
Done at St. François d'Albaro, this 18th of April, 1814.









PROCLAMATION du Roi de Sardaigne, au moment de son retour en Piémont.—Gênes, le 12 Mai, 1814.


VICTOR EMMANUEL, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de Sardaigne, de Chypre, et de Jérusalem, &c.

Appelé par la renonciation de notre très-aimé Frère le Roi Charles Emmanuel, et par le droit de succession au Trône de nos augustes Ancêtres, il tarde à notre cœur, après 16 années des chagrins les plus amers et des vicissitudes les plus cruelles, de me retrouver au milieu de vous, de mes bien-aimés Sujets, comme un tendre Père au milieu de ses Enfans. Les odieuses barrières qui nous séparaient sont enfiu tombées. La Divine Providence a réuni dans une seule volonté, et dirigé vers un même but le cœur et la volonté des Puissances Alliées; elle a béni leur noble et généreuse entreprise; elle a guidé leurs valeureuses Armées: de victoire en victoire, elle leur a fait obtenir les succès les plus inattendus. L'Europe est libre, et les Peuples ont reconquis et leurs légitimes Souverains et le rang qu'ils occupaient autrefois entre les Nations. Leur bonheur est établi sur des bases solides et inaltérables. Le vôtre sera toujours l'unique but de nos efforts.

Notre premier soin sera de vous soulager des Taxes exorbitantes qui pèsent sur vous; de faire refleurir l'agriculture et le commerce, et, ce qui intéresse encore plus notre cœur, de rendre son ancien lustre à notre sainte religion. Oubliez l'oppression sous laquelle vous avez gémi et pardonnez à vos Oppresseurs. Nous sommes en droit de l'exiger de vous, et nous vous donnerons nous même cet exemple. Formons, O mes fidèles Sujets, une seule Famille; concourons tous à sa félicité !

Braves Guerriers, nous nous rappelons avec la plus douce satisfaction votre fermeté dans les fatigues, votre intrépidité, votre mâle valeur dans les combats; nous nous rappelons avec quelle énergie vous avez repoussé pendant plusieurs années un Ennemi orgueilleux et dévastateur. Le champ d'honneur, arrosé de votre sang, témoin de votre gloire, s'ouvre de nouveau pour vous. Votre Souverain, qui fut votre Compagnon d'armes, vous invite à y rentrer.

Nous déclarons la Conscription abolie. En nous réservant de

prendre une connaissance plus approfondie des charges dont les circonstances actuelles nous permettront de vous délivrer, ou que nous pourrons du moins diminuer, nous déclarous encore aboli l'Impôt sur les successions par testament et ab instestal, et rétablissons la Loi précédemment en vigueur. Le Droit de patente est aussi aboli.

Donné à Gênes, le 12 Mai, 1814.


FEDERATIVE ACT of the United Provinces of New Granada.-Santa Fé de Bogotà, 27th November, 1811.


In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. WE, the Representatives of the undermentioned Provinces of New Granada, being assembled in virtue of the Full Powers with which we are invested by our respective Provinces, (the said Powers having been previously and reciprocally examined and duly recognised,) considering the long series of Events which have occurred in the Peninsula of Spain, our Mother Country, since its occupation by the Armies of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte; the new and various forms of Government which during that time have rapidly succeeded each other, without any one of them having been able to effect the salvation of the Country; the destruction of the daily decreasing resources of the Nation, so that human foresight forbids the hope of a successful issue; and lastly, the indisputable right inherent in the large Population of these Provinces, as in every other People of the Universe, to secure their political existence, and to establish for themselves the form of Government best adapted to that end;-in accordance with the spirit, instructions, and the express and definite will of all our said Provinces, which have collectively, formally and solemnly declared their wish to become united in one Federative Union, which, entrusting to the entirety of the General Government the Powers proper and peculiar to the Nation, considered as one and indivisible, reserves for each of the Provinces its liberty, sovereignty, and independence, in all matters which do not concern the common weal, securing and guaranteeing to each of them these valuable prerogatives, as well as the integrity and inviolability of its Territories; we, concluding with this religious duty, and reserving for a more favourable opportunity, or for more tranquil times, the Constitution which shall definitively ascertain and secure the interests of this great People, have agreed upon, and do hereby agree upon, the following Federative Compacts:

ART. I. This Confederation shall be styled, The United Provinces of New Granada.

II. Into this Confederation are, from this time, admitted and considered as forming part thereof, all the Provinces which at the date of the Revolution of the Capital of Santa Fé, namely, on the 20th July, 1810, were regarded and reputed as such, and which, in the continuance and exercise of this right, assumed to themselves, from that epocha, their government and internal administration. This their admission shall, notwithstanding, in no way affect any Treaties or Conventions which the said Provinces have already made or entered into, or may hereafter be desirous of making or entering into; provided that such Treaties or Conventions are in no way prejudicial to the interests of the Union.

III. Equally admissible into the Confederation are those Provinces or Populations which, although they belonged not, at the above period, to New Granada, yet being connected with it in a certain degree by their geographical position, by commercial relations or other similar causes, are now desirous of becoming associated with this Confederation, or with one of its adjoining Provinces. Such Union must, however, be preceded by the necessary Compacts and Negotiations with the States or Bodies Politic to which the Provinces so desiring association belonged, without whose consent and approbation no step of this kind can be taken.

IV. The Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Religion shall be preserved in all its purity and integrity, in all and every one of the United Provinces of New Granada.

