
Hether. p. 151. hither. Heawyng, hewinge. hewing, backing.

Hewyne in to. hewn in two.
Hi, hie. p. 75. he.
Hie, hye, he, hee. high.
Hight. p. 43. p. 11. engage,
engaged, promifed. (p. 131.
Hillys. bills.

Hinde, hend. gentle.
Hir. s. ber.

Hirfel. s. herself.

Hit. p. 11. it.
Hoo, ho. p. 20. an interjection
of flopping or defifting: bence

Hode. p. 141. bood, cap.
Hole. p. 111. holl. p. 114.

Holtes. p. 24. hills.
Holy. p. 114. perhaps hole,

Hom, hem. them.
Hondrith, hondred. hundred.
Honge. hang, hung.
Hontyng. bunting.

Hoved. p. 88.perhaps, bung moving.

Hount. p. 7. bunt.


I' feth. in faith.


I ween. (I think:) verily.
I wys, I wis. (I know :) verily.
I wot. (I know :) verily.
Iclipped. p. 88. called.
Iff. if.
Jimp. s. fender.
Ild. I'd, I would.
Ile. I'll, I will.
Ilka. s. every.

Im. p. 75. him.
In fere. I fere. together.
Into. s. in.

Intres. p. 88. entrance, admittance.

Jo. p. 300.fweet-beart, friend.
Jogelers. juglers.
I-tuned. p. 88. tuned.
Iye. eye.
Iz. p. 75. is, his.


Karls. carls, churls. karls of
kind. churls by nature.
Kauld. p. 75. called.
Kawte and keene. p. 26. cau-

tious and active. 1. cautus. Kempe, kempes. foldier, foldiers.

Kemperye man. p. 67. foldier, warrior, fighting man. Kems. s. combs.

Ken, kenft. know, knoweft. Kepers, &c. p. 163. thofe that watch by the corpse shall tye up my winding feet. Kind. nature.

Kit. p. 113. cut.

Kithe nor kin. acquaintance,

nor kindred.

Knave. p. 85. fervant.
Knicht. s. knight.

Knights fee. p. 85. Such a por-
tion of land as qualified a
man for knighthood.
Knowles. knolls.
Knyled, knelt.

Kyrtill, kirtle.petticoat, gown.

Laith. s. loth.


Langfome. s. p. 301. long, tedious. Lang. s. long. Lauch, lauched. S. laughed.


Launde. p. 149.
Lay-land. p. 41. land that is
not plowed: green-fwerd.
Lay-lands. p. 49. lands in ge-

Layden. laid.
Laye. p. 41. law.

Leane. p. 27. conceal, hide.
Item. lye. query.
Leanyde. leaned.
Leard. learned, taught.
Leafe. p. 149. lying, falshood.
Withouten leafe. verily.
Leafynge. lying, falfhood.
Lee. p. 105. the field.
Leeche. phyfician.
Leechinge. p. 37. doctoring,
medicinal care.
Leeve London. p. 255. dear
London, an old phraje.
Leeveth. believeth.
Lefe. p. 153. leeve. dear.
Lefe. leaf. leves. leaves.
Leive. s. leave.
Leman, leaman, leiman. lover,
miftrefs. A. S. leifman.
Lenger. longer.

Lere. p. 47. face, complexion.
A. S. hleane, facies, vultus.
Lerned. learned, taught.
Lefyngé. p. 154. leating. lying,

Let. 5. binder. 66. hindred.
Letteit. bindereft, detaineft.
Lettyng. p. 151. hindrance.
Lever. rather.
Lig. s. lie.

Lightfome. p. 39. chearful,

Liked. p. 286. pleafed. Linde. p. 148. the lime tree; or collectively lime trees; or Trees in general. Lingell. p. 286. a thread of hemp rubbed with rofin, &c. ufed by ruftics for mending their fhoes.

Lith, lithe, lythe. p. 131. attend, hearken, liften. Lither. p. 67. idle, worthless, naughty, froward. Liver. deliver.

Liverance. p. 261. deliverance
(money, or a pledge for de-
livering you up.)
Loke. p. 285. lock of wooll.
Longes. belongs.
Lootet, lofed. loofed.
Lope. leaped.

Loveth. love. plur. number.
Lough. p. 147. laugh.
Louked, looked.

Loun. s. p. 302. lown. p. 174. loon, rafcal. from the Irish liun. flothful, fluggish. Louted. p. 48. bowed, did obeyfance.

Lowe. p. 84. a little bill. Lurden. p. 141.fluggard, drone. Lynde. p. 147. lyne. p. 82.

See Linde.

Lyth. p. 284. lithfome, pliant, flexible, eafy, gentle. Lythe. idem. (p. 76. See Lith.)


Maiefte, maift, mayeste. may'st.
Mair. s. mare. more.
Makys, inaks. mates.
Male. p. 10. coat of mail.
Mane. p. 7. man, Item. moan.

