APPENDIX TABLE 2-M.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: OFFICE EQUIPMENT/COMPUTERS, 2 SEPT. 30, 1969 INI APPENDIX TABLE 2-N.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: PETROLEUM AND GAS PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION,1.2 Louisiana ation Atlantic Co. Phillips Texas Oil and Gas Gulf Oil To 4. 162 4 largest BTD holdings. Total 50 BTD plus 71 reg istered investment com- BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT RANK 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 11. 12 14. 15. 29 30. 32. 48. . 327 . 193 . 565 . 0. 776 534 . 284 033 4. 694 1. 281 . 554 3. 597 790 444 430 094 668 . 299 . 209 . 322 . 239 . 341 : 040 074 .053 1. 069 . 306 014 304 1. 337 .245 . 049 : 148 : 874 . 115 . . 042 : 078 : 126 : 067 . 112 . 036 . 161 . 046 ·005 150 bank trust departments (BTD) are ranked by average percentage of sole only voting authority by all stocks held by the institution. These industry holdings are reported in the summary only if the BTD holde 0.75 percent or more of the stock of one company in the sample. • Portfolio concentration percentage shown for BTD only when 1 or more of its holdings in the industry is 0.75 percent or larger. Fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1969 or next following fiscal year end. * Technically these data were furnished by the investment adviser of registered investment companies. APPENDIX TABLE 2-0.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: PRIMARY METALS AND MINING12 SEPT. 30, 1969 APPENDIX TABLE 2-P.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: RETAIL TRADE,12 SEPT. 30, 1969 APPENDIX TABLE 2-Q.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, SEPT, 30, 1969 1 2 29-553 0.74 - 25 APPENDIX TABLE 2-R.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT AND RELATED PRODUCTS,1 2 SEPT. 30, 1969 1 50 bank trust departments (BTD) are ranked by average per- 1 or more of its holdings in the industry is 0.75 percent or larger. centage of sole only voting authority by all stocks held by the in- • Fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1969, or next following fiscal year stitution. These industry holdings are reported in the summary only end. if the BTD holds 0.75 percent or more of the stock of 1 company in • Technically these data were furnished by the investment adviser the sample. of registered investment companies. Portfolio concentration percentage shown for BTD only when APPENDIX TABLE 2-S.-CONCENTRATION OF COMMON STOCK HOLDINGS BY LARGE BANK TRUST DEPARTMENTS: WOOD, PAPER, AND BUILDING MATERIALS,12 SEPT. 30, 1969 |