
where the schools were good, nearly the hold institutes. Let each County Superwhole of the children attended school; that the effort of attraction should be more thoroughly tried before we resort to compulsion.

intendent notify each teacher of the institute, and publish a list of teachers in attendance, and give to each teacher so attending five per cent. additional on

Superintendent SHAW, of Madison, also examination; hold the institute in the presented a paper on the subject.

The subject was still further discussed by Prof. O. R. SMITH and Mr. MARSH.

The discussion of the subject of Attendance on Teachers' Institutes was opened by Prof. ROBT. GRAHAM: No one could doubt that intelligence was necessary to the well being of a republic. What means shall be used to secure this intelligence? Wisconsin has placed upon her Constitution that district schools shall always be free. To supply these schools requires 6,000 teachers, and to properly train these teachers requires special instruction. He showed that 90 per cent. of the teachers in Wisconsin had received no special training. Can a supply of properly trained teachers be obtained? The normal schools furnish about 600; colleges and high schools will furnish as many more, but not one-quarter the number required. In this state of things, the meagre aid of Institutes may be of great service. This Institute work was disheartening, but faith is necessary. The Normal Board and the State have both made ample provision for these institutes. Every County Superintendent is obliged to hold one each year. They should be held mainly in September and October, to be immediately followed by examination. They should be held five days, with two sessions a day. Work to be done will be as follows: one-half given to instruction; one-third given to school methods; one-sixth to model class-work and criticism. Teachers do not attend these institutes,-not 50 per cent. of the the teachers attend.

Let the State Superintendent see that each County Superintendent holds an institute, as required by law. Let the State Superintendent publish a list of County Superintendents, who do, and do not,

fall; give at the spring examination certificates for only six months. Let each County Superintendent pledge an attendance of fifty per cent. of teachers, and a failure to secure this, forfeit the State aid the next year. He believed that this plan would secure an enlarged attendance. He would emphasize particularly the point of requiring the publication, by the County Superintendent, of the work to be done, so that teachers might come prepared. If they were well prepared, they would be anxious to come, while if they were consciously ignorant, they would shrink from exposing themselves to unexpected criticism.

The discussion was continued by Prof. SALISBURY, of Whitewater. He said the cause of education does not command so much money that it can afford to waste a dollar of what it has. Our teachers are not yet so well equipped that they can afford to neglect any means of improvement. How shall institutes be made worth their cost? In compulsory attendance, says one; deny licenses to non-attending teachers, say others. The first essential to an increased and satisfactory attendance upon the institutes of the State, is that they be made to command the confidence of the educational public. To secure this, institutes must be made really valuable. But grant perfection to the institute itself, there is yet a class of so-called teachers who will not voluntarily seek the aid offered. They have no love for perfection even, if it demand of them any intellectual exertion or pecuniary outlay. How shall they be brought to the fountains, except they be compelled? The institute can do but little for such.

The superintendent who asks for compulsory legislation gets no sympathy of

mine. He, of all men, can, if he will, do most to improve the teaching force, and to keep out the cheats and the drones, to awaken enthusiasm in the worthy, and to lead them to all sources of inspiration and improvement. But there are certain outward and, so to speak, mechanical measures, the adoption of which will do much to assist both superintendent and teacher in overcoming untoward circumstances. Let it be once understood that the institute is a fixed institution of reg. ular recurrence at convenient scasons and places, and a great step is gained. Punctuality on the part of conductors and lecturers is important. Satisfactory and definite arrangements for cheap board and good accommodations are of the highest consequence. But if we must have any compulsion in the matter, let it be local and indirect. This is the conclusion of the whole matter: the institutes must be made strong, practical, reliable, attractive, even though they cost more money and labor than has yet been expended. But above all and behind all there must stand an intelligent, honest, live supervision. Time and patience are necessary; good work must be done and continue, and in this we will put our trust.

Prof. MCGREGOR, of Platteville, said it would be the merest impertinence for him to aitempt to add anything to what had been said; but he would most heartily endorse the views presented by Prof. SALISBURY.

of the ancient classics in our high schools and colleges, and fully believed in the practical utility of classical studies. He had observed that pupils who had been drilled in the ancient tongues graduated from the high school with a far superior culture, and a better preparation for the higher courses of instruction, than those who had not pursued such studies.

Prof. SALISBURY thought that these studies should be required in the Normal School, as the power of discrimination by this study was precisely what the teacher needs.

President CHAPIN asked if it would not be advisable to begin the study of grammar with Latin rather than with English, as is the custom. He said that at ten years of age he had acquired a sort of knowledge of English grammar, and was pronounced competent to parse any English sentence. Then he went to grammar school and began Latin grammar. Here a new world opened to him, and he saw that all he had learned in English grammar was a mere mechanical exercise; but here he saw that no sense could be got out of a Latin sentence before the grammar of it was understood. And he would raise the question whether it would not be advisable for children to begin the study of grammar in the Latin grammar."

