

A general acquaintance with the history of the language and literature being already possessed by the students, the best works of the principal writers are critically read and explained in the lecture-room. The object of the course being to enable the student to get as thorough knowledge of modern English as possible, no great attention is paid to works of any of the ancient writers and the works. used are mostly those of some of the best modern writers. Text-books:- - Sprague's Master - Pieces in English. Literature; Shakespears's Plays, and some of the English literature publications of Tokio Daigaku.


The students in the Departments of Law, being required. to study French Law, must take French during their first two years. In other departments, except in the Course of Japanese and Chinese Literature the students are required to study German during two years in the Department of Science, and during three years in the Department of Literature, in order to enable them in future to refer to German books for their further study. The study of Latin is required only of the students in Biology; it is optional to all the students of Law and Science under certain conditions.

Text-books and books for private reading: Comfort's. German Course; Lüben and Nacke's Lesebuch; Lamotte's Perrier; Sommer's Abrigé de Grammaire Francaise; Duruy's Petite Histoire des Temps Modernes; Dela-courtie's Elénents de Législation Usuelle; Levasseur's

Cours d'Economie; Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar and Reader.


In the first term the following books are read and explained in the lecture-room: in History, Kojiki, Nihongi, and Kogoshiui; in Law Rio-no-gige; in Kojitsu Kinhishō; in Literature, Manyōshiu, Kokinshiu, Tosanikki, Taketori-monogatari, Isemonogatari, Genjimonogatari, besides lectures on Jion Kaji-Kaku; in Chinese literature Tōsō Hakkabun.

In this term the following books are also required to be read in private, and the instructor will explain the difficulties at the time assigned for such purpose: Izumofūdoki; Shinsen-seishiroku; Shingōshōtōki; Jikkunshō; Uji-shiui-monogatari; Tsurezuregusa; Dainihonshi; Hokentaiki; Dokushiyoron; Koshicho - Kaidaiki; Tsuganranyō.

A certain number of poems or one essay is required every week from the student throughout the course; such essay must be written alternately in old and common styles.

In the second term the following books are read and explained in the lecture-room besides Kojiki, Nihongi, Riono-gige, Manyōshiu, Genji-monogatari, and Hakkabun which are continued from the last term: in History Yeiga-monogatari, Mizukagami, and Ookagami; in Kojitsu Gario-Shozokushō; in Literature Makura-no-sōshi. The following books are also required to be read in private besides Dai-nihonshi which is continued from the last term: Shoku-nihongi, Seidotsuu, and Tō-Rikuten.

In the third term the following books are read and explained besides Kojiki, Nihongi Yeiga-monogatari, Ookagami, Rio-no-gige, Munyōshiu and Genji-mono gatari which are continued from the last term: in History Masu-kagami; in Law Raijusand tikiaku; in Kojitsu, Nenjuijōreiki, and Dairishiki; Yengishiki; Shoku-nihongi ; in law Tōritsusogi. Nihon-kōki, Nihon-itshi, Shokunihon-kōki, Buntoku-jitsuroku, Sandai-jitsuroku, Jōkuan gishiki, Yengishiki, an1 Kɔnjiaku-monogatari are required to be read in private.

In the fourth term Hōsōshiyōshō, Jōyeshikimoku, Kenbushikimoku are read and explained in the lecture-room, and Nihongi, Masu-kagami, Rio-no-gige, Dairishiki, Manyōshiu, and Genji-monogatari are continued from the last term; Kōkeshidai, Fusō-riakki, Nihonkiriaku, Hiakurenshō, Shoku-yotsugi, and Yashi are read in private. From this term the students begin to read and explain Kojiki and Makurano-soshi in turn before the instructor.

In the fifth term, Nihongi, Rio-no-gige, Manyōshiu, Genji-monogatari and Tōritsusogi are continued and Kōkeshidai, Rissozanpen, Seiji-yōriaku, Azuma-kagami and Yashi are read in private.

In the sixth term all the books studied in the last term are continuel and Chioyagunsai is the only addition to the private reading.

The object of this course being to investigate historical facts, old laws, etc., in such a way as to satisfy the direct needs of society, the students are required during the fifth and sixth terms to write an essay on the investigation of some old facts or systems, such as the old system of taxation, old military system, etc.

Many other books, which may be suggested for private reading and for reference in writing essays, are not here mentioned.



1. The academic year begins on the 11th of September and ends on the 10th of July.

2. The academic year is divided into three terms: the first term comprises one hundred and five days, extending from September 11th to December 24th; the second term eighty-three days extending from January 8th to March 31st; the third term ninety-four days, extending from April 8th to July 10th.

3. The Winter vacation comprises two weeks, commencing on the 25th of December and ending on the 7th of January; the Spring vacation, one week, commencing on the 1st of April and ending on the 7th of April, and the Summer vacation two months, commencing on the 11th of July and ending on the 10th of September.

4.-Lectures are suspended on Sundays and on the following national holidays :-

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5.-Lectures begin at 8.30 a.m., from November 1st to March 31st, and at 8 a.m., from April 8th to October 31st.



1. Students are admitted at the beginning of the academic year, but in exceptional cases they may enter at the beginning of the second or third term.

2. Applicants for admission to a first year class must be at least sixteen years of age; for admission to a second year class they must be at least seventeen years of age, and so on.

3.-Students to be admitted to a first year class must have completed the prescribed course in the Yobimon, or in case they have not studied in the Yobimon they must show, on examination held there, the same degree of proficiency as those who have completed the Yobimon


4. Candidates for advanced standing are first examined on the subjects necessary for admission to a first year class and then on the subjects which have been previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter, and the results of these examinations are referred to the scheme connected with art. 8 of the regulation for examinations, in order to determine their admission. Those who have pursued their studies in any other college are exempted from examination on any subject in which they can show certificates satisfactory to the authorities of the University.

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