Appropriations, balances of, outstanding on the 1st January and 4th estimate of additional, required by the War Depart- ment in 1841, for fortifications, ordnance, roads, rivers, harbors, surveys, suppressing Indian hostili- ties, and for the payment of arrearages explanatory statement of the above estimates and expenditures in each year from 1829 to 1840, and Army, troops stationed at forts Gibson, Towson, Smith, and Wayne - 59 Armories, memorandum relative to the operations at the, in 1841, (see Bank, Legislature of New Hampshire, against of rechartering No. - 25 Banks, report of committee, with various documents and information in Bankruptcy, Legislature of Louisiana, in favor of establishing a uni- form system of 16 memorial of citizens of New York in favor of same 29 Bayou Bonfouca, Legislature of Louisiana, asking for the erection of 6 Boundary, northeastern, Legislature of Massachusetts on the subject of 18 Buildings, public, in Washington, report of committee on memorial of : statement showing the entire amount appropriated for documents President's message, page 55) report of committee in favor of making appropriation for its Buoys, mouths of the Mississippi, Legislature of Louisiana, in favor of C. Canada, President recommends revival of act which is about to expire Caroline, steamboat, correspondence in relation to the imprisonment of McLeod, connected with the burning of the Census, in relation to the binding of the census document Clerks, additional, in the Auditor's office of the Post Office Department 40 Contested election, report of the Committee of Elections in the case of David Levy. (See report No. 10, end of this volume.) " 26 sales of the public lands, and against reduction of price Currency, plan of Littleton D. Teackle on the subject of the - 38 : No. - 22 61 : Currency, Secretary Ewing's plan to regulate by Fiscal Bank, &c. D. Debt, public, (see report on the state of the Finance, connected with - - Delta of the Mississippi, estimate of appropriation to the survey of Diplomatic agents, outfits and salaries of - District of Columbia, memorial of inhabitants of, in favor of recharter- ing banks in the - District of Columbia, proceedings of meeting of citizens of Washington - 2 1 - 36 levied by Denmark on vessels passing through the Sound to (see statements with annual report on the Finance, connected Drawback on rum, memorial of inhabitants of Boston against the re- - Duties, Legislature of Alabama, against protective duties New Hampshire, same Rhode Island, in favor of discriminating L - - 31 : various statements laid before the House by the Committee of quantity and value of wines imported in 1840, amount of duties 1 articles exempted from duty under the proposed bill. articles paying duty less than 20 per cent. continued at their accruing from 1834 to 1839, and deductions under compromise enue. list of articles and rates of duties under acts 1832 and 1833. |