
Upon his return to England he gave up his letters as a paper pinned in his hat expressing his crime, to stand before, and taught King William how to write with three times in the pillory, be sent to Bridewell, and invisible ink: at which invaluable receipt that phleg- there be whipt and kept to hard labour until the second matic Dutchman expressed considerable wonderment. day of next terni, and to be fined 10,000 marks."

He now became extravagant, gave rich liveries, kept • Never," exclaims Fuller, “was man amongst several servants, followed the fashion, and ran into dubt. Turks or barbarians known to be worse used." At Every ball night he attended the play, and set up a coach. Temple Bar he was stifled with dirt, filth and rotten The upshot was, he was arrested, carried to a sponging eggs, his eye was nearly knocked out, and he was bruised house, took lodgings in Ax Yard within the Rules .of from head to heel.' He was confined in the common the Bench,' and was secure from 'Bums. Here he be- side of the Queen's Bench, and “lodged under ground came acquainted with the famous Titus Oates ; and in a close nauseous hole such as a gentleman would the two worthies grew very intimate. He turned Whig hardly put a dog in." “ We have no air," he mournand a dealer in plots; and “if that trade had not been fully exclaims, "nor is there anything but misery to overdone” might have reaped a profitable harvest. He be seen, which makes me with holy Job cry out, Pity was introduced to a Mr. Tutchin, a worthy scribbler, me, pity me, O ye my friends.'” much addicted to wearing dirty linen and borrowing In a pamphlet which appeared in 1704 entitled “The half-crowns. The rest of the confraternity with Sincere and Hearty Confession of Mr. W. Fuller," this whom he at this period associated, were of a similar rival of Defoe in invention acknowledges the tale about stamp. Fuller has drawn them all in broad colours,- | Mrs. Grey, &c. was utterly false, and merely done to “Mr. Tutchin never had any religion that his acquain- get money. He humbly confesses “he so got lies by tance could discern, since his sentence to be whipt in every rote they became habitual to him," professes to be very market town in Dorsetshire. Sir J. Savile was an Atheist. penitent, and ends by begging to be allowed the sacraPrime went to Church for fashion sake. Murray had seldom ment. He remained in prison till 1716, and beguiled either money or religion. Robin would rather sit and tell

the time by cheating his fellow prisoners, and publishing news every Sunday at the Temple Coffee House than hear

an improved version of his life. When Harley Earl of the best sermon in England.”

Oxford was committed to the Tower, Fuller had his reUnder such tuition he rapidly improved in Whig

venge. That nobleman had examined him, when principles and publishing sixpenny pamphlets. His most notable performances in this line were

Speaker of the House, and Fuller now addressed him a "A Brief Discovery of the true mother of the Prince of

letter, professing to pity bis misfortune but in reality Wales, by W. Fuller, Gent. sometime page of honour to

exulting at his disgrace, and hinting that he had re

ceived French gold. In another letter he exposed his the late Queen in France."

“A Further Contirmation, &c. to which is added the old friend Tutchin—then a dignified editor of The Author's Vindication of himself.”

Observator." “Twenty-six Depositions of Persons of Quality with | After fifteen years confinement, he obtained leave to Letters of the late Queen, proving the whole management live within the Rules. The pillory and hemp-block had of the supposititious birth, &c."

not effected his reformation, and this prodigy still con"A full Demonstration that the pretended Prince of tinued his old course of villany with undiminished sucWales was the son of Mrs. Grey."

