
Sugar, continued, vie.

Stockings. Cotton. See Linen.

Silk. See Silk.

Stocks for Buckles, &c. Exports, ccxxv.


Stockton. Quarantine, vii.

Warehousing, cclxxxvii.

Stone Bottles. Imports, cxciv.

Limestone. Coastwise, ccxxxii. 3.
Ornaments. Imports, clxvi. clxxxi.1.

- Imports, clxxxi.

Coastwise, ccxxxii.

Stones. Blood. Exports, ccxxv. 27.
Precious. Imports, clxx.

Stores. Military and Naval, viz.

Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hemp, Flax, and
Pot-ashes, in what vessels to be
imported, i. 7, 8.

Not to be imported from the Ne-
therlands or Germany, i. 21.
From United States of America,
into Nova Scotia, and New Bruns-
wick, cxxxv. 26 (note).
Rum shipped as stores, ccxix. 7.
ccxlv. 58.
Removed from Bonded Warehouses.
Whose property to be considered,

ccxlv. 53.

For the supply of the revolted in
Spanish America, lxx.
Imports, generally, clxxxix. Ex-
ports and Coastwise, ccxx.
In Docks, ccxxxviii.-ccxliv.
See East Indies in separate Index.
Stornaway. Quarantine, vii.
Strainers. Sadlers', &c. Exports, ccxxv. 28.
Stralsund, Ixv.

Stranraer. Quarantine, vii.

Straw in Docks, ccxxxviii.-cexliv.

Hats. See Hats.

Warehousing, ccxlv.

Manufactures. Imports, clxi.

Streights, or Levant Seas exempted from

Navigation Laws, i. 10.

Quarantine at, vii.

Of Magellan. See East Indies
in separate Index.

Strength of Spirits, clxxx. 12—19.

Strong Waters, See Spirits.

Stuffs. See Linen and Silk.


How average price to be taken,

ccxxi. 30-32.
Exports, ccxxi.

Candy. Exports, cexxi.
Warehousing, ccxlv.

See East and West India Indexes.
Limitation of. See East and West

Indies in separate Indexes.

Summary Conviction.

separate Index.

See East Indies in

Summons to Smugglers, vi. 9.
Sunderland. Coals, cexxix. 58.
Quarantine, vii.

Warehousing cclxxxvii.
Surgeons to be on board vessels, and to have
medicine chests, &c. iv. 7, 8.
Surveyors General. Examinations on oath
before, xxiv. 20.

Swansea. Coals, ccxxix. 6.
Quarantine, vii.

Sweden, lix. 1 (note).


Treaty with, Ixiii.
Coast wise, ccxxxiii.
Imports, cxliv.

Switzerland, to continue independent, Ixix.
Sword-blades. See Stores.
Sword-hilts. Exports, cci. 22.
Syrups. See West Indies in separate Index.

Table of Statutes will be found immediately
preceding East India Index.

Tables of Duties, Drawbacks, and Bounties,
ccxlvi.-cclxxxiii. See Duties in
this Index.

Of Warehouse Goods, cclxxxviii.
Tallow in docks, ccxxxviii.-ccxliv.
Exports, ccix.

Warehousing, ccxlv.

Tambour Work. See Silk.

Tangier, i. 20. See West India Index,
Tapioca. Warehousing, ccxlv.

[blocks in formation]

Tares on Goods in West India Docks,
ccxxxix. 19.

On Currants, cli. (note).

Tarpaulins. See Stores in this Index, and
West Indies in separate Index.

See East and West Indies in sepa- Tawed. Hides, Leather, and Skins. See

[blocks in formation]
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Vessels. Size of, for importing specific ar-
icles. See the names of the re-
spective articles.

In which goods generally.may be
imported, exported, or carried
coastwise, i.iii.

In which American goods may be
imported and exported, cxxxvi.
Not to be compelled to come into
port, x. 13.

Not to be lost for a small thing put
therein not customed, ii. 2.
Packet Boats not to import or ex-
port goods, ii. 3.
What is to be understood by Eng-
lish-built shipping, i. 6.

Scotch deemed British-built, xxix.

