

I-A. F. of L. Report of Convention, 1912, pp. 114-115. 2-A. F. of L. Building Trades Department. Report of Convention, 1912, p. 63.

3-A. F. of L., Metal Trades Department.

vention, 1913, p. 16.

4-Ibid., p. 16.

5-Ibid., p. 12.

6-Ibid., p. 30.

Report of Con

7-A. F. of L., Railway Employees' Department, Constitu

tion, p. 3.

8-Letter to Helen Marot.

9-Herman Schluter, "The Brewing Industry," p. 219.

10-Ibid., p. 227.

II-Ibid., p. 228.


1-E. R. A. Seligman, "The Crisis in Colorado," in the Annalist," 4th May, 1914.



I-Court of Appeals Decision, District of Columbia, 11th March, 1909.

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2-A. F. of L. Buck Stove and Range Company. Injunction suits," pph., pp. 19-20.

3-Frank L. Mulholland, in A. F. of L. Convention Report, 1912, pp. 277-279.

4-Supreme Court of Montana, 96, Pacific Reporter, 127.


I-Arbitration Board Report, "In the matter of the controversy between the B. of L. E. and the Eastern Railroads," 1912, pp. 107-108.

2-Ibid. (Mr. Morrisy), pp. 121-122.


3-Andrew Furuseth in Locomotive Firemen's Magazine," Aug., 1913, p. 257.

4-Samuel Gompers, "American Federationist," April, 1914, PP. 316-317.


[ocr errors]

I-Samuel Gompers, American Federationist," April, 1914, p. 316.

2-A. F. of L. Report of Convention, 1913, p. 63.

[ocr errors]

3-Samuel Gompers, "News Letter," 10th Jan., 1914.
4-A. F. of L., Legislative Committee, Report in American
Federationist," April, 1913, pp. 294-296.

5-" American Federationist," Sept., 1913.


[ocr errors]

I-Magistrate Campbell in Chief Magistrates Court, see New
York Times," 8th March, 1914.


I-A. F. of L. Report of Convention, 1912, p. 144.


2-" Typographical Journal," Jan., 1914, pp. 3-4.

3-" Amalgamated Journal of the A. of I. S. T. W., 9th Jan., 1913.

4-Anton Johannsen, see "The Survey," Ist Feb., 1913, p. 615.



"The Globe," New York, 9th July, 1913.

2-John Walker, in "Locomotive Firemen's Magazine," Oct.,

1913, p. 549.

3-A. F. of L. Convention Report, 1912, p. 149.



I-Arturo Giovannitti in Emile Pouget, "Sabotage," pp. 13-14. 2-James Warbasse, Sabotage" pamphlet reprinted and revised from The Call," New York.

3-Arturo Giovannitti, op. cit., p. 15.

4-Ibid., p. 15.

5-"Jersey Justice," pph., p. I.

6-Arturo Giovannitti, op. cit., pp. 28-29.


I-Frederick W. Taylor, in "Dartmouth College Conference on Scientific Management," p. 32.

2-Ibid., pp. 32-35.

3-Ibid., p. 21.

4-H. E. Slayton in op. cit., p. 222.

5-H. L. Gant, in op. cit., p. 222.

6-F. W. Taylor, op. cit., p. 31.

7-" American Medicine," April, 1913, p. 199.



I-A. F. of L. Convention Report, 1912, p. 146.

2-Ibid., p. 33.

3-Washington State Federation of Labor, Convention Report, 1913, p. 23.


Agreements. See Wage agree-

Amalgamation, Metal trades,
89, 92, 95; Miners' Unions,
98; see also Industrial or
trade unionism, jurisdiction.
American Federation of Labor,
Chap. II; autonomy of in-
ternationals, 16-20, 98-99;
amalgamation, 89, 92, 95, 98;
boycott, Chap. X; class
action, 13-14, 18-19 (see also
Industrial or trade unionism,
Sympathetic action); conven-
tions, 16; executive council,
24; federation, 15; "Federa-
tion of federations," 95-97;
federal unions, 21; I. W. W.,
criticism of, 57-58; industrial
unionism, Chap. V; inter-
national unions, 16-20 (see
also Autonomy, Jurisdic-
tion); jurisdiction, 16-17, 84-
87, 95; 101-105; label, Chap.
IX, 23; legislation, Chap.
XII; limitation of output,
Chap. XVII; local unions,
16, 20-21; partnership rela-
tions, 11-12, 18-19; political
action, Chap. XIX; and
Socialism, 13, 243-244; state
branches, 25-26; statistics of
unions, 15-16; tax, 16; trade
departments, 22, 85-98; union
shop, Chap. VIII; violence,
191-193; wage agreements,
27, 255-266; women's organi-
zation, 65-67, 69, 76-77.
Apprenticeship regulations, 225-
Arbitration, Chap. XI; Cana-

dian Disputes Act, 155-157;
Erdman Act, 37, 149-150;

Locomotive engineers award,
150-152; New Zealand and
Australia, 157-159; Newlands
Act, 154-155; Railroad broth-
erhoods, 36-38; State boards
of, 178.

Aristocracy of labor, 115-116;

high dues, 54; limited, 228.
Autonomy, A. F. of L. inter-
nationals, 16-20; of electrical
workers, 100-101; printing
trades, 98-99; building trades,
86-89; metal trades, 89-95;
I. W. W., opposition to, 58-
59, 61-62.

Blacklist, employers' boycott,
Boot and Shoe Workers, op-
position to class action, 18;
use of label, 131.
Boycott, Chap. X; A. F. of L.
committee on, 138-140; basis
for its use, 136; Buck Stove
and Range Co., 137; conspir-
acy decisions, 145; bill op-
posing conspiracy interpreta-
tion, 168-169; Danbury Hat-
ters, 140-144; Halloway opin-
ion, 145-146; Montana deci-
sion, 145; secondary boycott,
147; Van Orsdel opinion,

Brewery Workers, Socialist
sentiment, 13;
unionism of, 101-106; juris-
diction of, 102-105.
Bricklayers' union, 226.

Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, union shop, 124;
dynamite conspiracy, 184-
186, 190-197.

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