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Attack of Arapiles.

The possession of the enemy, however, of the more distant of the Arapiles, rendered it necessary for Lord Wellington to extend the right of the British army, en potence, to the heights behind the village of Arapiles, and to occupy that village with light infantry; and for that purpose he placed there the 4th division, under the Honourable Lieutenant-General Cole; and although, from the variety of the enemy's movements, it was difficult to form a satisfactory judgment of Marmont's intentions, his Lordship considered that, upon the whole, his subjects were upon the left of the Tormes.

He therefore immediately ordered the Honourable Major-General Pakenham, who commanded the 3rd division in the absence of Lieutenant-General Picton on account of ill health, to move across the Tormes, with the troops under his command, including Brigadier-General D'Urban's cavalry, and to place himself behind Aldea Tejada; Brigadier-General Bradford's brigade of Portuguese infantry, and Don Carlos D'Espena's infantry, having been moved up likewise to the neighbourhood of Las Torres, between the 3rd and 4th divisions.

After a variety of evolutions and movements Marmont appeared at last, to have: determined upon his plan, about two in the afternoon; and under cover of a very heavy cannonade, which, however, did the British but little damage, he extended his left, and moved forward his troops, apparently with an intention to embrance, by the position of his troops, and by his fire, the single post on the Arapiles which Lord Wellington occupied, and from thence to attack and break the line; or, at all events, to render difficult any movement, on the part of the allies, to their right.

However daring, or even judicious, was this plan of Marmont's, yet it comprised within itself the primary elements of his defeat, when opposed to such a general as the gallant and discriminating Welling



Commencement of the attack.

ton; for, as his Lordship observes, this extension of his line to its left, and its advance upon the British right, notwithstanding that his troops still occupied very strong ground, and his position was well defended by cannon, gave to the allied army an opportunity of attacking him, for which his Lordship had long been


Lord Wellington, with a happy rapidity, seconded by the ardour of his gallant companions, immediately reinforced the right with the 5th division, under Lieutenant-General Leith, which he placed behind the village of Arapiles on the right of the 4th division; and with the 6th and 7th divisions in reserve; and, as soon as these troops had taken their stations, he directed the Honourable Major-General Pakenham to move forward with the 3rd division, and General D'Urban's cavalry, and two squadrons of the 14th light dragoons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hervey, in four columns to turn the enemy's left on the heights, (thereby_outmanoeuvring him in his own move,) whilst Brigadier-General Bradford's brigade, the 5th division under Lieutenant-General Leith, the 4th division under the Honourable MajorGeneral Cole, and the cavalry under Sir Stapleton Cotton, should attack them in front, supported in reserve by the 6th division, under Major-General Clinton the 7th division under Major-General Hope, whilst Don Carlos d'Espagna's Spanish division, and Briga. dier-General Pack's, should support the left of the 4th division, by attacking that of Dos Arapilas, which the enemy held. The 1st and light divisions occupied the ground on the left, and were in reserve.

Such were the judicious movements, which, with the eye of an eagle, the gallant Wellington saw at a glance were necessary to counteract the preconcerted hostile manœuvres in his front; and such were the names of those, whose task it was to execute a plan so rapidly conceived, and so judiciously combined.

Rapid movements of the British.

In fact nothing could be more daring than the plan of his Lordship, who thus changed a defence against the outflanking and attack of Marmont, into the very same movements upon his assailant !

This important attack upon the French left was instantly made, according to the plan of the Commander-in-Chief, and as completely, and almost as in. stantly, succeeded.* General Pakenham, fully comprehending the plan of his noble brother-in-law, formed the 3rd division across the enemy's flank, and overthrew every thing that opposed him. These troops were supported in the most gallant style by the Portuguese cavalry, under Brigadier-General D'Urban, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hervey's squadrons of the 14th, who successfully defeated every attempt made by the enemy on the flank of the 3rd division.t

Whilst this was going on, Brigadier-General Bradford's brigade, the 4th and 5th divisions, and the cavalry under Lieutenant-General Sir Stapleton Cotton, attacked the enemy in front, and drove his troops before them, from one height to another, bringing forward their right so as to gain strength upon the enemy's flank in proportion to their ad


* "After ascending the hill till within forty yards of them, we never, but for a moment, once saw them. At the above distance we gave three cheers, receiving their fire, (one of their ranks kneeling,) returned it, and directly charged; upon which they immediately faced about and set off, but rallied again for a short time; when, finding us inclined for nothing but the bayonet, they set off before us altogether, and our cavalry dashed in amongst them and played the devil!"

Letter from an Officer.

"The French look at us, and looked savagely too, as if deter. mined to withstand our charges;—it was all a fudge-we crossed bay. onets, and away went the conquerors of Austrelitz and Eylau. We have lost few men in this battle; the French lost most of their men in their disorderly retreat. It was the second edition of Maida—we had only to cut down as they flew.-Their arms, baggage, drums, musię, every thing was abandoned-the British and Portuguese cheering and killing till the night fall-that night fall which alone prevented the entire destruction and dispersion of the whole French grand army!" Letter from an Officer.

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