cess until 1717; when we find William Fuller was “In 1996, his assurance," says Noble, “ arrived at indicted for a misdemeanor in cheating Richard Jones such a height that he sent a letter to the Speaker, pre- of £18. 58. The prosecutor deposed that the prisoner tending that no person had been more actively engaged pretended he was Lieutenant-General of the Tower, and with Sir John Fenwick than himself, but his character Warden of the Mint, and promised he would help him was so notoriously bad, the House would not suffer it to a storekeeper's place, &c. It was the old tale. The to be read.” He had the impudence, however, to pub Court asked the prosecutor how he could suffer himself lish a narrative of the affair, entitled, “ An Appeal to to be imposed on; he replied, “he thought himself both Houses of Parliament.” At last “his misdeeds bewitched.” A second indictment followed. Fuller was overflow;" he published “ Original Letters of the late found guilty and sentenced to two years imprisonment, King to his greatest friends in England, with the Depo- and a fine of fifty pounds. This is the last scene I find sitions of Thos. Jones and Thos. Witherington, Esqs." recorded of his eventful history. His Life appeared in It was a lie from beginning to end, but it was playing 1701, and greatly improved in 1703. He was also the with edged tools when he trifled with Parliament. He author of two other pamphlets, which I have not seen, was peremptorily ordered to produce Mr. Jones-a Mrs. “ The Trip to Hampshire and Flanders,” and “The Harris who never appears—he is one day at Rich- Cory's Looking Glass." mond,' or 'gone into the country,' .in town on Sunday last,' a friend's house ten miles off,' will be in

INQUIRY.–Where was Sir Walter Ralegh buried ? town next week.'-- Poor Fuller shuffled and prevari

HERALDICUS. cated, and wrote evasive letters to the Speaker ; but all to no purpose. He was convicted as an impostor and GILBERT WHITE OF SELBORNE.- Is there any porsentenced “ to go to all the Courts in Westininster with trait of this well-known naturalist in existence?

UNPUBLISHED POEMS.Some years since a friend, A MAYOR TOSSED IN A BLANKET.—“ The Muses' allowed me to take a copy of “ Lines addressed to Lord Farewell to Popery and Slavery," 1690, contains “ A Byron, by a Lady, in answer to the Bride of Abydos," New Song of the Mayor being tossed in a Blanket in coinmencing:

the North,” to the tune of “ Packington's Pound." “ Know'st thou the land of the mountain and flood,

From the farthermost part of the North we have news Where the pines of the forest for ages have stood ;

Of a man of some note that received an abuse, Where the eagle comes forth on the wings of the storm, For a Dog to be toss'd in a Blanket, 'tis known ;

And her young ones are nurst on the high Cairngorin ?" But, alas, what is that to the Mayor of a Town? I believe that I never completed the copy, so that al

For a great Magistrate

To be used at that rate, though I have more lines, I should be glad to obtain, in

All the world must allow “ Current Notes," the entire poem.

Is a very hard fate. . At the same time, allow me to ask, whether any one

Ah! is it not strange? Amongst wonders we rank it, can give me a copy of some lines by Lady Dufferin,

That a Mayor of a Town should be toss'd in a Blanket? (then The Honourable Mrs. Blackwood), or can refer me to a published copy of them? The lines are called,

Had a drunken Tom Tinker the penance received,

Or a Vintner for stumming his Wine, who'd have griev'd? “ Had you ever a Cousin, Tom?" The first verse is as

Had they bolted a Baker for making light bread, follows, so far as I can remember:

Or a Taylor for snipping a yard for a shred.
Had you ever a cousin, Tom ?

Had it been but a Tapster
And that cousin bappened to sing,

For nicking and frothing,
Sisters we have by the dozen, Tom,

We'd been contented
But a cousin 's a different thing :

To take it for nothing.
And if you ever kissed her, Tom,

But as the case stands, who, alas I don't resent it?
But let that be a secret between us,

And wish, now 'tis done, that it might be prevented ?
Your lips will be all of a blister, Tom,
For 'tis not of the sisterly genus.

Another Ballad, to the same tune, is called, “ Fum

bumbis, or the North Country Mayor," and cominences : As an exchange-I wish it were better-I send an Enigmá which I sketched a few years ago for the

I sing of no heretic Turk or of Tartar,

But a suffering Mayor who may pass for a martyr; amusement of a little knot of friends, who used each to

For a story so tragic was never yet told contribute something when we met at breakfast, in

By Fox, or by Stow, those authors of old. some “blythe days" at Oxford.

