
Collyba, i. 9.
Collybista, i. 9.
Comforter, the "Paraclete" the,
i. 569; promise of the, i. 535;
descent of the, i. 563; the
Teacher, i. 575; witness of the,
in and by the Disciples. i. 556;
the, came to the Apostles at
Jerusalem, i. 563; not received
so long as Christ is known after
the flesh, i. 508.
Comforters of God's people, who
are, ii. 513.

Commands of God explained away
as hyperbolical, i. 264.
Confess on cleanseth the Church,
i. 77; Nebuchadnezzar deli-
vered by, i. 226, 228.

Confusion of tongues at Pentecost
and Babel, i. 565.
Conscience, testimony of, ii. 47.
Consolation of the Holy Spirit
greatest in greatest need, i. 536.
Contempt forbidden, i, 14, 125,
ii. 113.

Corinthians at variance concern-

ing the Resurrection, ii. 174.
Cornelius roused by an angel, yet
sent to a man for Baptism, ii.

Corner-stone, what figured by, i.
489, ii. 381.

Covetous man, the, an idolater, i.
263; not to partake of the Holy
Table, i. 372.

Covetousness, not wealth, con-
demned by Christ, ii. 37; the
cause of Judas betraying Christ,
i. 363; binds the soul, i. 581.
Cowardice and covetousness the
bonds of the soul, i. 581.
Creature (or creation), what, and
how in bondage, ii. 73; every,
i.e. every man, i. 543.
Credulity and incredulity, both
faults, ii. 384.

Cross, prophecies of the, i. 394;
the power of the, i. 217; the
boast of the Church, i. 386;
only, to be gloried in, ii. 216;

all good things through the,
ii. 332; not to be borne in ease
and luxury, ii. 331; typified by
Moses' rod, i. 395; the mystery
of the, in Noah's ark, i. 425.

The sign of the, to be made
on all occasions, i. 402; the
dread of devils, i. 388, 402.

The sign of, in heaven, what
i. 404 and n.
Crown, the, promised only to those
who strive unto the end, i. 192.
Curiosity a disease in Corinth, i.

Cyprian, St., on patience, i. 350.

Daily service, i. 460.

Darkness at the crucifixion, i. 312,
313 n., 348, 397, 401.
Daughter of the ruler of the syna.

gogue signifies the Jews, i. 257.
Day of Christ, i. 56, 292 n.; of
judgment, i. 20, 586. ii. 28,
263, 277: see Last Day.
Dead, the, raised by Christ's voice,
i. 315; the, see the Departed.
Death, like birth, i. 501; conquer-
ed by Christ, i. 443; a sleep,
ii. 351; the wages of sin, ii.
124; time of, why uncertain,
i. 550; delivers not the carnal
from carnal passions, ii. 42; of
sinners evil, ii. 38; separate th
not from the Holy Spirit, i. 570.

No deliverance from punish-
ment after, i. 60, 178; no pre-
paration for judgment after,
i. 550.

Dismayed at Christ's entrance
into Hades, i. 442.

Our Lord saw the second,
from which He came to deliver
us, i. 291 n.

Of Christ, real, ii. 177; no
debt, i. 579; the cause of life
to us, i, 584.

The shadow of, i. 9; forget-
fulness of God, ii. 527.

Of the soul, Sin, i. 267.
See Paradise, Hades.

Debtor, parable of the, ii. 323.
Deluge, mystery of, i. 424.
Departed, the, the Church bath

