Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, Volum 5

Whitaker, 1888

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Side 26 - The Christian Year. Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holy Days throughout the Year.
Side 54 - The Mechanician : A Treatise on the Construction and Manipulation of Tools, for the use and instruction of Young Engineers and Scientific Amateurs, comprising the Arts of Blacksmithing and Forging ; the Construction and Manufacture of Hand Tools, and the various Methods of Using and Grinding them...
Side 43 - Bosanquet, Esq. — VIII. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Language. By Dr. HN van der Tuuk. — IX. Bilingual Readings : Cuneiform and Phoenician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Museum, containing Bilingual Legends (Assyrian and Phoenician). By Major-General Sir H.
Side 176 - BAIRD.— The American Cotton Spinner, and Manager's and Carder's Guide : A Practical Treatise on Cotton Spinning ; giving the Dimensions and Speed of Machinery, Draught and Twist Calculations, etc. ; with notices of recent Improvements : together with Rules and Examples for making changes in the sizes and numbers of Roving and Yarn. Compiled from the papers of the late ROBERT H. BAIRD.
Side 158 - Agriculture, the general designs and duties of which shall be to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants.
Side 65 - The Stupa of Bharhut. A Buddhist Monument. Ornamented with numerous Sculptures illustrative of Buddhist Legend and History in the Third Century BC By ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM, CSI, CIE, Major-General, Royal Engineers (Bengal Retired) ; Director-General Archaeological Survey of India.
Side 69 - A Treatise on Ropemaking as practised in public and private Rope-yards, with a Description of the Manufacture, Rules, Tables of Weights, etc., adapted to the Trade, Shipping, Mining, Railways, Builders, etc. By R. CHAPMAN, formerly foreman to Messrs. Huddart and Co., Limehouse, and late Master Ropemaker to HM Dockyard, Deptford. Second edition, I2mo, cloth, 3^. Laxtons Builders and Contractors' Tables ; for the use of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Builders, Land Agents, and others.
Side 141 - VEST-POCKET LEXICON. An English Dictionary of all except familiar Words, including the principal Scientific and Technical Terms, and Foreign Moneys, Weights and Measures; omitting what everybody knows, and containing what everybody wants to know and cannot readily find. By Jabez Jenkins. 64mo, pp. 564, cloth.
Side 100 - SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. Freezing. Fulminates. Furniture Creams, Oils, Polishes, Lacquers, and Pastes. Gilding. Glass Cutting, Cleaning, Frosting, Drilling, Darkening, Bending, Staining, and Painting. Glass Making. Glues. Gold. Graining. Gums.
Side 71 - Sanitary Engineering: a Guide to the Construction of Works of Sewerage and House Drainage, with Tables for facilitating the calculations of the Engineer. By BALDWIN LATHAM, CE, M. Inst. CE, FGS, FMS, Past-President of the Society of Engineers.

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