How a vile Lansprezado

Did a Mayor bastinado ;
I am a singular character, so indefinite in my na-

And play'd him a trick worse than a strapado. ture, that to define me requires a change of form. I Oh, Mayor! Mayor ! thou had'st better never tran. delight in anomalies and contrasts more than in consis

sub'd, tency and truth, I ever take refuge in falsehood, yet

Than thus to be toss'd in a Blanket and drub’d. my name is one of the first taught to lisping childhood.

Perhaps some of your North Country correspondents Though I am neither mind nor conscience, and know not can explain the affair, and inform me of the name of love, my throne is the centre of the heart of every crea- the luckless wight thus forced to undergo poor Sancho ture living. I am totally independent of opinions, and Panza's fate.

A BOOKWORM. can stand without support. In Asia, Africa, and America I have made a considerable figure; and all states

IN THE “ Pills to Purge MELANCHOLY" is a song men are generally indebted to me for name, fame, and commencing reputation. The Jews estimate my value one thousand

St. George, he was for fair England, fold higher than the Gentiles, yet I have no share in

St. Denis was for France ; either of them. Partaking of the nature of platina, I

Sing “ Honi soit qui mal y pense !" . abhor gold, silver, tin and copper, yet without me amal

I would have sent you the entire song, but like most gamation is impossible. I disavow modesty, and am not of

ty and am not of Tom D’Urfey's pieces, it is somewhat too gross for deficient in brass. I belong not to brutes, but am as publication ; however, it contains the quotation inquired essential to man as his soul; and yet without me, the

after in the last number of the “ Current Notes." Church has appeared content to receive every member

“ Brave Warwick's Guy, at dinner time, challenged a into her fold.

Giant savage,

And straight came out the unwieldy lout, brimful of
wrath and cabbage."

G. GREEK. INQUIRY.--A Subscriber wishes to know who is the author of the Ole beginning thus :

Opp NUMBERS.--In The Merry Wives of Windsor,'

Falstaff says to Dame Quickly — “I hope good luck Descend, ye nine, descend and sing,

lies in odd numbers ; – they say there is divinity in odd The breathing instrument inspire ;

numbers either in nativity, chance, or death.” What is Awake to life each silent string, And strike the sounding lyre !

the origin of this popular belief?


BRADSHAW THE REGICIDE.—Joannes Celestis for- minster, for a residence, and about £5000 in money, wards a few particulars relative to Bradshaw which “ to put himself in such an equipage and way of living as may be acceptable to Heraldicus. He was born at the dignity of the office which he held would require." Marple Hall in Cheshire, and not in Derbyshire, as has His property, which consisted chiefly of estates which been sometimes stated. The parish register of Stock- had belonged to the Royalists, was confiscated at the port contains the following entry, “ John, the son of Restoration. Henry Bradshaw, of Marple, baptized 10th December, Echard relates a singular story, which is highly 1602." Enclosed is a sketch of the house.

characteristic of the man. “Being on his deathbed and

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Lord Campbell says he knows nothing of his early advised by a gentleman to examine himself about the career; however, it appears from his “ Will" that he matter of the King's death, he answered that if it were was educated at Bunbury and Middleton Schools, and to do again he would be the first man that should do “in thankfull acknowledgment of the same," bequeathed it.” an annuity to the masters and ushers thereof. For many. The hat, a thick big-crowned beaver lined with plated years he was an inhabitant of Congleton, practised as steel, which Bradshaw wore at the trial, is still preserved a barrister there, was made mayor in 1637 and after in the Ashinolean Museum, Oxford, with a curious inwards high steward, and counsel for the borough, for scription. which he received a quarterly salary. See Lysons' In the British Museum are several pamphlets penned • Magna Britannia."