still, hidden from sight till the
end of the world, ii. 97; the,
rest in the bosom of Abraham,
ii. 352; whether the, know
what passes among the living,
ii. 43; sorrow for the, ii. 351;
prayer for the, ii. 44, 352: see
Death and Paradise.
Devil tempts Christ, i. 242; Adam,
i. 242, 246; Job, i. 242; let
loose against Christ, i. 414;
perplexed as to Christ's nature,
i. 244; not willing the Passion
should take place at the Pass-
over, i. 327; in what sense a
father, i. 184; the ruler (prince)
of this world, i. 578; how serv-
ed, i. 151; caused the Disciples
not to know Christ, i. 453; fell
by pride, see Pride; how to
fight against the, ii. 303; to he
overcome not by miracles, but
by long-suffering, i. 247; His
power, ii. 61; kept in check, ii.
64; his strength arises from our
carelessness, i. 271; not to be
feared, ii. 62; overcome by the
bumble, ii. 63; hides sin till
too late, i. 305; prompts to dis-
trust of God, i. 246; tempts to
despise the ministry of man in
the Church, ii. 390; a cause of
bodily disorders, i. 446, 641;
learns by experience, i. 176;
enters into Judas, i. 328, 362.
Devils not cast out by Beelzebub,

i. 268; believe Christ crucified,
i, 387; scared at invocation of
Christ, i. 545; connected with
idol worship, i. 151 n.; suffered
to depart into the swine, i.

Diligence of man required, strength
given by God, ii. 129.
Disciples see Apostles.

Disease, sometimes the devil's
work, i. 446, ii. 641.

Dispensation, i. 47 n.; of grace,
what it means, i. 106.
Divination, ii. 162.

Divine nature, Christians par-
takers in, i. 47.
Docetæ, ii. 439.

Door, Christ the, i. 595.
Dove, the Holy Spirit in the form
of a, i. 28.

Doves, wby offered at Christ's
birth, ii. 408, 451.

Dragon, meaning of the, in Bel
and the Dragon, ii. 178.
Dropsy, miracle of healing the,
ii. 256.


Eagle represents St. John, ii. 3.
Earthly things," how Baptism
is called, ii. 21.

Eating and drinking, Christ's, af er
the Resurrection, ii. 386, 468;
at Christ's Table, ii. 568, 9.
Ebionites, ii. 439.

Edom, i. 317, 398.
Egypt, deliverance from, ii. 358.
Eighth day, circumcision perform.
ed on the, in anticipation of the
Resurrection, i. 104.

Eleventh hour still left us, i. 236.
Elias translated, i. 581; required
a chariot at his ascension, i.
545; and John, how one, i. 41,
ii. 404; the angel ascending
from the east, ii, 622.

Elijah, mantle of, i. 567; sacrifice
of, i. 122: see Elias,

Elsha, call of, ii. 375; and Chr st

raised the dead, i. 314; touched
not Naaman, i. 154; miracle
of the iron swimming a figure
of Baptism, i. 19.
Emmanuel, Christ not actually
called, i. 95.

Emmaus, Christ at, i. 450.

Enemies, Christ came to save us
from our ghostly, not bodily,
ii. 525.

Enoch translated, i. 581.

Envy the cause of murders, i. 65.

Equality of the Father and the

Son, i. 296, 577.
Eternal life a gift, not wages, ii.
124; signified by the penny,
i. 195, 205; the manna, i. 205;
bestowed by Christ equally on
all, i. 195, 205.
Eternal punishment, no inter-
cession can deliver the con-
demned from, i. 60; severity of,
ii. 150; prefigured in Exodus,
ii. 147.
Eucharist, institution of the Holy,
i. 378; called "the Flesh," ii.
205; typified by the manna,
and the water from the rock,
ii. 146; fitness for receiving
the, not a matter of times and
seasons, ii. 472; why ordained
at the time of the Passover, i.
329: see Body, Bread, Sacri-
fice, Supper.
Evangelists, the four, symbolised
by the Man, the Lion, the Calf,
the Engle, ii. 3.

"Evening," the, indicates the ful-
ness of time, i. 330.
Evil foreknown by God, i. 87;
to be overcome with good, i.
150; deeds, not enough to re-
nounce, without good deeds, ii.
91; origin of, not to be en-
quired into, ii. 592: see Sin.
Evil-speaking, a crime, i. 520;

even woen true, 521; not to be
hearkened to, 522; like stir-
ring a cesspool, 525: see Tongue.
Exorcism, i. 544.

