
and Hadley's Commentaries; Terry's First Principles of Law; Holtzendolf's Encyclopedie der Rechtswissenschaft; Falck's Encyclopedie der Rechtswissenschaft.


During the first year, brief lectures upon Ancient and Modern Japanese Law are given to the students in the Departments of Law and Literature, and Seidotsu is used as a text-book. Students of Law take up Hososhiyosho, Joyeishikimoku and Hiakkajo in their second year; Hososhiyosho, in their third year, and Taihorei in their fourth year. For extra reading, the following books are selected, those selected for the first year being omitted. 2nd year :-Ruiju-Sandai-Kiaku; Seiji-Yōriaku; ShokuNihongi.

3rd year-Risso-zampen; Rio-no-Shiuge; Shoku-genshō. 4th year-Kembu - Shikimoku; Kingioku - Shōchiushō; Saiban-Shiyōshō; Yengishiki.


Lectures on Criminal Law are given in the second year of the Law Course and on Criminal Procedure during the third and fourth years.

The instructor conducts Moot Courts with the third and fourth year classes in Law. In each case students are appointed counsel in turn; a written statement of the facts of the case is given to them, and they are required to draw the proper pleadings as in an actual suit, the question submitted being generally one involved in the cases actually decided by one of the courts.


Instruction is given either by means of lectures or by reference to text-books, whenever books suitable for the

use of Japanese students can be had. In the latter case portions to be studied in advance are assigned, and the Instructor explains, comments, and questions the students upon, the portion so assigned.

The following are the text-books now in use :Contracts. Smith on Contracts; Pollock on Contracts; Langdell's Select Cases on Contracts; Langdell's Summary of the Law of Contracts.

Real Property. Blackstone's Commentaries; Williams on Real Property.

Crimes. Bishop's Commentaries on the Criminal Law; Harris' Principles of Criminal Law; Stephen's Digest of Criminal Law.

Torts. Broom's Commentaries; Underhill's Torts.
Sales. Langdell's Select Cases on Sales; Benjamin's
Sales; Kent's Sales; Smith's Mercantile Law; Story's
Agency; Story's Bailment; Kent's Bailment; Lindley's
Partnership; Pollock's Partnership; Story's Bills and

Equity. Hayne's Outlines of Equity; Snell's Principles of Equity.

Evidence. Stephen's Digest of the Law of Evidence; Powell's Evidence; Best on Evidence.


For instruction in French Law, students are taught Civil Law during the third year, and Criminal Law during the fourth year, the French Codes and Commentaries being used as a text-book.


During the last two terms of the first year, instruction in the elements of Roman Law is given by way of pre

paration for the subsequent studies in English and French Law.

Sander's Institutes of Justinian is used as a text-book.


International Law is divided into Public and Private ; the first two terms are devoted to the study of Public International Law, and its general principles; the nature of the state, primitive rights, conventional rights, war, neutrality, and re-establishment of peace are discussed under this head; and during the last term the general principles of Private International Law, and differences. of private law among different states concerning persons, things, contracts, evidence, etc., are studied.

Text-books and books of reference.


International Law.

Wharton. Conflict of Laws.

Bluntschli. Droit International Codifié.

De Martens. Précis du Droit de Gens Moderne de l'Europe. Folix. Traité du Droit International Privé.

Vattel. Droit des Gens.


Lectures on Jurisprudence are given to instruct the students in the principles of Law; and the subject is treated under four heads, viz., Analytical Jurisprudence, Historical Jurisprudence, Comparative Jurisprudence, and Speculative Jurisprudence.

Books of reference.

Austin. Jurisprudence.

Maine. Ancient Law.

Bentham. Theory of Legislation.

Ahren. Naturrecht.

Ihering. Geist des Roemischen Rechts.
Montesquieu. De l'Esprit des Lois.
Holland. Jurisprudence.


1st year-In Pure Mathematics, the subjects taught are the elements of Plane and Solid Analytical Geometry: Text-books being Puckle's Conic Sections and Aldis' Solid Geometry.

In Applied Mathematics, elementary Mechanics is taught during two terms. Text-book, Todhunter's elementary Mechanics.

2nd year-In Pure Mathematics the subjects are Higher Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (for students in Mathematics only), Solid Geometry (for students in Mathematics and Physics), Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus and Differential Equations (for students in Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering). Text and reference books, Chauvenet's Trigonometry; Frost's Solid Geometry; Todhunter's Differential Calculus; Todhunter's Integral Calculus; Boole's Differential Equations; Williamson's Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus; Price's Infinitesimal Calculus.

In the Applied, Mechanics is taught chiefly by lectures. 3rd year :—In Pure, higher Analytical Geometry, higher Calculus and Differential Equations, and higher Algebra are taught. Text and reference books, Todhunter's Theory of Equations, Salmon's Higher Algebra; Salmon's Conic Sections; Ferrar's Trilinear Coordinates; Frost's Solid Geometry; Todhunter's Integral Calculus, etc.

In the Applied, Geometrical Optics is taught during one term, generally the first; also Thermodynamics. During

the second and third terms, Statics, Theory of Attractions, Undulatory Theory of Sound and Light are gone through; and Kinetics is begun. Text and reference books: Todhunter's Statics; Airy's Tracts; Lloyd on Light; Tait and Steele's Dynamics of a Particle, Parkinson's Optics, etc.

4th year-In Pure, Higher Calculus and Higher Differential Equations are the subjects of the lectures; also Modern Geometry and Quaternions; and a short review of Japanese Mathematics. Text and reference books; Boole's Finite Differences; Boole's Differential Equations; Townshend's Modern Geometry; Kelland and Tait's Quaternions; Cayley's Elliptic Functions, etc.

In the Applied, Dynamics and Hydrodynamics (including Sound) are taught. Text and reference books; Tait and Steele's Dynamics of a Particle, Routh's Rigid Dynamics, and Besant's Hydromechanics; Donkin's Acoustics, etc. Also Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism is lectured upon.

Although text-books are placed in the hands of the students, the method of teaching is not by recitations, but by lectures and exercises. For the exercises, students of all the years assemble about three days a week in the afternoon.

Also a voluntary class meets once a week to read Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy.


Students from three different courses of the University spend more or less time in the Department of Physics. They are as follows;--Course of Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy; that of Engineering; and of Chemistry.

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