


in the county of Worcestre, cccc. lb. ; ffor the auns were whereof we requyer you, by the vertue of the kynge and quenes majesties comyssyon to us dyrected, that withe as convenyente spede as you may after the receyte hereof you sende unto us youre suffycyente deputie to accoumpte byfore us for the same, so as hereuppon their majesties may be satisfyed by you of the dett that shall faul out uppon the same. And bycause we be moche callyd uppon to reporte youer estate and dett herein, we therefore are constrayned the more ernestly to calle uppon you, whome we dought not wylle have suche regarde hereunto as bothe their majesties expectacyon herein may be served (as ys mete), as also for the full ende of this charge towardes youer selfe, with which as before the ende ys troblesome and comberous unto you, so will the ende thereof be to youer quyetnes and comforte. Whereof, for that you are ouer oulde ffrende and of oulde acquayntaunce, we thought to advyse you the rather, for that commyssyon ys nowe oute for the ende of those causys, of which you nowe may be dyscharged yf the faulte be not in youer selfe. We also advertysse you that Mr. Sheldone wylbe no further charged concernynge the leade and belles within youer late circuyte there thenne ys conteyned in the indentures bytwyxte you and hym; and therefore you muste aunswere the reste youer selfe, whereunto we dought not but you wyll have suche respecte as we may receyve youer aunswere withe expedycyon. And so we bydde you hartely ffare well. From Westminster, laste of February, 1555.

Youer very lovynge ffrendes,


To the worshippfull Johan
Skudemore, esquyer, in haste.


Abergwilly college, 207.
A'Bowen, Thomas, 8.

Abingdon abbey, 70.

Acton, Mr. 149, 237.

Ager, Antony, 89.

Alban's, St., abbey, 182, 250.

the abbot of, 250.

Aldington, the parson of, 25.

Aldridge, Dr. 49.

A'Lee, John, 268.

Alred, Thomas, 177.

Antony, John, 21, 25, 26, 76, 28.

Ap Gl'm, John, 274.

Ap Owen, Griffith, 188.

Ap Rece, Jo. 53, 238.

Ap Rice, John, 25.

Archard, Mr. 73.
Archer, John, 276.
Arnold, John, 201, 232.
Arundell, Roger, 131.

sir John, 131.
-, town of, 202.

Asaph, diocese of St. 190.
Ashby Magna, 129.
Aston, Mr. 274.

Atbury, Thomas, 171.

Atherstone, religious houses in, 193,

Audley, sir Thomas, 74, 239, 241, 245.
Austin, prior of the Charter-house, Ax-
holme, 174.

Avery, Thomas, 252.

Axholme, Charter-house in the isle of,
62, 173, 174.

Aylesbury, town of, 224, 228.

Bagnall, William, 278.

Bagot, Stephen, 278.
Baldock, Richard, 54.
Ballard, Richard, 275.
Balley, Mr. 126.
Bangor, town of, 202.

house of friars in, 212.
Barber, Thomas, 170.
Barclay, John, 201.
Bardell, Thomas, 274.
Edmund, 275.

Barker, Nicholas, 201.
Barking nunnery, 74.

Barlow, William, bishop of St. David's,
6, 77, 183, 187, 206.
Barnes, Dr. 183.
Bartelot, John, 59.

Barton, Elizabeth, the maid of Kent,

particulars concerning, 13 to 34.
list of her goods, 26.
-, prophecies of, 14.

Baskerfield, Dr. 217.
Bassett, sir William, 143.
-, Francis, 143.
Mr. 277.

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