Ezekiel, praise of, i. 567 and n.

Faith, blessedness of, ii. 386; older
thau circumcision, i. 101; leads
to heaven those only who per-
s vere in good works, i. 426,
ii. 144; without works is dead,
i. 426, ii. 144; obeys without
seeking a reason, i. 119; the,
not beld when unity is broken,

i. 248; whereby miracles are
wrought, i. 306; the, once

delivered to the Saints, the
testimony of St. Irenæus to,
ii. 615.
Fasting, a shield against the devil,
i. 243; in secret, i. 229.
Father, the, how greater than the
Son, i. 576 n.; how not greater,
ii. 501; God our, i. 89; 80
called by the Baptized, ii. 135;
not called so by the Jews, i. 89.
Fear of God, i. 341; the anchor of
the soul, i. 498; not incom-
patible with the love that casts
out fear, ii. 31.

Feast of unleavened bread, i. 362.
Feet, wasting of, after Baptism, i.

Feigning, Christ's, i. 452.
Fellowship in the Gospel, ii. 315.
Fig-tree, parable of the, i. 18;
miracle of the, ii. 241.

Flesh, what meant by the, ii. 204;
works of the, ii. 207; live not
after the, ii. 130; provision for
its lusts forbidden, i. 3; to be
fought against by help of the
Spirit, i. 252; the Holy Eacha-
rist called the, ii. 205.
Flight into Egypt, the, i. 81.
Fold of Christ, the Courch, i.

Fool, why not to be said, ii. 114.
Forgiveness of sins granted to the

circumc sed and uncircumcised,
i. 98; means of procuring, it
this alone enlarged on n
the Lord's Prayer, i. 81; not
to be obtained without forgiv
ing, ii. 81, 116, 323, 327, 532;
of others, gain of, ii. 328; Christ
our example in, i. 171, ii. 280,
329; no excuse for withholding
it that the injury is great, i.
171, ii. 328; St. Stephen's ex-
ample in, i. 64.

Forty days, the, after the Resur-
rection, 1. 526, 533.
Four living creatures represent
the Gospels, ii. 2; the Evange
lists, 3; the Word, 4.

Freewill: see Will.

Friend at midnight, ii. 309, 646.
Full joy not carna', but spiritual,
i. 526.
Future things spoken of in Scrip-

ture as already done, ii. 510.

Gabriel, the angel, sent to B.V.M.,
ii. 452.

Galatians, sons of Abraham, i.

Gamaliel converted before his pupil
Saul, ii. 393 and n.; discovery
of his relics, ib.
Gamaliel's advice, ii. 530.
Garment of Christ, the seamless,
i. 345, 398, 417; rending of
Ahijah's, i. 346; the Apostles
Christ's, i. 257.

Garments a sign of Adam's fall,
i. 345.

Generation of Christ, why St. John
begins with the Eternal, i. 47;
in baptism, see Baptism.
Gennesaret, ii. 95.
Gentiles, calling of the, figured
by woman with issue of blood,
i. 257; by Christ riding on a
colt, i. 6; and Jews one body,
ii. 380; Christ neither hastened
first to the, nor turned from
them, i. 253; not "sent to"
them, i. 256; have a larger
grace to answer for than the
Jews, i. 16; fellow-beirs and
partakers of the promise, i. 107.
Gift of the Holy Spirit by Christ,
i. 475.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit various,
ii. 164, 262; may be used amiss,
i. 238; inequality of, not to be
murmured at, ii. 168; of grace
possessed in common by Chris-
tians, i. 553; of God given ac-
cording to the measure of our
faith, i. 131; attracted by good
works, i. 238; to be striven for
with faith and good living, ii.
126; secondary to purity of
life, i. 211; miraculous, im.

parted at baptism in Apostolic
times, ii. 159; a cause of strife
among the Corinthians, ii. 160;
received by Christ in His Body,
given by Him as God, ii. 462.
Glory, the comparative, of pro-
phets, angels, and Christ, i. 59.
Gluttony a source of other evils,
ii. 148, 150.