with bitter feelings of exultation at his death in 1659; He married Mary the daughter of Thomas Marbury,

a Mary the daughter of Thomas Marbury, they do not possess any particular merit, and are only of Marbury, and died without issue, 1659. By a codicil curious as an illustration of the execration in which his to his “Will” he left Milton ten pounds.

memory was held by the Royalists. “ Bradshaw," says Granger, “bad the peculiar infamy of being the only man that ever sat in judgment upon his sovereign.” He was well fee'd for his ser- THE Rev. Joseph Spence, the friend of Pope, and vices on the occasion, the Parliament made him a author of the Polymetis, Anecdotes of Books and present of Summer Hill, a pretty seat of the Earl of St. Men,' • An Essay on the Odyssey,' &c. penned most of Albans (worth £1000 a-year, says Walker in his “ His- bis compositions at Byfleet, and was drowned in a canal, tory of Independency.") He had also Lord Cottington's in his garden there, August 1768. Can any of your estate in Wiltshire, the Chancellorship of the Duchy of readers inform me where he was born? W

W.F4P. Lancaster, and the office of President of the Council. Clarendon says he had also the Dean's House at West- Wandsworth, Feb. 1st.

HENRY OF OATLANDS.-Of Henry of Oatlands, the 1653. May 19, died, Christopher Meredith, Bookseller youngest son of King Charles 1st, a curious story is re- in St. Paul's Churchyard. lated by Dr. South, in a marginal note to one of his Dis- 1656. Dec. 11, Robert Bostock, Bookseller, suddenly in courses on Covetousness. "A certain Lawyer, a great the street at Banbury. confident of the rebels in the time of their reign, upon a

1658. Nov. 4, died, Legat, in Little Wood St. once consult, held amongst them, how to dispose of the Duke

Printer at Cambridge, since distempered in his senses. of Gloucester, then in their hands, with great gravity

Nov. 25, died, Roger Norton, Printer, very poor.

1659. May 5, died, Barnard Pollard, Bookseller, chiefly declared it for his opinion, .That they should bind him

of Romances and Pamphlets, &c. out to some good trade; that so he might eat his bread

1663. April 22, d.' Thomas Robinson. Bookseller at honestly.'" South adds, that this extraordinary advice

Oxford, with a good report of an honest man. did not hinder him from being made a judge in the

1665. John Jones, ex peste. reign of King Charles the second." A practice not

Dec. 4, Peter Cole, Bookseller and Printer, hanged bimunusual in the courts of some princes to encourage and self in his warehouse in Leadenhall, reported to be distracted. prefer their mortal enemies before their honest friends." March 20, d. Captain Luke Fawne, Bookseller, at “ The Who is the lawyer alluded to ?

H. B. | Parrot" in St. Paul's Churchyard. New Square, Lincoln's-Inn.

1668. Died, Samuel Thompson, Bookseller in Duck Lane, a good husband and industrious man in his profession.

1670. Nov. 3, obiit, Jacobus Allestry, Bibliopola. RICHARD SMITH THE BIBLIOMANIAC.—Rusticus, (Current Notes, Dec. p. 103), requests information re

1671. Jany. 2, d. Cornelius Bee, Bookseller in Little

te- Britain, buried Thursday at St. Bartholomew's, without lative to Richard Smith, the famous Bookworm of Little

wine or wafers, only gloves and rosemary. Moorfields. He was one of the best patrons of the booksellers in the time of Charles II. Anthony à Wood says

After the decease of the worthy old bibliomaniac him“ He was a person infinitely curious and inquisitive after

self, it was proposed to buy his library by public subbooks, and suffered nothing considerable to escape him that scription, but eventually it fell into the hands of Chiswell, fell within the compass of his learning ; desiring to be a bookseller in St. Paul's Churchyard, who printed a master of no more than he knew how to use. He was con catalogue of the books and sold them by auction, “ to stantly known every day to walk his rourds among the the great reluctance of public-spirited men," 1682. The booksellers' shops, (especially in Little Britain), and by his prices the Caxtons fetched would have made Dibdin great skill and experience, he made choice of such books as heave a groan.

