
Thanks are due to the ladies and gentlemen who, often at great inconvenience and under pressure of much other work, have been so good as to contribute articles on those aspects of the question on which their long experience specially entitles them to speak. Acknowledgment should also here be made of the kindness of large numbers of correspondents, who found time to furnish the materials on which the greater number of the following reports are based. The papers of questions which they answered for this purpose are printed in the Appendix.

I am, however, under special obligation to Mr. C. C. Cotterill, who, throughout the two years during which this volume has been in preparation, has acted as honorary co-editor of the reports and has shared with me from the first the labours of correspondence, arrangement and correction. To him is due the original conception of the work in its present extended form, and without the help of his great experience and of his personal influence among preparatory schoolmasters the completion of the plan would have been impossible.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient servant,


Director of Special Inquiries and Reports.

December, 1900.

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