
The third year students of three other courses, viz., those of Mining, Geology, and Physics, also receive instruction in quantitative analysis; but as the time which they can devote to this subject is limited, those substances which are more appropriate for their respective studies are selected for them from the above list.

The text-books in use are Thorpe's Qualitative Analysis, Fresenius' Qualitative Analysis, Jones' Practical Chemistry, Cairn's Quantitative Analysis, Thorpe's Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Fresenius' Quantitative Analysis, Wanklyn's Water Analysis, Sutton's Volumetric Analysis.


During the second year, the student of the chemical course is instructed in Organic Chemistry by lectures which are given twice a week.


Introduction. Chemical nature of carbon. Constitution of the carbon compounds. Organic analysis. Determination of the vapor density. Determination of the molecular formula. Empyrical, rational and constitutional formulae. Isomerism. Physical properties. Classification. Action of reagents on carbon compounds.

1. Group of cyanogen and carbonyl compounds. Cyanogen. Simple and complex cyanides. Cyanates and thiocyanates.

Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide. Carbamide.

Carbon disulphide. Sulphocarbamide.

2. Group of the Fatty compounds.


Primary alcohols, aldehydes, and acids.

Secondary alcohols and ketones.
Tertiary alcohols.

Methyl alcohol. Its derivatives.

Formaldehyde. Formic acid.

Ethyl alcohol. Vinous fermentation. Wine. Beer.
Saké. Spirits. Ethyl cyanides. Nitrogen bases.
Ethyl mercaptan. Metallic compounds of ethyl.
Ethane and its substitution compounds.

Acetaldehyde. Acetic acid. Substitution compounds
of acetic acid.


Propyl compounds. Butyl compounds. Amyl compounds. Higher homologues. Solid fatty acids. Natural wax.

Olefines. Glycols. Monobasic and dibasic acids derived from glycols.

Ethene compounds. Ethidene compounds.

Glycollic acid. Oxalic acid.

Propene compounds. Lactic acid.

Butene compounds. Succinic acid.

Malic acid.

Tartaric acid. Racemic acid and levotartaric acid.

Citric acid.

Uric acid and its derivatives.

Glycerin. Fats. Allyl compounds.

Acetylene and its homologues.

Erythrite. Mannite.


Terpenes and camphors

3. Group of the aromatic compounds.

General characters of the aromatic compounds.

Benzene. Its derivatives. Azo-and diazo-compou
Phenol. Dioxybenzenes. Trioxybenzenes.

Toluene. Benzyl group. Benzoic acid.

Salicylic acid. Phthalic acid.

Aniline colors. Phenol colors.

Indigo group.

Naphthalene group.

Anthracene. Anthraquinone. Alizarine.

4. Group of the glucosides.

5. Group of the alkaloids.

6. Group of unclassified substances.

Coloring and bitter principles.


Animal products.

Works for reference. Fownes' Elementary Chemi Schorlemmer's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Mi Organic Chemistry (5th Edition).


The lectures on this subject are given three tir week, during the third and fourth year of the sp course in chemistry. To complete the instruction, pra work is done by the students, also three times a▾ during the afternoon hours, in a special labora This, during the last year, has been enlarged thus to afford room for a greater number of students. object of the practical work is to render the stu more familiar with the reactions, the practical difficu etc., of the various branches of chemical technolog well as with the methods of technical examination o materials or products, partly made by the students

Benzene. Its derivatives. Azo-and diazo-compounds.
Phenol. Dioxybenzenes. Trioxybenzenes.

Toluene. Benzyl group. Benzoic acid.

Salicylic acid. Phthalic acid.

Aniline colors. Phenol colors.

Indigo group.

Naphthalene group.

Anthracene. Anthraquinone. Alizarine.

4. Group of the glucosides.

5. Group of the alkaloids.

6. Group of unclassified substances.

Coloring and bitter principles.


Animal products.

Works for reference. Fownes' Elementary Chemistry. Schorlemmer's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Miller's Organic Chemistry (5th Edition).


The lectures on this subject are given three times a week, during the third and fourth year of the special course in chemistry. To complete the instruction, practical work is done by the students, also three times a week, during the afternoon hours, in a special laboratory. This, during the last year, has been enlarged thus so as to afford room for a greater number of students. The object of the practical work is to render the students. more familiar with the reactions, the practical difficulties, etc., of the various branches of chemical technology, as well as with the methods of technical examination of new materials or products, partly made by the students them

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