8. d. were not obvious to every man's eye. He lived in times Caxton's Chronicle of England . which ministered peculiar opportunities of meeting with

Mirrour of the World . books that were not every day brought into light, and few

History of Jason . eminent libraries were bought where he bad not the liberty

Recueile of the Histories of Troy. 3 0 to pick and choose."

Book of Good Manners Smith had a fine collection of historical works, and was

Game of Chess . . also " a great collector of MSS. and delighted much to be

Vitas Patrum . . poring over them. He collected abundance of pamphlets

Godfrey of Bulloigne .

· 18 0 published at and before the Reformation, relating to eccle

Translation of Virgil's Æneides 3 siastical affairs—the copies of some of them supposed to

Pilgrimage of the Soul; Chastising be then not extant, and therefore esteemed as choice as

of God's Children ; Rule of St. MSS. Nor was he the owner of this choice treasure of

Benet . . . . . 5 0 books as an idle possessor or did he barely turn over the , Translation of Cato . leaves, but was a constant peruser of, and did generally , Translation of the Knight of the collate them, observed the defects of impressions, the ill

Toure . . . arts used by many and compared the difference of editions. The Sale Catalogue with MS. prices annexed is now Concerning which, he with great diligence and industry in the British Museum. entered many memorable and very useful remarks upon his books with his own hand."

SACRILEGE.-In former numbers of the “ Current He had ample means to gratify his passion for Notes" you have alluded to the spoliation and sacrilege books. He was for many years Secondary of the Poultry

committed in our churches. In Gregson's Fragments Compter, a situation worth about £700 a year. This

of Lancashire, printed 1817, is a sketch of an ancient venerable old bibliomaniac died in 1675, at the advanced

Baptismal Font, at Walton Church, “ From whence, age of 85, and was buried in Cripplegate Church. He (we are told), upon the erection of the present Font in wrote a curious obituary, (published by the Camden 1754, it was removed and degraded as a seat before the Society,) in which he carefully recorded the progress door of a Public House, where it now lies reversed, and made by death in thinning the list of his friends, the considerably sunk into the earth. The diameter is about booksellers, the Thorpes, the Rodds, and Paynes of three feet. It is of a circular plan, with six projecting their day.

panels, upon which, and the intervening compartments, 1634. February 22, died, Richard Wase, bookseller in some figures are rudely carved." Can any of your ArchæoLittle Britain.

logical friends in Lancashire inform me what has become of 1648. Died, Richard Clutterbuck, Stationer.

this interesting relic?


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NUMISMATIC ENQUIRIES ANSWERED. | last June, p. 53. We doubt much whether “ Baby" was Permit me to reply to the queries of your four Nu- a word even known to the Scotch in 1550. To this day mismatic Correspondents, seriatim but briefly.

it is never used by the lower classes who speak the Low" A Collector of Coins and Medals" is informed that | land Scotch dialect. R. B. wishes to know what may the average price at auctions of the shilling of Oliver is be the reverse of this coin? It consists of a foliated about one guinea, if in fine preservation : but if rubbed cross, having a crown and a cinquefoil in alternate or worn, its value becomes seriously diminished. His angles ; Legend “ Oppidum Edinburgi." Miss Strickcopper piece must be a forgery, as no coin of the Pro- | land is somewhat renowned for her Medallic inventions. tector is known having his head on one side and his In her Life of Mary of Esté, the Queen of James II., pame on the other, as is A Collector, &c." describes it. / she describes two Medals, one representing the King His two copper Papal medals have very common re- and Queen face to face, and the other of the Queen verses, and are not worth more than one shilling each. alone with her double name of “ Maria Beatrix." | The piece described by “ S. J.T.” is a St. Patrick's