GOD, how He is said to "blind"
and "to give over to a repro-
bate mind," ii. 573; born of
men that men might be born
of God, i. 505; perfect, man
increaseth, i. 504; the God of
Jews and Gentiles alike, i. 366;
not the cause of sin, i. 84, 447;
how an example for man, ii. 79.
God of this world, ii. 572.
Godhead and Manhood of Christ
to be confessed together, il.

"Gods," men called, i. 572.
Golgotha, i. 344, 395, 396, 403.
Good, the, may fall away, the

wicked become good, ii. 139.
Good life unprofitab e, except
through The Life, i. 599; always
coupled with Faith by St. Paul,
ii. 342; the mark of true re-
ligion, i. 459; glorified of God,
i. 491; the Apostles preached
by, i. 532, 11. 561; the Church
preaches by, now instead of by
miracles, ii. 562.

Good works, none such unless
springing from good motives,
ii. 49; none without faith, ii.
512; the fruit and proof of
love, i. 573; come of God, ii.
315; always attributed by St.
Paul to the power of God, i. 239;
begin in confession of evil, i.
590; the crown awarded 10r,
not from avour, ii. 552; neces.
sary to salvation, i. 361; rather
tnan doctrines the subjects of
Curist's discourses, 1. 199; need
of, shewn in all the parables, ib.;
must be done when evil are

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Hades, the spirits in, i. 421,
and see the Departed; Christ
preached in, i. 421; porters of,
scared at Christ's descent, i.

Harm, none can do the righteous,
i. 93, and see Ill, Innocent,
Haughtiness the first act of in-
gratitude, i. 494.

Head and Body, different word
applied to, in the Person of
Christ i. 349: see Church.
Health of the body to be used for
the health of the soul, i. 449.
Hearing worth little without doing,
i. 514.

Heaven, the door of, opened at
Christ's Ascension, ii. 1.

[ocr errors][merged small]

ing of the Church necessary,
ii. 616.

Heresy of Apollinaris, i. 104,
296, ii. 617; Arius, i. 292, 296,
471, ii. 617; Celestius, ii. 617;
Cerd n, ii. 111; Circumcelli-
ans, the, ii. 48; Docetæ, the,
ii. 439; Donatists, the, ii. 48,
617; Ebion, ii. 439; Eunomius,
ii. 617; Jovianus, ib. ; Mare-
donius, ib.; Manes, or M ni-
chæus, i. 104, ii. 177, 572—
586; Marcion, i. 116, 282 and
n., 296, ii. 111, 210; Monarch-
ians. the, ii. 500; Nestorius,
i. 222 n., 286, ii. 617; Novatus,
i. 227 n., ii. 617; Patripassians,
the, ii. 500; Paulianists, see
below; Pelagius, ii. 617; Pho-
tinus, i. 296, ii. 617; Priscillian,
ii. 617; Sabellius, i. 296, ii.
500, 617; Samosata, Paul of,
i. 48, 116 n., 296, 546, ii. 439;
Valentinian, i. 104, ii. 300.
Heresy signified by the tares

sowed among the wheat, i. 175;
St. Paul vehement against, i.

Heretics claim to bave been taught
or Christ, i. 600; imitate the
kiss of Judas, i. 371; not to be
slain, i. 177; and schismatics
cannot be martyrs, ii. 47: see
Schism and Schismatics.
Herod troubled, i. 111; klls St.
James and takes St. Peter pri.
soner, ii. 530.
High-Priest, how more than one,
at the time of Christ's death,
i. 362.

Highest, Christ called the, ii. 526.
Hirelings, necessary in the Church,
i. 486.

Holiness, the observance of our
duty towards God, righteousness,
of our duty towards man, ii. 526.

Honour harder to bear well than
dishonour, i. 239.

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