What other vessels deemed British-
built, ii. 14. iii. I.
Officers improperly allowing pri-
vileges of British-built, i. 9.
How to be navigated, i.—iii.
Who may be Masters and Sailors, i.

How Foreign Seamen may be na-
turalized, i. 29.

Masters and Sailors having taken
oath of allegiance to foreign
states, 1. 30.

Prize, considered as British-built,
iii. i.

Foreigners purchasing them, iii.

Proportion of mariners, i. 6.
Met at sea, having an illegal
number of men on board, i.

Not to hoist pendants, v. 64,

Passengers taken on board from
distress, ii. 30.

Government. What flags, &c. they
may use, v. 104 (note).
Isle of Man, liii. liv.
Pleasure Vessels not to be charged

with tonnage duty as packets,
xi. 29.

By whom licences to be granted,
ii. 32.

Trading out of limits, ii. 19.

Driven out of limits, ii. 20.
Licensed vessels and boats, ii. 11—
14, 55, 67.

When and where licences to be
produced, ii. 21.

Forging licences, ii. 34.

Cases in which licences to be re-
turned, ii. 35.

How licences may be renewed, ii.

Rules for admeasuring vessels, ii.
4, 6.

Vessels, continued, viz.

Removing ships out of the stream,
ii. 8.

Of a certain description to be for-
feited, ii. 9.

Government exempted from cer-
tain rules, ii. 18, 23, 31, 47.
iii. 6.

Having letters of marque, and fish-
ing vessels, exempted from cer-
tain rules, ii. 31, 28.

Square rigged of 200 tons, ii. 63,

Luggers in North Sea Fishery, ii.
Employed in Newfoundland, Que-
bec, Nova Scotia, and New
Brunswick fisheries, iii. 3

Registry of, generally, iii.

Prize Vessels in Malta,

Ports in which vessels are to be re-
gistered, iii. 4.

With bowsprits of a certain length,
ii. 15.

With clench work bottoms, ii. 9,

With arms and ammunition on
board, ii. 10, 23.

Bonds to be given by owners,
masters, &c. ii. 24-26, 39. x.

Luggers above 50 tons, ii. 27.
Rebuilt or repaired in a foreign
port, iii, 2.

Certain persons not to be owners
of vessels, iii. 8.

Property in vessels transferred, iii.
13-15, 38-46.

Form of rigging not to be altered,
iii. 22.

To have a surgeon on board and a
medicine chest, iv. 7, 8.
Muster-roll on clearing outwards,
iv. 4.

Bedding of, to be aired, iv. 9.
Journals to be kept, &c. iv.


How long they shall be coming to

the quay, x. 20.

Of war, how to land goods, I.

To have new sails, ccx. 19.
Employed in slave trade, iii. 1

Taking in goods at sea, v. 70.

Built upon foreign keels or bot-
toms, iii. 1.

Stranded vessels and droits of ad-
miralty, iii. 1.

Changes of Masters, iii, 16.

Vessels, continued, viz.

Names of, not to be changed, iii.



And ports to be painted,
iii. 17.

Altering or erasing, iii. 17.
Describing falsely, iii. 17.
Passengers. What number may be
taken, iv.

Provisions. Quantity of, for ves-
sels bound to North America, iv.

May be searched at sea as to pro-

visions, &c. iv. 16.

Entry of burthen and lading upon
arrival, x. 20.

To be entered outwards, x. 40.
Clearing. Goods found after, v.7.
x. 32.

Boats. Names of, to be painted on
sterns, ii. 16, 17.



To row with a certain num-
ber of oars, ii. 40—63.
Of certain descriptions to
be forfeited, ii. 45, 46,

Hovering or at anchor, v. 10, 54,
69 (note), 86.

Foreign goods taken in or put out
of vessels at sea, v. 31.
Size of, for importing spirits, v.


[blocks in formation]

Having illegal spirits, tea, or to-
bacco on board, v. 69.
Laden in foreign ports without li-
cence, v. 81.

Having on board small cordage,
casks, or implements for smug-
gling, v. 78.

Provisions respecting vessels within
four or eight leagues, extended
to 100 leagues, v. 84.

Liable to examination under smug-
gling laws, not bringing to when
required, v. 104.
Quarantine of, vii.
Manifests of, ix.

