United States Supreme Court ReportsLawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 2005 First series, books 1-43, includes "Notes on U.S. reports" by Walter Malins Rose. |
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Side 66
... 28 USCS § 134 ( a ) command for dis- trict judges , within the meaning of Title 28 ( 28 USCS §§ 1 et seq . ) , to hold office during good behavior ; ( c ) while a literal reading of the § 292 ( a ) words " district judges " in isolation ...
... 28 USCS § 134 ( a ) command for dis- trict judges , within the meaning of Title 28 ( 28 USCS §§ 1 et seq . ) , to hold office during good behavior ; ( c ) while a literal reading of the § 292 ( a ) words " district judges " in isolation ...
Side 74
... 28 USC § 292 ( a ) [ 28 USCS § 292 ( a ) ] . Section 292 ( a ) itself does not explicitly define the " district judges " who may be as- signed to the court of appeals . How- ever , as other provisions of law make perfectly clear ...
... 28 USC § 292 ( a ) [ 28 USCS § 292 ( a ) ] . Section 292 ( a ) itself does not explicitly define the " district judges " who may be as- signed to the court of appeals . How- ever , as other provisions of law make perfectly clear ...
Side 489
... 28 USC § 2254 ( d ) ( 1 ) [ 28 USCS § 2254 ( d ) ( 1 ) ] . As a result , the court's subsequent deference to counsel's strategic decision not " to present every conceivable mitigation de- fense , " 352 Md , at 610 , 724 A2d , at 16 ...
... 28 USC § 2254 ( d ) ( 1 ) [ 28 USCS § 2254 ( d ) ( 1 ) ] . As a result , the court's subsequent deference to counsel's strategic decision not " to present every conceivable mitigation de- fense , " 352 Md , at 610 , 724 A2d , at 16 ...
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United States Supreme Court Reports, Volum 65;Volumer 254-256 United States. Supreme Court Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1922 |
United States Supreme Court Reports, Volum 46 United States. Supreme Court Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1921 |
United States Supreme Court Reports, Volum 12;Volumer 46-49 United States. Supreme Court Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1901 |
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15 USCS 28 USCS 42 USCS 98 S Ct amici amicus curiae urging applicants arbitration argued the cause California claim Cockrell Constitution counsel Court of Ap Court of Appeals criminal curiae urging affirmance curiae urging reversal discrimination dissenting District Court diversity election Equal Protection Clause evidence F Supp 2d Fed Appx Federal Constitution's FERC Fifth Circuit denied filed a brief Former decision Fourteenth Amendment Government Ibid infra interest judges judgment June 16 June 23 June 9 jurisdiction Justice L Ed 2d Lanham Act Law School LEXIS libraries ment minority Ninth Circuit opinion peals Peti Petition for rehearing Petition for writ Petitioner v United preclearance race racial rehearing denied respondents Scalia sion statute strict scrutiny supra Supreme Court Texas tion tioner v United tiorari trial United States Court USCS violate voters Voting Rights Act Wiggins writ of cer writ of certiorari