiction? A. The Archbishop of Canterbury, whose province includes all the Bishopricks in England, twenty-six in number, except those of Chester, Durham, Carlisle, Ripon, Manchester, and Sodor and Man. These last six are comprised in the province of the Archbishop of York.

Q. In what position is an Archbishop, with respect to the Bishops, in his province ?

A. He has a full right to superintend and inspect their movements as well as those of the inferior Clergy. Q. Mention some of his other duties.

A. It is his duty to confirm, to ordain the Clergy, and to consecrate churches and burial-grounds.

Q. What is a Bishop?

A. The chief of the Clergy within a diocese.

Q. How many dioceses are there in England?

A. Twenty-six.

Q. What is the office or dignity of a Bishop called? A. It is called "a See."

Q. What is the name of the Church mostly frequented by the Bishop?

A. A Cathedral.

Q. What are some of a Bishop's powers?

A. Like an Archbishop, he can confirm, ordain, and consecrate, and also inspect the manners of the people and clergy of his diocese.

Q. How often must a Bishop visit his diocese?

A. Once every three years.

Q. Who are the Dean and Chapter?

A. The Dean and Chapter are the Council of the Bishop to assist him with their advice in matters of religion, and also in the temporal affairs of his See.

Q. Of whom does it consist?

A. The Dean is the head, and the Chapter is composed of Prebendaries or Canons.

Q. What is an Archdeacon?

A. A person who has the jurisdiction immediately subordinate to the Bishop throughout the whole of his diocese, or in some particular part of it.

Q. What is his office?

A. To visit the diocese for the Bishop two years out of three, to reform Ecclesiastical abuses, and to inquire what repairs are wanting in the churches.

Q. What is a Rural Dean?

A. The office of Rural Dean is one of very ancient origin, but which has now almost grown out of use. He is a deputy of the Bishop planted in a certain part of his diocese, the better to inspect the conduct of the parochial Clergy.

Q. What is a Parson or Rector?

A. A Parson or Rector is one who has the full possession of the rights of a parish church; he is

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