Bulk of, breaking before duly au-
thorized, ix. 10.

Report of, inwards and outwards,
whether in ballast or not, ix. 13

Entry of burthen and lading, x.

Masters of, not bringing to at sta-
tions, ix. 16.

Officers to have access to cabins,
ix. 17.

[blocks in formation]

Opening packages on board vessels
and stealing goods, x. 22.

Goods concealed after clearing, x.

Officers may go on board coasting
vessels and search, x. 69.

Not to clear coastwise, till master
enters into bond not to engage in
the illegal landing, &c. of goods,
x. 78.

Not to break bulk till tonnage du-

ties be paid, xi. 10 (note).

How duty on packet or passage
vessels may be regulated, xii.

Trading to the West Indies. Ap-
prentices, xviij. 16,
Aliens on board, xvii.

How Letters may be carried by,

East India. See separate Index.
From West Indies. Where to load
and unload, ccxxxix.

Hatches of, in docks, when to be
locked and opened, ccxxxviii.—

Having combustible articles on
board in docks, ccxxxviii.—

Masters of, in docks, to remain

on board till keys of hatches,
&c. are delivered, ccxxxviii.—

Not to be entered inwards or clear-
ed outwards till dock duties be
paid, ccxxxviii.-cexliv.
Arriving in West India Docks,
when report to be made, ccxxxix.

In West India Docks. When they
may break bulk, ccxxxix. 16.
Masters to be on board, at time of
unloading in West India Docks,
ccxxxix. 12.

To be discharged in rotation in
docks, ccxxxix. 16.

With tobacco, rice, wine, or bran-

dy on board, to land their car-
goes at London Docks, ccxl.

How officers may go on board ves-
sels laden with tobacco at Lon-
don, take account and seize, ccxl.

[blocks in formation]

Removing goods or cattle from
Southampton and Portsmouth to
Cowes, xxvi. 1-3.

Masters of, to take duplicate of
content to Ireland, xxxv. 1.
Packet boats or vessels. French to
pay duty, lxix.

'Portuguese and Spanish taken by
the enemy, and afterwards re-
taken, Ixx, xxi.

Portuguese in South America. Du-
ty on, lxxi.

Importing blubber, &c. from South
Sea, Ixxxiv. 18.

What, may trade to the Cape of
Good Hope, lxxxiii. 7 (note).
Filotage of, ccxxxvii.

See East and West India Indexes.
Vessels of Gold or Silver. See Gold and

Victualling Bills, exciii.

Stores. See Stores.

Victuals. See Provisions in this Index, and
West Indies in separate Index.

[blocks in formation]



See East India Index.
At West India Docks,
ccxxxix. ccxlv.

At London Docks, ccxl.

At Outports, ccxlv. 48-51.
Of Bugles, cxlii.
Of Corn, cl.
Of Pepper, clxxi.
Of Salt, ccxv.
Of Seed, cixxvi.

Of South Sea Goods, lxxxiv.

Of Tobacco, clxxxvi.

Wares. Earthen. Imports, clxviii.
Warrants of Entry of Goods. See Entries.
Search. See Search Warrants.

See East and West India In-

Warrant Officers. See Officers.

Vinegar. Imports, i. 7. clxxxviii. 2, 39- Wash. See Spirits.

[blocks in formation]

Waste Silk. See Silk.

Watches contained in Baggage, cxxxviii.
Boxes, Cases, or Dial Plates, Ex.
ports, cci. 22, 23.

Watchmakers leaving the kingdom, xix.
Water for Ship's use, iv.

Salt. Goods increased in weight by,
xiii. 1, 4 (notes).

Watermen with run goods, &c. x. 24.
How to act as to opening pack-
ages, ix. 17.

Waters. Medicated. See Medicines.
Strong. See Spirits.
Wearing Apparel. Imports, cxxxviii.
Weighing. See West India Index.
Wells. Quarantine, vii.

Western Islands. How goods to be im-
ported from, i. 12,

Wine of. See Wine.

See East India Index.
See Florida.

West Florida.
West India Docks, ccxxxix.
West Indies. See separate Index.
Weymouth. Quarantine, vii.

Warehousing, cclxxxvii.


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