
Jard. Fruit. Le Jardin Fruitier. Par M. Noisette. 3 vols. 4to.

Paris, 1821.

Knoop Fruct. Fructologie, ou Description des Arbres Fruitiers. Par J. H. Knoop. Folio. 1771.

Knoop Pom. Pomologie, ou Description des Meilleures Sortes de Pommes et de Poires. Par J. H. Knoop. Folio. 1771. Kraft Pom. Aust. Abhandlung von den Obstbäumen.



Johann Kraft. 2 vols. folio.
Langley. Pomona, or the Fruit Garden illustrated. By Batty
Langley. Folio. 1729.

Lelieur. La Pomone Française, ou Traité de la Culture Française,
et de la Taille des Arbres Fruitiers. 8vo. 1811.
Lindl. Geo. Cat. A Catalogue of Trees, &c. in the Nursery at
Catton, near Norwich.

Lindl., Geo., in Hort. Trans. Communications in the Horticultural
Transactions of London.

Lindl., Geo., Plan of an Orchard. A Plan of an Orchard. By George Lindley. 1796.

Loud. Gard. Mag. Loudon's Gardener's Magazine.

Martyn's Miller.

Miller's Dictionary.

Martyn. 4 vols. folio. 1807.

By the Rev. Thomas

Mawe. Every Man his own Gardener. By Thomas Mawe and John Abercrombie. 8vo. 1822.

Mayer's Pom. Franc. Pomona Franconica, Description des Arbres Fruitiers au Jardin de Wurtzbourg. Par le Sieur Jean Mayer. 3 vols. 4to. 1776-1801.

Miller. The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary. By Philip Miller. Folio. 1768.

Nicol. The Gardener's Kalendar; or a Monthly Directory of Operations in every Branch of Horticulture. By Walter Nicol. 4th Edition. 8vo. 1822.

Nois. Manuel. Manuel Complet du Jardinier. Par M. Noisette. Parkinson. Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris. By John Parkinson. Folio. 1629.

Poit. et Turp. Traité des Arbres Fruitiers de Duhamel. Nouvelle Edition, par Poiteau et Turpin. Folio. Paris, 1808, &c. Pom. Heref. Pomona Herefordiensis. By Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. 4to. 1811.

Pomona Italiana. Pomona Italiana, ossia trattato degli Alberi Fruttiferi, di Georgio Gallesio. Folio. Pisa, 1817. Still in publication.

Pom. Mag. The Pomological Magazine. 3 vols. 8vo. London,


Ray. Historia Plantarum, a Joh. Ray, M.D. 3 vols. folio.

London. 1st, 1686; 2d, 1688; 3d, or Supplementum,

1704. Rea. Flora, or a Complete Florilege. By John Rea. Folio. 1702. Sickler Teutsch. Der Teutsche Obstgärtner. Von J. B. Sickler. 22 vols. 8vo. 1794-1804.

Speechly's Pine. A Treatise on the Culture of the Pine Apple. By Wm. Speechly. 8vo. 1796.

Speechly's Vine. A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine. By Wm. Speechly. 4to. 1790.

Switzer. The Practical Fruit-Gardener. By Stephen Switzer. 8vo. 1724.

Taschenb. Taschenbuch des Verstandigen Gärtners. Aus dem Französischer übersetzt. Von J. F. Lippold. Nebst bedeutenden Zusätzen und Verbesserungen. Von Gebrüder Baumann. 8vo. 1824.

Van Mons Arb.

Van Mons Cat.

Catalogue Descriptif Abrégé; contenant une
Partie des Arbres Fruitiers qui, depuis 1798
jusqu'en 1823, ont formé la Collection de
J. B. Van Mons.







THIS description of fruit being little known in Great Britain, the following list of the principal varieties cultivated in France is taken from the Transactions of the Horticultural Society.

1. AMANDE COMMUNE. - The nuts of the common almond are about one inch and a quarter long, with a hard smooth shell, containing a kernel of little value in comparison with some others. It is the most common in France, and the young plants from it are used for stocks to bud peaches upon.

2. AMANDE DOUCE À COQUE DURE. - The nuts of these are large, fully one inch and a half long, smooth, and of a dull colour: the shell is thick and hard, the kernel small, and not high flavoured.

This is an improved variety of the former, and differs from it only in having larger fruit. It is a preferable sort for stocks, and used by the more careful of their gardeners.


3. AMANDE DOUCE À COQUE TENDRE. Much resembles the last in appearance and colour, but it has a tender shell; one side is usually straight, and the other rounded.

This sort is budded upon the others, and is grown in gardens to produce the young almonds, which in France are caten fresh in July, the kernel being sweet and well flavoured.

4. AMANDE DES DAMES. This is eaten dry, and cultivated as an article of commerce, in the southern parts of France.

The nut exceeds an inch in length, is of an oval shape, and thicker in proportion than the others; the shell being light-coloured, porous, and tender ; the kernel plump, rich, and sweet.

5. AMANDE SULTANA.-This resembles the amande des dames, but is smaller.

6. AMANDE PISTACHE. - Is similar to the last, but still smaller.

The two last varieties are peculiar to the south of France, and are not in general cultivation.

7. AMANDE PRINCESSE. This approaches to the amande des dames in its qualities and size, but has a much thinner shell, which is rough externally, appearing as if the outer part were removed.

8. AMANDE AMÈRE.- Of this, which is the bitter almond, there are several varieties, differing in the size of their nuts, which are dark coloured, with hard shells, and bitter kernels.

Propagation and Cultivation.

All the varieties of the almond in this country may be propagated by budding them upon the muscle stock, in the same manner as directed for peaches and nectarines.

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