V. All and each one of the Provinces now united, or which shall in future become united, of New Granada, or of other neighbouring States, shall expressly disavow and repudiate the authority of the Executive Power or Regency of Spain, the Cortes of Cadiz, Courts of Justice, and whatsoever other Authority, deputed or substituted by the present Authorities or by the People of the Peninsula, in Spain, in its adjacent Isles, or in any other part, without the free and spontaneous concurrence and consent of this Union. In none of the said Provinces, therefore, shall any obedience be paid, or effect given, to the Orders, Mandates, Decrees or Warrants, emanating from the abovementioned Authorities, or from any other appointed in the Peninsula, of whatever nature it may be, whether civil, ecclesiastical or military; since the said Provinces recognise as lawful, and undertake to obey, each in its District, those only whom their respective Inhabitants have invested with the Powers peculiar to each; and beyond the said District, the Confederation of the United Provinces, in all matters delegated to them by this Act, and which properly belong to the preservation and furtherance of the objects of the Union. This Resolution, however, must in no way be considered as loosening in any degree the bonds of fraternity and friendship, or the commercial relations which unite us with those parts of Spain which are unoccu

pied by the Foreigner, provided that the Spanish Nation eschew all superiority over us, and entertain the same sentiments towards us that we entertain towards it.

VI. The United Provinces of New Granada reciprocally recognise each other as equal, independent and sovereign; guaranteeing to each other the integrity of their Territories, their internal Administration, and a Republican form of Government. They also reciprocally promise to each other the firmest friendship and alliance, swear to preserve an inviolable fidelity, and bind themselves by a Compact as durable as the imperfect condition of humanity will allow.

VII. The Provinces therefore reserve to themselves, by virtue of their indefeasible rights:-1. The power of forming a Government most suitable to their circumstances, although it must in every case be popular, representative, and similar to the General Government of the Union, in order that there may hence result among all a more perfect harmony, and an increased facility of administration, by a just distribution of their Powers, and by laying down the Rules by which their measures are to be regulated. 2. The Police, the interior or home administration of its Inhabitants, and appointment of every class of public Officers. 3. The formation of its Civil and Criminal Codes. 4. The establishment of Upper and Lower Courts of Justice, in which may be determined all questions of Law, of whatsoever degree or instance. 5. The creation and regulating of the Provincial Militias, the arming and disciplining them for its (the Province's) own defence, as well as for that of the whole Confederation, in case of need. 6. The formation of a private Treasury for their respective necessities, by means of such Taxes and Duties as may be considered most convenient, without prejudice to the Union or to the rights hereafter mentioned. 7. The protection and encouragement of agriculture, the arts, sciences, commerce, and whatsoever else can conduce to their happiness and prosperity. 8. Lastly. Whatsoever is not considered as connected with the common interest, or is not delegated to the General Government by the following Federative Compacts, is understood as being reserved and peculiar to the respective Provinces.

But all those powers, resources and important relations of a State which cannot be exercised, employed or maintained without a general Representative System, without a concentration of the wealth belonging to each Province, and without the co-operation and efforts of them all, must be ceded in favour of the Union or General Government.

VIII. For the better securing the enjoyment of such inestimable rights, consolidating this Union, and providing for the common defence, the United Provinces engage to afford each other mutually all the assistance necessary to repel every attack, whether from external or internal foes, which may be made in order to deprive them of the said privileges; contributing for this purpose arms, money

and Men, and every other means in their power; without laying down their arms, or desisting from their efforts, until the danger has ceased and liberty be secured, whether it be that of the particular Province so threatened or invaded, or that of the entire Union.

IX. They likewise reciprocally engage, that they will all concur in the general welfare, sacrificing their individual interests whenever the preservation of them would clash with those of the Union, preferring the latter, under every circumstance, to their own, and regarding the great People of New Granada, throughout all its Provinces, as Friends, Allies, Brothers and Fellow Citizens.

X. As, however, it would be impossible to effect all these desirable objects without a Body who should be entrusted with these great and important Powers, and be at the same time the Conservator of the rights of the Natiou, and the Director of its means and resources; the Deputies representing the Provinces, in virtue of their Full Powers already mentioned, will constitute themselves into a Body or Congress, in whom shall reside all the aforesaid Powers, as well as those which shall be hereafter enumerated; the said Body or Congress being composed for the present of 1 or 2 Individuals for each one of the Provinces, the most perfect equality being preserved; and at a subsequent period, of such a number of Representatives as shall bear a certain proportion to the Population of each Province, according to the basis or principle which shall then be laid down: provided, however, that in no case shall any Province, however small, be left without having one voice in the Congress.

XI. The Congress of the United Provinces shall be installed or formed wherever it shall be judged most convenient; transferring its seat successively, should it become necessary, wheresoever the interests of the Union, and more especially the common defence, shall require; and in whatsoever part or place it has its Session, there it shall exercise freely and securely, and in full sovereignty and independence, all the high Powers with which it is invested.

XII. The common defence is one of the first and principal objects of this Union; and since this cannot be maintained without the help of arms, the Congress shall have the power of raising and forming the Armies it may judge necessary, as well as such Naval Forces as circumstances shall permit; all the Ships of War and Sea and Land Forces possessed by each of the Provinces being placed at its disposal, to be directed to whatever point, or employed upon whatever service, the Congress may deem fit: provided always, that whenever they are so employed under the orders of Congress, the Troops shall be paid, and all other expenses defrayed, out of the Common Treasury.

XIII. The placing the Frontiers and Fortresses in a fit state of defence will depend solely upon the General Government, to whose

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