As the writer had been a Medal collector for 18 years, Parthing, struck in Ireland in 1642. St. Patrick is and had never seen or heard of such Medals, and knew represented in the act of performing his famous exploit

that none such were engraved in any Medallic History, of banishing all the venomous reptiles out of “ Happy

he was somewhat startled; but inasmuch as the lively Erin," for as the humourous Irish song has it,

authoress boldly added, “ These Medals are preserved

in the British Museum," and he could not suspect a lady “He gave the snakes and the toads a twist,

of a fib, he went directly to the British Museum to see And banished all the varmint."

these rarities, and need scarcely add that his errand Halfpence were also struck, composed, like the farthing, proved a fruitless one.

B. N. of mixed brass and copper ; but on them the Saint is represented preaching to a crowd of people, and behind

4th February, 1853. him, instead of a church, is a shield charged with the

Irish COPPER TOKENS.- I have been a constant arms of Dublin.

reader of your “ Price Current," and feeling that it has done much service to literature, I regret to see any part of it occupied with useless matter.

You have been led to incur the cost of engraving a Copper Token, (Price Current, Jan. 1853, p. 3), which is very abundant in Ireland, and which has been long published in the well-known work of “Simon on Irish Coins,” plate 7, fig. 142. The forthcoming part of the Transactions of the Kilkenny Archæological Association contains a paper by Dr. Cane, of Kilkenny, which will furnish an answer to your correspondent S. J. T. The questions proposed in the article “Coins

of Cromwell," (P. C. Jan. 1853, p. 3) prove your corOne would scarcely have thought that “ An Old

respondent to be merely a collector, and utterly ignorant Coin-hunter" would have been misled by Granger's

of Numismatics. I would readily inform him of the odd mistake as to the Crown-piece of the Protector, and value of his possessions, but

value of his possessions, but I do not consider that the have occasion to ask, “Is not this erroneous ?" Certainly - Price Current" should be used for such purpose. I it is : West's Catalogue (Upcott's copy) is now before I take the liberty of suggesting, that before you put in me, and I observe that on the third day's sale the set of

type any queries respecting coins or medals, you should Oliver's Silver Coins (the Dutch Ninepenny-piece being refer them to some competent authority to determine if substituted for the Sixpence) sold for £5. 78 6d, the lot

they are worth printing. As to Irish Coins and Medals, being numbered 66. Lot 67 was a Shilling, which sold

67 was, a Shilling, which sold I will be happy to assist you in the way I have suggested. for 16s 6d. Lot 68, another Shilling, produced 143 6d.

AQUILLA Smitu, M.D. Lot 51, a Sixpence (a MS. note in my Catalogue says P.S. Simon the Medallist (P. C. page 3). The crown : "also Dutch") £1. 12s. And in the third day's sale piece which sold for £68, was the celebrated “ Petition | was a Half Crown, lot 32, which sold for £1. 12s. This

Crown." Granger's note is not erroncous.

A.S. comprised all the Silver Coins of Oliver that Mr. West possessed.

121, Baggot Street, Dublin. The story of the “Baby Coin of Mary Queen of HigaWAYMEN IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY.Scots," the fanciful invention of Miss Strickland, may Can your readers give me any information relative to be answered very briefly. The coin is a penny, and the the following worthy, who is thus alluded to in a letter head of the Queen youthful, but not that of an infant. dated 1625, amongst the Birch MSS. It is by no means rare, and is engraved in Lindsay's “Mr. Clavell, a gentleman, a knight's eldest son, a great and Cardonnel's works, and indeed in all other books highway robber, and of posts, was, together with a soldier, relating to the Coinage of Scotland. The origin of the his companion, arraigned, condemned on Monday last, word barobee may be found in the “ Current Notes” for | January 30th, at the King's Bench bar. He pleaded for

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