March-perti. 15. march-parts. Marche-man. a fcowrer of the marches.

March-pine. p. 284. march-
pane. a kind of bifcuit.
Matterye. p. 81. mayitry. p.
157. a trial of skill, high
proof of skill.
Mauger. p. 4. fpite of.
Maun. s. mun. muft.
May'. maid. rhythmi gratia.
Mayd, mayde. made.
Mayne. p. 51. force, ftrength.
p. 77. borfe's mane.
Meany. p. 5. retinue, train,

Meed. meede. reward.
Men of armes. p. 28. gens d'


Meniveere. p. 286. white fur.
Merches. marches.

Met. p. 6. meit. s. mete. meet,
fit, proper.
Meyne. p. 147. fee Meany.
Minged. p. 40. mentioned.
Mildoubt. 277. fufpect, doubt.
Misken. miftake.
Mode. p. 147. mood.
Monynday. monday.
Mores. p. 40.bills, wild downs.
Morne. s. p. 73. on the morrow.
Mort. p. 6. the death of the deer.
Moft. p. 111. must.
Mought, mot, mote. might.
Mun, maun. s. muft.

Mure, mures. s. wild downs, flats, &c.

Mulis. mufes.

Myghttè. mighty.

Myllan. Milan feel.

Myne-ye-ple. p. 10. perhaps

Many-plies, or, folds.

Myrry, merry.

[blocks in formation]

O gin. s. O if! a phrase.
On. one. on man. p. 8. one
man. One. p. 25. on.
Or, ere. p. 20. 24. before.
Or eir. s. before ever.
Orilens. prayers.
Oft, ofte. haft.

Out owre. s. quite over: over.
Outrake. p. 265. an out-ride;
ar expetition, to raik. s. is to
gotaft. (Or perhaps, Outreik,
a fitting out. M. Davidjon.)
Oware of nonc. bour of noon.
Owre, owr. s. o`er.


Pa. s. the river Pa.

Pall. p. 47. a robe of fate. Purple and pall. i. e. a purple robe, or cloak. a phrafe. Paramour. p. 288. lover. Item. a mistress. Paregall. p. 113. equal. Parti, party. p. 8. a part. Paves. p. 10. a large kind of field. (Glofs. G. Doug.) Pavilliane. pavillion, tent. Pay. p. 153. liking, fatisfaction. Peakish. p. 273. fmall, mean, peity.

Peere, pere. peer, equal.
Penon. a banner, or freamer
borne on the top of a launce.
Perelous, parlous. perilous,
Pei fight. perfect.

Perlele. p. 115. peerless.
Pertyd. p. 9. parted.
Play-feres. play-fellows.

Playning. complaining.

Pleafance. pleasure.
Pight. p. 24. pitched.
Pil'd. p. 268. peeled, bald.
Pine. p. 173.jami, ftarve,
Pite, pitte, pyte. pity.
Pompal. p. 214. pompous.
Portres. p. 88. porterefs.
Popingay. p. 286. a parrot.
Pow, pou: powd. s. pull:

Prece, prefe. prefs.
Preced, prefed. preffed.
Preft. p. 182. ready.
Preftly. p. 150. preftlye. p.
47. quickly.
Prickes. p. 81. the marks to
foot at.

Pricke-wand. p. 82. a wand fet up for a mark. Pricked. p. 25. spurred on, bafted.

[blocks in formation]

Raine. reign.


Rayne, reane. rain.
Reachles. p. 83. careless.
Reas. p. 5. raife.
Reave. bereave.

Reckt. regarded.

Reade. p. 22. rede. advise. p.
28. bit off.
Reek. s. Smoak.
Reid. s. rede, reed. red.
Reid-roan. s. red-roan.
Rekeles, reckleffe. regardless,
void of care, rash.
Renifh. p. 59. renifht. p. 65.
Renisht. p. 59, 65.

Renne. run.

Renyed. refused.

Z 2


Rewth. ruth. rewe. pity.
Riall. p. 89. royal.
Richt. s. right.

Ride. p. 260. make an inroad.
Roche. rock.

Ronne. ran. Roone. p. 25, run.
Roode. cross, crucifix.
Route. roof.

Row, rowd. s. roll, rolled. Rues. p. 176. ruethe. p. 23. pitieth,

Ryde. p. 252. i. e. make an inroad. Ryde in p. 64. (v. 135.) should be rife. Counfel muft arife from me. Rydere. p. 159. ranger. Ryle. p. 130. raife.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


- Setywall. Sce cetiwall. Shales. p. 77. upon re-infpecting the MS. appears to be shaws little reads.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Sloughe. p. 9. flew.
Smithers, s. mothers.
Soldain, foldan, fowden. fultan.
Soll, foulle, fowie, foul.
Sort. p. 116. company.
Soth-Ynglonde. South England.

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