
33. In the absence of a quorum, the speaker may adjourn the house until the next sitting day; or if in committee of the whole, the committee may rise and report progress.

34. No motion for reconsideration shall be in order, unless on the same day, or day following that on which the decision proposed to be reconsidered took place, nor unless one of the majority shall move such reconsideration. A motion for reconsideration being put and lost, shall not be renewed; nor shall any subject be a second time reconsidered, without unanimous consent.

35. The rules of the house shall be observed in a committee of the whole house, except the rules respecting division, and limiting the times of speaking.

36. Select committees to whom references shall be made, shall in all cases report a state of facts, and also their opinions thereon, to the house.

37. That in all cases where a bill, order, resolution or motion, shall be entered on the journals of this house, the name of the member moving the same shall also be entered on the journals.

38. Every message from the honourable the senate, communicating any bill for the concurrence of this house, shall, after the second reading of the said bill, be referred to a select committee, with the accompanying docu ments, if any, to consider and report thereon.

39. The speaker shall cause the clerk of this house to make a list of all bills, resolutions, reports of committees, and other proceedings in this house, which are committed to a committee of the whole house, and which are not made the order of the day for any particular day; which list shall be called "the general orders of the day."

40. On the meeting of the house, after the reading of the journal, the presentation of petitions shall be first in order; and it shall be the duty of the speaker to call for the same; and when the petitions have been disposed of, reports, first from standing committees, then from select committees, shall be called for and disposed of, which business shall be done at no other part of the day, except by permission of the house.

41. When the house have proceeded to the " general orders of the day," no other business shall be in order

until the house have disposed of the same by laying them upon the table, or by postponing them until the next day.

42. A standing committee of five persons shall be appointed, to be called "the committee on engrossed bills," whose duty it shall be, carefully to examine all bills passed by this house, and see that the same are correctly engrossed, and report the same to the house, before the same are signed by the speaker.

43. Reports from the committee on engrossed bills, shall at all times be in order, and have preference to any other business.

44. All the unfinished business of the preceding day, shall have preference to any other, except special orders of the day, in committee of the whole.

45. No private bill shall be brought into the house, but upon a petition signed by the parties who are suitors therefor, first presented.

46. That hereafter, the final question on the passage of any bill appropriating the public monies, or property, for local or private purposes, or creating, continuing, altering, or renewing any body politic, or corporate, shall be taken by a division; and unless eighty-six members shall vote in the affirmative, the bill shall be declared lost; and the speaker shall certify upon all such bills which shall so pass, that two-thirds of all the members elected to this house, voted in favor of the same.

47. That a standing committee of five be appointed, on bills coming within the ninth section of the seventh article of the amended constitution of this state; and that when any bill shall have passed in committee of the whole house, which the speaker shall suppose to be within the provisions of the said ninth section, or on which question he may entertain doubts, it shall be referred to the said committee, to examine and report thereon, before the question on its final passage shall be taken.

48. That amendments by the senate to all bills which have passed the house, shall be referred to an appropriate select or standing committee, to examine and report thereon, unless the house shall otherwise expressly allow.

49. The final reading of all bills which require the sanction of a constitutional majority, shall be had on Tuesday or Friday in every week, and on no other dayɛ,

until otherwise ordered, except by unanimous consent. 50. That the final question on the passage of any bill requiring a constitutional majority of this house, shall not be deemed to be decided, unless eighty-six members are present, and vote on the question.

51. Every member, previous to presenting a petition or memorial, shall endorse on the same the substance thereof, and add his name; the clerk shall then read the endorsement, after which the speaker shall put the question on the reference of said petion or memorial.

52. All committees shall be appointed by the speaker, unless otherwise specially directed by the house, in which case they shall be appointed by ballot; and if upon such ballot, the number required shall not be elected by a majority of the votes given, the house shall proceed to a second ballot, in which a plurality of votes shall prevail; and in case a greater number than is required to compose or complete a committee, shall have an equal number of votes, the house shall proceed to a further ballot or ballots.

53. On a motion in committee of the whole house to rise and report, the question shall be decided without debate.

54. A motion to reconsider the vote upon the final passage of any bill requiring the assent of two-thirds of all the members elected to this house, shall be made by a member who voted against the bill; and two-thirds of the members elected to this house, shall be required to reconsider the same; nor shall such vote be a second time reconsidered.

55. All questions relating to the priority of business, to be acted on, shall be decided without debate.

56. No standing rule or order shall be rescinded or changed, without one day's previous notice being given of the motion therefor; nor shall the 54th rule be altered, without two-thirds of the members elected to this house, agree to such alteration.

January 11, 1825.





1. Each house shall transmit to the other all papers on which any bill or resolution shall be founded.

2. When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one house, is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same may have passed.

3. Messages from one house to the other, shall be communicated by the respective clerks of each house, unless the house transmitting the message shall especially direct otherwise.

4. It shall be in the power of either house to amend any amendment made by the other, to any bill or resolution.

5. In every case of a difference between the two houses upon any subject of legislation, either house may request a conference, and appoint a committee for that purpose, and the other shall also appoint a committee to confer. The committees shall meet at such hour and place as shall be agreed upon by their chairman, and state to each other, verbally or in writing, as either shall choose, the reasons of their respective houses, and confer freely thereon. And they shall be authorised to report to their respective houses, such modifications or amendments as they may think advisable.

6. It shall be in order for either house to recede from any subject matter of difference subsisting between the two houses at any time previous to conference, whether the papers on which such difference has arisen are before the house receding, formally or informally, and that a majority shall govern, except in those cases where twothirds are required by the constitution; and the question having been put and lost, shall not be again put on the same day, and the reconsideration thereof shall in other respects be regulated by the rules of the respective houses. 7. After each house shall have adhered to their disa

greement, the bill which is the subject of difference, shall be deemed lost, and shall not be again revived during the same session in either house.

8. The same bill shall not create, renew or continue more than one incorporation, nor contain any provisions in relation to the altering of more than one act of incorporation, nor shall the same bill appropriate the publie money or property to more than one local or private purpose. And bills appropriating money for the payment of the officers of government, shall be confined to that purpose exclusively.

9. Whenever there shall be a ballot for officers by the two houses, the result shall be certified by the president of the senate, and speaker of the assembly, and shall be reported by the presiding officer of each house to their respective houses, and be entered on the journals of each, and shall be communicated to the governor by the clerks of the two houses.


Relative to Incorporations, and the Division of Counties.

Passed March 26, 1813.

I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That when any association shall be formed for any purpose whatever after the first day of July next, shall be disposed to make application to the legislature for an act of incorporation, or any company or association already incorporated shall be disposed to make application for any alteration in the law so incorporating them, it shall be the duty of the persons so associated, or the directors or stockholders of such incorporation, or some of them, to signify such their intention by advertisement, to be inserted for at least six weeks successively immediately before such application, in one or more of the newspapers printed in the county where the objects of such association or incorporation is carried, or intended to be carried into effect, (and also in the newspaper printed by the printer to this state;) and if no newspaper be printed in such


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