Prof. KERR said that his experience would lead him to answer the question by President CHAPIN in the affirmative. He had always considered the time spent in the abstrusities of English grammar as entirely wasted.

Prof. CARPENTER stated that the reason why English grammar is so generally

Prof. ALLEN, of the State University, then presented a paper upon the "Utility of classical studies as a means of mental discipline." [This paper is given in full in the pres- useless is because it is not English grament number of the JOURNAL.] mar, but Latin grammar in an English form.

Prof. WINCHELL, of Milwaukee,said that he would not attempt any remarks in addition to the able and admirable essay of Prof. ALLEN. He considered the subject as one of great interest, and one worthy the careful attention of the teachers. He was heartily in sympathy with the study

Prof. FEULING said that he was surprised to find this topic brought up as a question for discussion, as he supposed it long ago settled. He thought the great benefits of the study of language were due to the formative elements; and in

this he did not see why other languages the State Teachers' Association.
possessing the same peculiarities would
not offer the same benefits. He alluded
to the benefits to be derived from the
study of a modern language under the
light of a modern philology.

Rev. Mr. PRADT said that he thought the earlier a student could begin Latin the more rapid would be his progress.

President ALBEE said that he began life in a saw mill and thus grew up thoroughly practical. So at the age of 21 he began the study of Latin and Greek, on the idea of making it pay, and upon the dollar basis, he had found it to pay in the fullest sense of the term. He saw so much culture outside of classical training, that he sometimes thought that he was drifting away from the ideas with which he graduated. Is there not so much in mathematics and science and our own language, that requires our attention to such an extent that it is hardly worth while to teach classics at all? The practical question for him, as the presiding officer of a school preparing teachers, was, shall we leave out the classical languages? If the classics were in all cases additional, it would be well, but in most cases the question would be, what must be omitted? shall we omit anything for the classics, and if so, what?

Mr. REYNOLDS said he thought that here in Wisconsin we were drifting towards exclusively English studies. He hoped that the subject would be further discussed, and a report given upon it. On motion of Mr. Emery, the subject was referred to a committee consisting of President ALBEE, Prof. ALLEN and President CHAPIN. Adjourned.

AFTERNOON, Tuesday, Dec. 30. The session opened with brief reports by gentlemen from various parts of the State. This feature of the session was of great interest.

On motion of Mr. PARKER, a Committee of Conference was appointed to invite the County Superintendents to meet with


Chair appointed as such committee Prof. MCGRREGOR, and Messrs. SABIN and HUTTON. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN, of Lancaster, Mr. RAIT, of Sheboygan, Prof. SALISBURY, of Whitewater, reported for their several localities. J. Q. EMERY, of Fort Atkinson, alluded in feeling terms to the late Mr. PURDY, whose influence was still manifest there. Prest. CHAPIN reported for Beloit College; he stated that they had inaugurated a philosophical course, which should be completely parallel to the classical course, requiring as much preparation and giving equal culture.

Prof. PETTIBONE, of the preparatory school of Beloit College, explained the working of that department. Prof. EASTMAN reported for the Beloit public schools; Prof. WOOD, for Racine; Prof. WINCHELL. for the Milwaukee High School; Mr. MARSH, for Waterloo; Prof. KERR, for the State University; Supt. SHAW, for Madison; Mr. SABIN, for Depere; Supt. BURTON, for the Orphan's Home; President ALBEE reported for the Oshkosh Normal School, which the past year had sent out 70 teachers. Supt. HUTCHINS reported for Fond du Lac; Prof. MCGREGOR, for Platteville Normal School; Mr. DURKEE reported a growing interest in classical studies in Kenosha; Mr. BROUGH reported for La Crosse; Mr. CURRIER, for Stoughton. Dr. FALLows was called on, who spoke for the State at large, alluded to the growing prosperity of the State University, and the colleges of the State; said that we had the best institute system of any State, and a common school system of which all should be proud.

Dr. S. H. CARPENTER, of the State University, spoke upon “The Relation of the different Educational Institutions of the State." He laid down the following propositions:

1. That the education furnished by the State should be fundamental or disciplinary and not technical.

2. That provided it remains thus fundamental the State may furnish any gradé of instruction.

3. That the strictest economy of time, money

and force should be demanded.

4. That such economy demands that our educational forces be so adjusted as to work in perfect harmony-no results being unnecessarily duplicated, and no desirable results omitted. 1

5. That economy forbids us to use any more or more expensive force than just sufficient to accomplish the desired result.

er development. We need just the work done as suggested in the paper presented. We need a practical definition of the primary school, and such work well done. Teachers who feel that there is something in them wish to interest their pupils, and to teach everything up to geology, and the consequence is that the pupils can neither read, write nor cipher well. He

From these propositions the following thought the paper would do good, if it

inferences were drawn:

1. The State should determine the grade of each class of schools, and assign to each its appropriate


2. That the State should provide schools of a grade intermediate between the common schools and the University, so that the educational current may be nowhere obstructed.

called attention to this single point.

