
Mr. Scott of Virginia submitted the following amendment to the amendment (No. 336) proposed by Mr. Buckley and others to the bill (S. 1861):

[blocks in formation]


Intended to be proposed by Mr. SCOTT of Virginia to the amendment (numbered 336) proposed by Mr. BUCKLEY (and others) to S. 1861, a bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, to extend its protection to additional employees, to raise the minimum wage to $2.20 an hour, and for other purposes, viz:


On page 1, line 1, after the word "YOUTHS", insert the

2 following: "AND OLDER AMERICANS".


On page 1, line 2, insert "(a)" after "SEC. 8.".


On page 3, after line 9, insert the following:

5 "(b) (1) Section 14 of the Fair Labor Standards Act

6 of 1938, as amended is amended by adding at the end

7 thereof the following new subsection:


"(e) (1) Notwithstanding the minimum wage rate


1 required by section 6 (a) (1) or 6(b) any employer may

2 employ any employee





"(A) to whom such rate would apply but for this

subsection; and

"(B) who has attained sixty-five years of age or is


7 at a wage rate which is not less than 85 per centum of the 8 otherwise applicable minimum wage rate prescribed by such 9 section.


"(2) Notwithstanding the minimum wage rates re11 quired by section 6 (a) (5) any employer may in agricul12 ture employ at a wage rate which is not less than 85 per 13 centum of the otherwise applicable minimum wage rate pre14 scribed by such section.


"(3) The special minimum wage for such employees in 16 Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa shall 17 be 85 per centum of the industry wage order rate otherwise 18 applicable to them, except that in no case shall such special 19 minimum wage be less than that provided for under a wage 20 order issued prior to the effective date of the Fair Labor 21 Standards Amendments of 1972.



"(4) The Secretary shall by regulation prescribe

23 standards and requirements to insure that this subsection 24 will not create a substantial probability of reducing the full25 time employment opportunities of persons other than those


1 to whom the minimum wage rate authorized by this sub

2 section is applicable'.".


(2) The heading of section 14 of such Act is amended

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Mr. McGovern submitted the following amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill (S. 1861):

[blocks in formation]


Intended to be proposed by Mr. MCGOVERN to S. 1861, a bill
to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended,
to extend its protection to additional employees, to raise
the minimum wage to $2.20 an hour, and for other pur-
poses, viz: At the end of the bill add the following new


SEC. The Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 is 2 amended by inserting after section 203 the following new

3 section:

4 "§ 203A. Agricultural commodities


"The President shall make appropriate adjustments in
6 the maximum price which may be charged under the pro-
7 visions of Executive Order 11723 (dated June 13, 1973),

or any subsequent Executive order promulgated hereunder,
Amdt. No. 367


1 for any agricultural commodity (at any point in the dis2 tribution chain) as to which the Secretary of Agriculture 3 certifies to the President that the supply of the commodity 4 will be reduced to unacceptably low levels as a result of any 5 price control or freeze order (or regulation) promulgated 6 hereunder and that alternative means for increasing the sup7 ply are not available.".

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