Mr. HOLFORD thought that there was a damming up behind the point mentioned, and that the primary schools needed attention, as well as the intermediate schools.

On motion of Mr. EMERY, the thanks 3. The principle of division of labor should be of the Association were tendered to the fully applied. railway companies, the hotels, W. D. [We have the promise of a resume of Parker, the railway clerk, and the press, his remarks for next month.]

Mr. MARSH thought that if the educational work of the State were under mar

tial law, such a system might be enforced; but it would not meet the public approbation.

Mr. CHANDLER said that when any new measure is proposed, some minds could only see the difficulties in the way. Mr. MARSH was a good hand to do it, but he had but a few moments ago said that they had just now adopted this very system, and had established nine grades, from which no child could graduate, except upon a careful examination. This point of unity is one which we must forever keep in view, and the great objection to the adoption of such a plan as that proposed, is the difficulties imagined to be in the way.

Dr. CHAPIN thought the discussion should not end until more emphasis had been given to the most practical point which had been brought forward, and that was the lack of intermediate schools - a lack which ought to be met. Take the number of young men in all our colleges, and what a meagre number compared with the million of people in the State. We need a larger culture, a broad

for courtesies extended.

EVENING SESSION, Dec. 30. Prof. PARKER stated that this meeting was not the regular session of the State Teachers Association, but had grown out of the Principal's Association. At the summer meeting there was but little opportunity for discussion, and this meeting had grown out of a felt want. As yet it had no regular organization, and the question was whether we should abandon the measure or go on. He proposed that we organize under the general organization of the State Teachers' Association, and moved that the officers of that Association be requested to call annually a meeting of all the educational interests of the State at the capitol, at this time each year, which was adopted.

Dr. JOSEPH HOBBINS of Madison, read a paper upon the Sanitary Regulations of the School Room and Number of School Hours.

[This important paper is printed in part, in the present number, and will be finished next month.]

On motion of Prof. McGREGOR, the thanks of the Association were tendered to Dr. HOBBINS for his able and practical


into families, each family being in charge
of a man and woman, who take the place,
so far as care is concerned, of father and
mother. Every boy has an employment
some in the tailor shop, some in the
shoe shop, and others in the broom shop.
He thought there was great need of an
industrial school for girls. * * * *

President AREY, of the Whitewater
Normal School, and W. D. PARKER,
Principal of Janesville High School,
presented papers on the "Relation of the
Public Schools to the Moral and Social
Well-being of the Community.
[We shall give these papers hereafter.]
WEDNESDAY, A. M., Dec. 31.

Mr. LITTLE, of the Blind Asylum, said that the Blind Asylum was a part of the school system of the State. They received pupils from 8 to 20; although most of them postponed their education until they had grown up. Their work was divided into three classes; 1st, the common school studies; 2d, the high school studies and lastly, music. The three best organs in Rock county were played by blind men. Every child was also taught some industrial calling. The hand must be made to supply the place of the eye. The number of avocations which the blind can pursue is necessarily limited. Boys are taught broom-making, and the girls are taught music and sewing.. E. H. SPRAGUE, Principal at Elkhorn, Mr. WEED, of the Deaf and Dumb Asy-read a paper upon "What Shall we lum, was glad to see that his institution was recognized as forming a part of the school system of the State. Some expected too much and others too little of their pupils, as no standard could be fixed. They sought to give the mutes the power of communicating with each other, and generally to make them self-supporting. He asked the teachers to forward the names of any deaf and dumb children in their districts.

Mr. HENDRICKSON, of the Industrial School, said that he came to listen and not to speak, but was glad of the opportunity to speak for the institution which he represented, as he was aware that from the nature of their work, it was not very well known. But while at Whitewater he saw in the basement of the Normal School some of the stones from the old Industrial school, which was burned down a few years ago. This he took as an augury that the industrial school had entered the school system of the State. They had three classes - criminals, incorrigibles and vagrants. They were all bright capable boys, ready to learn busi ness habits, if not apt to learn by the slow process of learning by books. They had 194 pupils. Boys were educated in the common school branches and every one taught a trade. The boys were divided

Teach," and A. J. HUTTON, of West Eau Claire, one upon "The Moral Education of the School Grounds and their Surroundings."

[We hope to obtain these papers for future publication.]

Prof. CURTIS of the Winona Normal School gave an exercise in penmanship, illustrating his system of teaching.

Upon motion of R. C. SPENCER, President of Business College, Milwaukee, the Association extended to Prof. CURTIS a vote of thanks for his interesting and instructive exercise.

Rev. Mr. PRADT opened the discussion upon the topic, "How can the teachers' profession be rendered more respected, and less precarious?" He said that the second point was embraced in the first. The first inquiry to be made is: Is there a teacher's profession? If there is not, the first step to be taken is to make the teachers's calling a true profession. When this is done, the teacher's position will at once be less precarious. Another important means is to secure proper organization. We had a loose sort of organization, called the State Teachers' Assocition, but it was ephemeral. It should be made a permanent organization, with corporate rights and powers. Another means is the establishment of profes

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